nineteen ⸝⸝ dilemma

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- October 7th, Monday

Over the course of the weekend, neither Jean nor (y/n) interacted with each other

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Over the course of the weekend, neither Jean nor (y/n) interacted with each other. (y/n) felt awkward, she wondered if she had truly upset the boy or if it was just Jean being, well, Jean.

Either way, she shuffled into class begrudgingly, and found Jean sitting at his desk just like on Friday. Early.

Jean's eyes were steady on the dark haired woman a few rows behind and to the right of him, and from the epiphany (y/n) had experienced on Friday night, she knew that what she felt was jealousy.

Her heart raged with a thick coat of fire and charcoal, and yet she did her best to throw water atop it and turn her gaze away—to mind her business and stare at the board in front of her.

The fire raged on, though, and all she could do was absentmindedly frown at her hands until her teacher began the lesson.

Jean didn't push on her chair, flick her, or pull on her hair like he used to. She felt relieved, she could once again focus on the lesson more. But when the bell rang, and everyone—including Jean and Bertolt—got up and left the classroom, she truly felt alone.

She truly had no more friends now, and she couldn't help but feel like it was her fault in the first place for pushing them away.

"They're fake, I bet," a voice said from beside her at the lunch table, snapping her out of her mental dilemma.

(y/n) looked at the sly hazel-eyed brunette beside her questioningly. She gestured to a table, "them, you've been staring so long."

"Yeah," another voice piped in from her left. She looked in question, and came face to face with a dark-haired boy with a rather prominent nose. "They seem fake, to be honest."

"Who are you both?" (y/n) asked, a bit annoyed at the pair.

"I'm Marlo this is Hitch, we're on the Student Council," Marlo explains. "We were actually looking for new members—that's why we approached you. You seem super invested in them, though," he gestured to the table one again.

She realized that Eren, Jean, Mikasa and Armin were sat at the table, and they were getting along quite well.

"Yeesh, who broke your heart?" Hitch snickered, following (y/n)'s gaze.

"No one," she shrugged begrudgingly.

"So, would you like to join?" Marlo asked kindly.

(y/n) opened her mouth to give her default response to everything: no. But she decided better of it. Maybe Student Council work will take her mind off things. Maybe she'll be less lonely as well. "Sure," she said with a fake smile.

"Great!" Hitch exclaimed as her and Marlo got up from the lunch table. Hitch slammed a paper down on the table. "Follow through with everything, babe. See ya!"

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