sixteen ⸝⸝ raspy

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- September 26th, Thursday.

Three days had passed by, with no sign of Jean

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Three days had passed by, with no sign of Jean. He wasn't at school, nor was he seen around the dorm building. (y/n) didn't see his motorbike in the parking lot either, and her worry only grew more when she didn't see him walk into class on the third day. 

Every five seconds, she found her eyes wander to the classroom's door, expecting Jean's silhouette there. But the bell rang, signaling the end of class, and he was still nowhere in sight. When she was about to walk out, she felt a light tap on her shoulder, and she turned around to meet face to face with Connie. 

"Sup?" (y/n) nods her head at Connie, shooting him a small smile. Perhaps she could ask him where Jean is. 

"Do you know where Jean is?" He asks, causing (y/n)'s smile to falter. Even he didn't know where he was.

"No... I thought you'd know." She replies, shifting from foot to foot anxiously. Her brain was now beginning to make horrific scenarios on what could've happened to the hazel-eyed boy. 

"He's ignoring my texts and calls," Connie frowns, holding up his phone, which displayed his call logs. He had called Jean at least ten times and each call was declined. "It rings and then cuts off. He's obviously declining on purpose. Did you try calling him?" 


"Try calling him, he'll probably answer you," he sighs, scratching his cheek. (y/n) couldn't tell if Connie was fed up with Jean's shenanigans or if he was extremely worried and stressed.

She didn't know why Connie thought that Jean would pick up her call. The whole reason why she didn't call or text him was because she knew he wouldn't bother responding. Plus, she didn't want to bother him.

(y/n) nods nonetheless, and takes out her phone, where she clicks Jean's contact name and dials the call. Holding up to her ear, it begins to ring. The students in the classroom had shuffled out, now the only people that remained were Connie and (y/n).

"Hello?" Jean's voice rings through the phone, drowsy and tired, as if he'd just woken up from a long rest. 

(y/n)'s throat goes dry and she suddenly switches to speaker so Connie can talk to Jean. Connie furrows his brows and opens his mouth to talk, "Jean?! Where the fuck are you man?! Me and Sash are worried sick!" 

The line is quiet for a few seconds, the only audible sound being shuffling from the other end. "I'm at Tay's house for a while, it was urgent," he replies. "I'll be home today, I guess." 

"Nah, you can stay there, it's just that you should tell me, bro..." Connie's voice is softer now, more enduring, and (y/n) decides to hand him her phone and wait outside the classroom so they can talk privately. She didn't want to intrude.

After a few minutes of her examining the white bricked walls of the school, Connie exited the classroom and handed her the phone. "He wants to talk to you," he mouths, before giving her an appreciative smile, and leaving her alone in the hallway. 

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