Chapter 13

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 I looked at the table of the paperwork and photos, the only way to get this through is to trick him. And I see all these plans and keep thinking that is the only plan of action. I was alone in the temple looking at all this and all the guys were out in the bar. Angel and Coco saw me sitting there looking over the papers and photos and being very pensive. Angel puts a very ice cold beer bottle on my cheek to jolt me awake “Jesus! Angel!” Coco offered me a cigarette and lit it up for me to take. I inhaled a bit and tasted the unfiltered nicotine go into my system  and out I blew the smoke. I drank some of the beer that Angel put to my cheek, and saw they were waiting to say something. "What's up guys, que tenían?" They look at each other and Coco starts up by saying "Hermanita, I know how your brain works, you're not going to offer yourself up. We won't let you." Before I protested about anything he continued "just because you've been gone for 12 years doesn't exactly mean that I can not read you like a book." “Wow, you know how to show a girl how special she is huh, Coco?” Angel chuckled at this while blowing smoke out of his nose. 

“Hermosa, let me ask you this, can you honestly trust in telling us this crazy, stupid idea you have in your head?” I thought about it, way before Angel had asked me this question and my answer always came back to “FAMILY, FAMILIA.” “Yes, Angel. I will trust you guys in this idea I have, because I value your guys' opinions, I know that as of right now, it has some flaws and I need your help in mending those flaws and making it 100% accurate that no one can get bloody or worse killed. Angel, the plan that we made before coming here is trashed and while sitting here I came up with something better, but now I have to run by all of you so I can work on it before he sets sail across the big pond and goes back underground.”

Angel, Coco, and I all share in the silence a drag of our cigarettes and beer and wallow of what to do next. Everyone came in and saw us brooding. Bishop was the first to ask, “Mind telling us what the hell you three are all brooding about and what the plan is? And it better be a good one.” Coco had beat me to the punch and told Bishop of the stupid of a plan I had in my head, Like he can read my mind. I made faces when Coco started talking of how stupid my plan is, well for the record when he says it out loud like he is doing now, it does sound really stupid. “Look, I get it that I am the only female in this group here, but understand it is the only way to do it. Now, if you have any other opinions or ideas that this so called “idiotic” plan that I have can be improved, I am all ears.” 

Bishop and the guys all looked at me and stayed silent, for a while I thought they were stunned with silence and staring off to space. “Um, Hello?! Someone say something at least?” All the men look at each other and have this silent conversation among themselves. And I had about enough of that. I slammed my fist onto the table hard to get their attention and yelled “Goddammit would you cut that shit out and actually talk to me?! I mean I know I’m still a fucking prospect here but I am also included in this. I know how this guy is, I know his ticks in and out. Let me do this please?!” 

My father stood up and walked out and said at the same time. “Mija, follow me outside and let's take a ride.” When he says this in his serious tone of voice, I know I am definitely in trouble.  “Si, papa.” So I got up and followed him out of templo and went to the bikes, we hopped on and took off. I followed him until he stopped at a cliff in the desert, it was the most beautiful sight I have seen. Luckily I had my camera in my sack and took it out to take some photos while I listened to what my dad had to say to me. “Mija, you know I love you, and I have always wanted to keep you safe, but you are so much like me,” -He chuckles and shakes his head, and continues- “I know that this wanting to join in and be with family is in your blood. It is something that you feel like you belong and will do anything to take care of it. I get it, because I was the same way,  I wanted to find a place that I wanted to fit in after the war. And I did, with your Tio Bishop. 

“He gave me a new meaning to life after the army, and after I joined up with your uncles I met your mother. She was just passing through, but there was a spark that passed through us that was…… well unforgettable really. But point being is years later I found out your mom was sick after she had you. Thank God, she didn’t pass it on to you, but still, it is hereditary.” he sighs “Mija, I just don’t want to lose you, whether it be in sickness or to a bullet. It pained me when I lost your mother, I do not want to go through that again.” He lowers his head and shakes it. I looked at my father after his speech, I was watching the sun rise through my lense and hearing him speak made me cry all the same. Reason why is because 1. He hardly talks about the past, 2. He never did open up to me about how he felt after my mothers passing, and 3. Seeing a big quiet man like that breakdown is hard to not cry to and go up to him and give him a hug. And that's exactly what I did, I put my camera down on my bike and went to hug my pops. “Don’t worry papa, we’ll get through this, like we always have, because we’re Lozas, and we’re too tough to let our emotions get in the way.” He laughs at this and hugs me back. Then he says "Va pa' esa". {meaning 'alright'}

Sorry for being M.I.A. been busy with work and trying to get me and my family appts. for the vaccination, and trust me it is not easy. But I'm still here, still alive and kicking. Hope y'all are enjoying this book as much as I am writing it. Hope you're also enjoying re-watching the first two seasons of 'The Mayans' before the new season comes out. I know I am totally siked out for it. So Please vote and comment the story. Thank You!  Be safe, and mask up.


Peace out!


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