Chapter 25

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3rd POV:
As soon as was the exchange was done between Kayn and the others around him and Jessa was standing there as ‘Eye Candy’, she just stood there with a hearing aid listening in on the conversation of both sides, Someone gave her the signal and she pulled out her gun and aimed it at Kayn’s head. “Don’t move motherfucker, tell your men to stand down,” He looked pissed, clenching his jaw, and gave the okay to his guards to stand down. They do and then suddenly the warehouse doors are knocked open and in comes a lot of people dressed in black with safety helmets and a face covering all in black with tinted safety glasses. They’re all yelling at the men to get down on their knees and put their hands behind their heads. “Who the bloody hell are you people?” “Hurón, You don’t remember me?” Jessa says when she leans down and looks at him straight in the eye. He looks at her closely and sees something of recognition within her, “Búho?” She smirks and gets up and grabs his hands and cuffs him, “get up!” He stands and she hands him off to an agent, “Kayn,” -the agent turns him around to face you- “I am not afraid of you anymore, I am not your Owl anymore.” Another agent comes up to her and says “great job Agent Herrán'' and He taps her shoulder. And they all walk off leaving her and a few other agents to clean up the mess. 

The remaining agents took off their masks and it was Bishop and the boys along with Agent Herrán’s team. Everyone looked at each other and then looked at you, you looked up at Bishop straight in the eye and came clean to him in front of everyone. “My name is Amaia Herrán, my mother was Itziar Herrán, her dying of cancer was the truth, Hank is my father, but the timeline of meeting Kayn was altered. My mother and I were living in England instead of traveling all around for her cancer treatments. The times we weren’t visiting you guys we lived there, and as for me as an agent came later. I saw what Kayn and his family did, I knew he was going to take hold of the business soon and when he did he was going to make me his queen. So I signed up, to protect me, my mother, and as well as my brother.” Amaia looked at her father and then at her brother, who came to stand next to her. “When you guys were separated, before she got diagnosed with her cancer she was with someone, he abandoned her when he found out she was pregnant. So, I was there helping her out and taking care of her, when it should have been the other way around,” -I giggled- “but when she had my baby brother, I had taken care of him and he followed in my footsteps. This is my brother,  Jonan Harrán, he is an enforcer to the FBI and I am the lead Agent. I had asked the head of the Bureau to have him assigned to my team as soon as he passed his exams. I did it to keep an eye on him, and to keep him safe. Kayn had me and Jonan under watch 24/7 and when we could we escaped after mom died and came to the states and stayed in Washington to train and get my credentials, then I asked for a transfer to L.A. I worked up a story for a cover to get back into the world I tried so hard to escape. I spoke to Pops about it and that is when the whole plan came to pass. I had also told him to keep everything a secret, my real name, the real reason why I came to you guys, everything.” Amaia looked at Angel and spoke about the next thing that needed to be said. “Angel, you were the only secret I had kept with me all these years. My love for you has always been real, I am sorry if you feel betrayed after everything, but I needed to get this done, I needed to bury this and move on. I want a normal life with you, my family, and one of our own if you still have me?” tears come down Amaia’s face, and await the decision of the group. 

Bishop calls for a huddle among the men and her agents go to her to discuss what is the next plan of action. Amaia was telling her brother that whatever happens now that everything is said and done, she will be retiring now and continue with her life, that is if Angel will take her for all that she is worth and be with her always, no more secrets, lies, and hiding. Bishop on the other hand was talking to his men and looked at Hank a little mad for him to keep this a secret from him, but he understood why he did it. Angel still couldn’t stop staring at the girl he loved most of his life and didn’t tell him anything, just kept a secret and thought everything was fine without telling him about it. Even with that he still loves her and would still want to make her his Old Lady. After discussing everything and they all head out of the warehouse and into the streets of Los Angeles, Amaia had asked Bishop “Okay Tio, what do you say?” He looks at her and then the club and they all nod at him. “Well,” -he turns his head to look at her and tells her- “your year is up and we’re going to put a vote of your acceptance into the club as the first female member of The Mayans, and if you and your Pops are alright with it let your brother prospect too, that is if he quits this job or doesn’t either way, we always need more fresh blood in the club” Amaia smiles at this and heads to Bishop to hug him which he does. Jonan goes and introduces himself to Hank, who in turn hugs him and tells him “welcome to the family Mijo.” Everyone smiles at this and goes their separate ways except for the club, Amaia and Jonan. 

Angel looks at Amaia and walks up to her, cups her face with his hands, and kisses her softly on the lips “no matter what I still love you and we’ll always be together, remember that.” Amaia cries at this and kisses him back with more passion than ever. 

~5 years later~

{Play “Traveller” by Chris Stapleton}

Amaia’s POV:
So now that with everything that happened, five years have passed and I became not only a member of the club but as well as Angel’s Old Lady, we also got married and got a bigger house that fits our dogs and three kids, which consists of two girls and one boy. Jonan still works for the FBI, I had done what I said I was going to do, I retired. Jonan lives with us in the pool house outback, but he also joined the club and became a member as well. He’s even seeing Letti on the side, guess they took a liking to each other. Coco doesn’t like it but he’ll get over it eventually. Angel loves our kids, his two princesses and charro, he wants them to grow up to be like us and be the next generation of Mayans. We’ll see about that though. Until now life is good and I couldn’t be any happier, plus I could travel all around and bring my family along when there aren't that many jobs to do. 

~The End~

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