Chapter 16

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The next morning came and you got up early and went to the rooftop to smoke a cigarette and drink your morning coffee, during that time you made some phone calls to your contacts that can help you out in this situation. A few phone calls later you see a guard looking from the warehouse looking through the binoculars towards you, to not raise any suspicion you smiled and waved, the guard did the same and went inside the loft. You stayed out there for a while longer and finished your first coffee and went back down to the loft to get more. Angel and most of the guys were already up and started their morning coffee, Bishop saw you coming in and asked, “and you were doing up on the roof, why?” “having my morning coffee and cigarette, making our lovely neighbors know that someone lives here and they won’t get suspicious of why the lights are on over here and would want to come and investigate.” Bishop just nods and makes a face, saying that he approves it. 

Angel and Hank however didn't like it, “Princessa, you went outside in that outfit?” You looked down and saw what you were wearing and to see what was wrong with it. The outfit was your pj’s which consisted of shorts and a tank top, with Angel’s flannel on top. You made a face at Angel and looked at him saying “what’s wrong with it?” Angel at that moment got really mad “what's wrong with it?! You’re having your tetas hang all out for the world to see and legs that should be hidden away from anyone who can have dirty thoughts about you!!” In a very calm voice and with a straight face, you asked him “you want to leave this room?” Hank interprets what I am saying and tells Angel, “you might want to listen to her and go to your shared room and discuss this in private, mijo, before you lose her for good. Trust me I know, her mother did the same thing to me.” Angel did what he was told to do and went to the room and you followed right after him and closed the door silently. Let’s just say you and Angel didn’t come out of that room for two hours and no sounds were heard at all. 

A little later the doorbell to the loft rang, and the guys were all freaking out. Angel comes out of the room and opens the front door and lets whoever is at the door in and comes back up and goes back to the room. A group of girls come in and look at all the guys and start to smile and smirking at them. Jessa comes out of the room and sees the girls, “Mis bizcochitos! It is so good to see you all again!!” the girls turn to the voice and they all squeal and run to Jessa and they all give her hugs and kisses. “Now ladies, calm yourselves I have many things to tell you, but for now let me do some introductions and we can go on and get ready for tonight.” 

A couple of the girls that were from the group were make-up artists, so they helped Jessa transform her look into a totally different person. You see, Jessa wanted to change her whole personality, a whole 360 as it were, so Kayn wouldn’t know what hit him. When the girls came out of the room and Jessa followed after, the guys were astonished at how much of a change she made of herself.  Long gone was her red hair, it is now replaced with midnight blue-black hair, even with the extensions designed in waves, the outfit consisted of ripped black jeans, thick heel anklet boots (black), a green t-shirt, a black choker with a feather on it, black cuffs, full finger ring, and a small YSL purse, with a pair of Ray-Ban sunglasses. 

Jessa’s tattoos had to be changed from the owl she got at 16 with Angel and Coco to a wolf’s paw within it is a depiction of a wolf howling at the moon in the forest warning his prey of his presence. The one on he left arm that has the word “Fe” and half a rosary hanging from it, that she got at 18 when she went to Colombia with her mom, has been changed of a bouquet of red peonies with black leaves.and lastly the tattoo on her back that is close to her neck is one she got with a Mayans symbol and Angel’s name is now covered with a crowned skull surrounded by roses in bright orange red like her original hair color. 

Angel couldn’t stop staring at her, he wondered why she changed everything down to even the tattoos, but later on he got why she did it, so this Kayn guy doesn’t recognize her at all. Hank asks his daughter “Mija, Why change your hair color? If your mother were still alive she skinned you alive right about now.” Jessa rolls her playfully at her father and tells him, “it’s not permanent pops, it will wash off after we get this job done.” He nods okay, everyone gathers around and settles in, and Bishop gives the floor to Jessa, because this is her plan and follows as she goes. The plan is set before Jessa’s appointment with the club manager, The plan is that the girls are going to be a cover for the guys when entering the club observing everything and everyone, while the Reyes brothers are Jessa’s ‘protective detail’ and they will be her escort for tonight. Jessa went to the meeting and spoke to the manager Jaime Andrade, they have known each other for a while, Jessa filled in Jaime of what is going to be done tonight. Jaime agreed without a problem, because not only is she manager of the club, but she is also a manager to a talent agency called “True Blue.” Jaime is a great person and she was the one that helped Jessa startup her own company. 

Anyway, moving on, Jaime and Jessa were discussing everything, about how the show will go tonight, who the musicians are and if they could do a sound check with her. So there is a song that I have been wanting to try and that is of my favorite artist and one of my many role models, Janis Joplin, “okay guys, Let’s do this song by Janis called ‘Mercedes Benz,’ please?” They all nodded and started to play. 

I'd like to do a song

Of great social and political import

It goes like this

Oh Lord, won't you buy me a Mercedes Benz

My friends all drive Porsches, I must make amends

Worked hard all my lifetime, no help from my friends

So Lord, won't you buy me a Mercedes Benz


Oh Lord, won't you buy me a color TV

Dialing For Dollars is trying to find me

I wait for delivery each day until three

So oh Lord, won't you buy me a color TV


Oh Lord, won't you buy me a night on the town

I'm counting on you, Lord, please don't let me down

Prove that you love me and buy the next round

Oh Lord, won't you buy me a night on the town


Oh Lord, won't you buy me a Mercedes Benz

My friends all drive Porsches, I must make amends

Worked hard all my lifetime, no help from my friends

So Lord, won't you buy me a Mercedes Benz.


                        That's it!

You sang in front of the brothers and Jaime and they cannot believe that you actually sing really good. After singing the song, Jaime comes up and asks “where in the hell did you learn to sing like that?!” Angel answers for you, “she’s been singing like that since we were kids, but I guess she stopped when she wasn’t among family.”

I know, I know sorry for the big huge delay..... been researching alot and been busy with work, been called in to work early this passed week because of my boss had to do eye surgery (ouch! >.<) anyway, hope you enjoy it and remember please vote and comment! let me know if you guys are enjoying this or not. thank you! Love you all! peace <3

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