Chapter 5

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Night had fallen and the party was going strong and I am slinging drinks left and right listening to a song playing 'Fireball' and EZ comes to the bar to watch me make drinks for the sweetbutts and the guys. He says "damn, where were you when I needed some help in making those types of drinks?!" I laughed and handed him a drink, he asked "what is it?" I said "dude, just drink it" I laughed. He drank it and he liked it. "This is good, do I want to know what is in it?" in which I reply "no" and then we both laugh.

Angel watches from the other side of the room and is really angry. He had a girl on his lap and at the moment she wasn't just doing it for him anymore. Luckily, there was another bartender to hand him a bottle of jack and he left for the trailer alone and sent a text to EZ saying he's taking the trailer and he can take the dorm next to Jessa's.

Meanwhile, EZ and I saw what Angel was doing at the corner of our eyes and talking among ourselves and as soon as he left the building and EZ got the text he sighs and so do I. "I really do not know what to do here E, it's like anything I do makes him mad." EZ replies "Just go to the trailer and check on him before he drinks himself to death." I go and do what he asks, I went to the trailer and knock on it. Angel yells "I just want to be left alone EZ!?" I knock again, knowing that I heard him but did not say anything, Angel growls and yells when opening the door "WHAT?!" when he saw it was me, he calmed down "oh, hey sorry, what's up?" I looked up at him and said "Can I come in?" He replied "yeah sure, come on in." He moves to the side and I step into the trailer and sit on the couch and him on the other one. "Angel, what is going on with you?" I say in an almost whisper. He responds "there is nothing wrong with me, I am just in my own head."

"Talk to me, then, I mean I know we have always shared what the other was doing or thinking, but over the years we just fell apart and grew distant and you've been treating me like shit most of the time."

"What?! That's not true!! It's you that has distanced yourself from me because everytime you come by to visit you hardly talk to me. It was always Coco or your dad. You know what, I really don't want to do this right now!" He got up and was about to leave the trailer when I stopped him with what I had said. "There you go again, always leaving an intense conversation without following it through." He turns around and looks at me and says "What do you mean?" I scoffed and said, "You really don't remember do you?"

"No, I don't. Enlighten me then."

"There was a time where I came to visit and I wanted to see you and Coco. I called you and told you I was coming, you didn't answer, which was a first, so I called Coco and told him I was coming and to let you know, I was so super excited to tell you that I couldn't contain it. When I got here to the clubhouse there was a party going on which I didn't mind but when I got to you dorm you where in there with some girl and having sex, I was completely crushed. Coco saw me and we went to his dorm and I cried all night in his arms. That's why I avoided you, I had developed feelings for you and was going to ask you to be my first. I made Coco swear to not tell you. That I would handle it on my own time. Well that time festered and almost rotted." I cleared my throat and took the bottle from him and drank it, then continued on, "Now that you know all that I am going to go and bury myself into my work which I have been avoiding. Excuse me."

I get up to move towards the door and he does too and blocks my path and kisses me softly at first, like asking me permission to further the kiss. And when I kiss him back, he deepens it which made me moan into the kiss and that gives him the cue to lift me up for me to wrap my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist and he walked us to the bed at the end of the trailer and sets me down and stops the kiss to look at me. He says "Baby, I am so sorry I didn't know. Coco never told me anything. I wish I could go back and take the pain and hurt I gave you all that long ago. Can you forgive me now and let me make it up to you?" I stare at him and look into his eyes and see that he is telling me the truth. I feel it in my gut about it so I don't judge, but I will have a talk with Coco though. So I tell him "Like I always say, 'Actions speak louder than words' prove to me that you are sorry, and wouldn't do it again then I will forgive you."

He kisses me with passion and fervency and then moves on to kissing my jaw towards my ear, nibbles on my earlobe and whispers, "I am betting anything that I will be your first since the last time all those years ago." He continues to kiss my neck and leave marks all the way to my collarbone until I say, "actually you wouldn't be my first." He stops and looks at me all confused and says "What the fuck?!" I laugh and try to sit up and explain but he, like the predictable man that he is, storms off and doesn't let me explain. I groan and lie back down and contemplate how to tell him and for him to get past these childish acts that he does and the attitude that he has. I fell asleep in the trailer, EZ fell asleep in Angel's dorm and Angel went to mine.... Alone.

While in there he was looking at any possibility of evidence of who would have been my first. Of course he wouldn't find anything there because I hardly keep anything there, everything is at home, only a few pictures here and there that I always take with me, wherever I go and stay at. The photos consist of Angel, Coco, and me when we were kids and they were prospecting for the club, my dad, mom and me, and me at Aunt Vicki's with her and the girls and I am in between my two best friends Xiomara (Xo) and Mitzy. Angel thinks there is a hidden photo in the pictures but when he took them apart there wasn't one except just me and the girls. He put them all back together and placed back in place and he went to sleep thinking but when he sniffed my pillow his brain stopped and he relaxed and fell in a deep sleep.

The next day, the guys were going to go on a run, Dad told me to stay back because I wasn't needed, so I nodded my head and said okay, I even told him while he was away I was going to stay at Aunt Vicki's and stay there till they get back, he was okay with it. I felt eyes on me and I saw in the corner of my eye it was Angel and he was looking at me and my dad talking while smoking a cigarette. When the guys started their bikes and were taking off Angel stopped in front of me and the guys were waiting for him. He crooked his finger at me to come closer and I did and in front of everyone, he kissed me softly at first and when I kissed back, he deepened the kiss and told me "Wait for me at Vicki's, we need to talk hermosa." I said "Si guapo, I'll wait." He kissed me again and then he took off with the guys and EZ smiled at me and gave a thumbs up and I smiled and waved goodbye at them and returned to the office to finish helping Chucky with the paperwork.

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