Chapter 24

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After leaving the rooftop, from listening to the inventories with Jerry, and looking at where the drugs were stored and the guns, specific type guns in different racks and crates, and seeing that everyone is gone and seeing the codes being put into the security system. We go into the loft quietly and discreetly and discuss within the club how to get what we need but leave enough to incriminate them and get them arrested by the right authorities.  We had decided to go get them while all were out for a meeting. So the guys were all geared up and so was I, I was a distraction to the one lone guard on duty, idiotic for Jerry to leave just one guard to watch out for all the goodies on the inside. I put on my best “hooker” outfit and 8-inch platform heels, the guys are all riled up, I go across the street and Coco goes in behind me but hides from sight ready to give me a gun just in case. But I have something else in mind…. I walk up to the guy and say to him “Hola Guapo, want some company?” He looks at me up and down surveying me and I feel grossed out. He smirks and comes closer, I smirk at him too and pull out a taser from behind me, and shock him in the balls. He groans and falls down. I stopped and took his gun and slipped out of my shoes, took his gun, and gave a whistle to signal the guys to come in. They did and looked at what I did to the guy, Coco and Angel had seen what I did and they both said “DAMN!!” Angel went on to say “remind me to not piss you off Mi Reina.” Jessa kisses his cheek and walks off to open the door and put in the code before the alarm sounds. They went to separate rooms in teams to gather all the guns and merchandise. While the guys were gathering things into duffels, Jessa changed outfits and put shoes on, and helped with the rest. If you’re wondering about the cameras, those were taken care of while Jessa was distracting the one guard out front, who was also replaced by someone who resembled him. The guys took what they needed and then some and were out of there within 20 mins. They loaded what they took in the loft and rested. Bishop looks at everyone and smirks then says “great job everyone, on to the next brothers and sister.” With that everyone laughed. 

While they were packing up everything for them to take back home, there was a cell phone ringing, no one knew where it was coming from until Jessa heard it in her duffel bag and remembered that it was her 2nd burner phone. Kayn has the number for that phone, she makes a signal for everyone to be quiet and she answers the phone. She answers after, everyone is quiet and listens in with headphones connected to the phone tap.  Jessa answers the phone, "hello?" She yawns when she starts her greeting. "Hello Darling, how was your night?" She replies, "surprisingly, I got my wallet back and came home to a boring dinner that consisted of a tv dinner." She laughs making it believable. He laughs as well, and asks her a question, "look darling, I have a favor to ask of you, hoping you say 'yes'?" She smiles a fake smile, feeling he can see her through the phone. "Sure, but it depends on the favor…" she laughs again, and so does he. "The favor is if you could be 'arm candy' for an evening for some investors that will be coming in to discuss with me." 

She looks to Bishop and he nods, Angel obviously looks pissed, but who can blame him? Jessa looked at him apologetically and spoke into the phone, "sure, I mean if you need me there to make things better for you then why not, right?" Kayn stares at the wall in front of him, thinking where has he heard that phrase before, then he answers, "yes, that is right my darling, but out of curiosity why the sudden change of heart? I mean knowing your demeanor from last night you weren't so keen on staying with me." Jessa turns around and starts to talk more persuasively to get him not to think who she really is, “Kayn, last night got me to thinking, and I saw the kindness you were showing me and I took it the wrong way, I’m sorry. It’s been a long time since someone showed me kindness, so let me be humanitarian and return the favor, quid pro quo?” Kayn thinks about it for a bit and then lawfully agrees, “Alright, my darling then we have a deal in kind for tomorrow evening.” They said their goodbyes and she turned to the crew and see what they say.

Bishop was the first to say, “alright Princessa, your call, what do we do?” She looks on and then she thinks for a moment and says, “let me make a few phone calls and we go as planned okay?”  They all nod and she leaves the room by going to her own room and making those calls.  

An hour later she comes back out and gives them the plans between them and those who were helping them take this job down because if they helped with the job they would overlook them taking half of the merchandise and taking it with them back home. So they had planned to not pack too much stuff and leave out some things that they will need for tomorrow night. 

The next morning, they all get themselves ready and go over the plans for tonight and see how things go, by around 1 pm the makeup crew for Jessa comes in and they make her back into the person she was last night and have her wearing a dress that is demure in the front and in the back it's all open and the opening ends at above her ass. Angel didn't like it one bit, but it's for the cause. By the time the evening rolls around Jessa is dropped off at the club to meet Kayn there. Kayn sees her inside the club and how she is dressed and smiles, he growls lowly and tells her in her ear, “you look absolutely stunning my dear, please allow me to escort you to the car.” She chuckles low and says “Well thank you, kind sir,” she smiles at him and lifts the hem of her dress, and follows him to the car where he holds the door for her and she gets and slides across for him to get in as well. 

They get to his warehouse, He steps out of the car, and before she can slide to get out herself she slips in an earpiece in her ear and coughs a bit and she hears in her ear “read you loud and clear chica, you just do your part and we will do the rest,” she coughs again and hums. Kayn looks into the car and sees her slide his way and asks “are you alright my dear?” “Yes, just clearing up a few bits of nerves I have, more like butterflies in my stomach that won’t stop fluttering.” He chuckles under his breath and tells her, “don’t you fret my dear, stick with me, and all will be well.” ‘That is what I am afraid of,’ she thought.

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