Chapter 22

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Jessa looks at Kayn and his crew and puffs out a cloud of smoke and smiles, “what was it that you wanted to talk about dear?” Kayn smiles as well and spoke, “wanted to know if you would like to come back to my place and see something that I feel might interest you greatly, my dear.” Jessa smokes another drag and hears a faint sound like someone clearing their throat and that was her okay to do it, but at the same time, she heard a faint sound of a lowly growl. That sound was from Angel for sure, Jessa smiles and agrees to go with Kayn. However, on one condition, one of her guards goes with her, which he agreed was fine. She turned around and looked at her 'head of security' and informed him that she was taking “Manolo” with her, everyone agreed that it was a good idea because he can memorize the layout, while she distracts Kayn and his men. Jessa turns around and settles with Kayn asking him, “So we go in separate cars, or do we all fit into one?” Kayn responds with, “No we can go in my car it’s big enough for the four of us.” “Excuse me, perhaps I heard you wrong. I thought you said the four of us?” Jessa asks him, Kayn laughs and says, “No, you heard right, the four of us, me, you, your guard, and Jerry here.” He points to his right-hand man, and your inners cringe, You have always hated him, but you have to make due right??

With that being said, the big car that Kayn was referring to had come in and parked next to his crew, “Shall we milady?” he holds out his hand for her to take and help her into the car. She climbs in and sits in the back where she’s facing the back window and the driver seat is behind her. Kayn sits next to her and puts his arm behind her head, and moves his body to the side to give her his full attention. After Jerry and EZ (Manolo) get in we left to go to his place.


    Before I went after Jessa, Angel pulls me aside and speaks low to me in Spanish, “Cuidala bien, hermano, ella es mi mundo, le pasa cualquier cosa no sé que haría yo, hacer lo tuyo pero también vigilar a ese cabrón.” (Take good care of her brother, she's my world, anything happens to her I don't know what I would do, do your thing but also keep an eye on that fucker.) I nodded to him and the others, I held eye contact with her father and uncle (Hank & Bishop) and I understood within the silence that they ask for the same thing. I got into the car after Kayn’s bodyguard and saw how Jessa was with the guy, she was not happy, I could tell, but at the same time for the good of the job she had to stay in character, and I got to give her props seriously, she was a natural pro at this then anyone of us could, I know I would be scared shitless than the others in trying to keep my cool and to stay calm in situations like this. So while Jessa’s body was facing Kayn’s engaging in the conversations he is dishing out at her I look and observe, read the body language on everybody there. To my right, Jerry, Kayn’s bodyguard, and right-hand man sat there brooding and looking out the window, judging by the way he looked at Jessa earlier, she got under his skin really good and is now irritated with her being there. I’m guessing she knows who he really is and he doesn’t know who she really is. I turn my eyes to Kayn next, and just by looking at him and judging by his body language, he has no clue who Jessa is and is most likely wanting to have her and fuck her brains out, Ha, not unless I have a say in the matter.  After all, she is my future sister-in-law, whether she knows it or not. 
    We got back to the warehouse, and Jerry steps out, signaling me to step out as well and when I do, Jessa is the next person to come out and I help her step out and I hold her hand discreetly, I give it a tight squeeze and let go before HE comes out of the van. “Welcome to my humble abode,” he says while spreading his arms wide. “I know it’s not much, but under dire circumstances, to my so-called “growing” empire I have to live under these harsh conditions." I look at Jessa and she looked at me, with that look we know what the other is thinking. Luckily we are on the same page in thinking, He’s full of shit, and we shared a knowing smirk between one another. Jessa moved forward to Kayn and started to talk to him, While she did I observed she brought out a lighter, where she pressed the middle of the case and it lid up. She took out a cigarette and smoked it and walked around with Kayn I was observing all that I can, while she kept Kayn and Jerry distracted. And believe me, it wasn’t that hard for her to do that, I smiled at her and chuckle under my breathe, just looking at her trying to get under Jerry’s skin is an art form for her.  I mean she does it a lot with Angel, so obviously she had perfected it I guess. While Kayn, on the other hand, wouldn’t keep his off her not even a second. She tries so hard to get away from him but she can’t. By the time we toured all over the bottom part of the warehouse we ended up in the loft above it and they chatted a bit, and Jerry, thankfully, went somewhere else. 

Jessa’s POV:

As much as I can stand this A**hole pawing at me all night, I am ready to leave. So I come up with something that will release me from his sticky hands and back to the loft to draw out the layout for tomorrow night’s break-in, but how to do that. Then all of the sudden my phone rings and EZ picks it up because he was carrying it for me. He had a face on when he answered it and then silently hands it to me. I look at him and take it from him, there is silence on the other line and he stares at me telling me to play along, so I do. “Hello? Yes, this is she. You found what, I’m sorry?” I paused for effect, and I made a face of realization, I looked at EZ and signaled at him to look in my bag, “Hold on for a second, Manolo is my wallet in there, by any chance?” He looks and shakes his head, saying, “No, ma’am it’s not in here.” I shake my head now and say “shit okay, thank you for letting me know you have it, can you hold it for me until I get there? Thank you so much, okay, bye” I turn to Kayn and tell him, “I am so sorry I have to go and get my wallet, if not my information will be out there. And I really don’t want that.” “No problem darling, just let me know if all is alright.” I nod at him and he gives me his card with a cell number on the back. I take it and EZ and I go down the stairs to the warehouse and out the door. EZ, however, had texted for a car to come and pick us up while I was talking to Kayn and letting him know what had happened. 

Sneaky bastard.

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