Chapter 4

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Jessa and I look at Angel all wide eyed. Makes it look like we did something behind his back, which is not true. I know My brother has feelings for the girl, and has had them for a long time since before I joined the club. Yet, he has never acted on it. So at this moment I am thinking it is good to give him a bit of a nudge to open up his feelings for this girl and for her to open up hers to him. "Nothing Hermano, was just embarrassing her, as if she was like a sister to me, but having her in my arms felt more than family you know?" I hug her and she turns more red than before and looks at Angel wide eyed still. Angel, on the other hand, was completely pissed, he grabs the rest of the meat to take out and says in passing "I hope you are both happy together." She yells after him "Angel, wait!" I hold her back and tell her "relax, stay here, and I'll handle it, just finish the rest of the food and I'll go talk to him, okay?" She tells me "okay."

I went to look for Angel and left Jessa in the kitchen to finish the food for the party tonight. I looked for him everywhere and I couldn't see him at all, it was like he disappeared in thin air. Yet, I saw that his bike wasn't there and figured he ran off, but then I remembered that we left our bikes at Jessa's place so he must have taken the bronco, because I didn't see him give her the keys back, typical Angel. Well, on to plan B, I walked back into the clubhouse and went in search of Jessa, she wasn't in the kitchen but everything else was done. I went to the dorm she uses for when she crashes there and I heard voices, hers and Letti's.

"Jessa, will you stop pacing you're giving me a headache"

"Letti, I'm sorry, I am just trying to wrap my head in all of this. That's all"

"Well, tell me, maybe I can help you"

So Jessa tells everything to Letti starting from when she got here till now, and the way the relationship is between my brother and her.

"I don't know what I can do to convince Angel that there is nothing going on with me and his brother EZ."

And that is when I step in. I open the door to her room and see Letti on the bed and Jessa standing in front of her, they both look at me and I tell them both, "Well we can come up with a plan to make him jealous and to fight for you"

"And how do you propose to do that exactly?" Jessa asks me.

"Easy, with Letti here all three of us well devise a plan to make him jealous and have him show his true feelings, 'cause trust me Angel, even though he doesn't show his true feelings to me, and I'm his brother, Deep down you can tell he likes you but just to afraid to show it."

"Oh is that why he goes off with women who are the total opposite of me and takes them to bed and not me?" I see tears well up in her eyes. I say "Yeah Bonita, that's why."

"Okay, let's do it." She says and Letti looks at both us and smiles when saying "Yeah count me in. Just one thing though?"

"What?" I ask Letti. "What about my dad?" she says, which in turn Jessa says "oh your dad is going to be way helpful in this, let me go and get him." She walks out of the room and comes back with Coco, "what's up mija, what's going on?" We turn to him and explain everything and what the plan will be. I know it's like some high school crap, kinda shit, but hey it'll work. The plan is me and Jessa will be striking up a romance and Coco and Letti will play along not knowing anything. Angel is that gullible in believing it, but he's predictable and would do anything to fight for what he really wants, even if he doesn't admit it.

Angel's POV:

After seeing Jessa with my brother, I just know she will choose him over me, they always do, the star, Mr. Perfect himself. I am just no good loser who never amounted to anything and did something of myself, as soon as I dropped the rest of the meat with Hank, he saw how I was and asked "Hey you alright Angel?" in which I respond "yeah, I'll be fine. Just going to take a ride to clear my head, I'll be back" he says okay, and I walk off towards my bike, when I remembered it's not there and I had left it at Jessa's house, So I took the bronco back to her house and walked to her house to just leave the keys by the door on the hook and lock up before heading to my bike and drive off towards the cliffs.

Just contemplating what the hell I was doing with my life and that no one wanted me, let alone have a family with someone. Ever since I saw Jessa the first time I have started to develop feelings for her, when I first started prospecting for the club along with Coco, me and her hit it off as friends, as well as Coco and the three of us were as thick as thieves.

I take a photo out of my kutte that I always carry with me of us three together, Jessa in the middle of me and Coco, I laugh at the height range of us three and remember like it was yesterday when we took this photo, it was the day before she left us to go on a trip with her mom to some foreign country. Her arms around us both but her head would be leaning towards me always. I don't even know when it got so complicated between us. She would always call me for advice or just to talk about anything and everything. Now it's not like that anymore, it's like she completely shuts me out and goes to Coco and talks with him, when I ask what they talked about he would always tell me "I don't know man, you go talk to her and ask her, I am not going to get in the middle of you two."

Nah, I won't ask Coco anymore. Yet, I want to get close to her and be with her. How the fuck am I going to do that?! "Shit" I say under my breath. Next thing I know While I am out there a bit longer and I'm smoking my cigarette, my phone starts to go off. I look down and it's her so I answer.

"Yes Hermosa?"

"Angel, where are you buddy? Bishop is looking for you"

"Yeah I'll be there mi cariño."

Then I hear it in the background, "EZ stop playing with my hair." and I hear her giggle, the cutest giggle I have ever heard of, she use to be like that with me when we were younger and now she's like that with my fucking brother, it make my blood boil and I got really pissed. "Hey tell EZ to lay off and call in some girls, we're going to have some fun tonight!" I yelled into the phone and all I heard was a small "Okay Angel, will do, bye" and the call just ended. I think to myself, 'shit what did I just do?!'

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