Chapter 23

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   Jessa and EZ get in the car that was called and it was Bishop and Hank in the front. They get in the back and wait to go back to the warehouse. Obviously, they were across the way but to make it believable they had to go the roundabout way and get into the back of the warehouse and park the car there so they won’t be seen going in. Once inside the loft, Jessa and EZ went to grab some paper, and between them both, they drew out the floor plans of the warehouse and told everyone where everything is at. “We have maybe a day to move things out of the warehouse before they move the merchandise themselves, unless…..” Jessa says and trails off. EZ finishes for her, “.....Unless they were on to our little ruse and start to move everything tonight…..” Jessa looks at Bishop and tells him “Tio, this is the motherload of all the hauls we have ever done, we cannot lose this one.” Bishop then responds “I know we're about to risk a lot, but we have to make sure. Jessa go get changed, then go with Coco and Creeper to the roof to check out the warehouse. See if there is any movement from them and what is going on. And don’t even think about going over there, Jessa!” Jessa was about to say something, but she felt Angel squeeze her hip to keep her from getting into trouble. She shut it up immediately and nodded. Then she went to get changed with Angel on her heels, as soon as he closed the door she let it all hang out “I mean it would be so much easier if we could go incognito with the night to watch the activity a bit closer, and take pictures of their activities.” She says this while changing and taking off the wig she had on and going back to her red hair that Angel loves so much. She ties it up and puts a black beanie on to hide her hair. 

  Angel told her “Look mi Reina, all Bishop wants to do is to keep you safe as do I and everyone else. You know you're the princess of this group and my old lady. Don’t forget that okay?” “Okay,” she says. He kisses her deeply and passionately, roaming his hands all over her body and stopping at her hips and gripping them hard. Jessa breaks the kiss and says “If I don't stop you now, We will never get things done.”  They both laugh and then walk out of the room, she was the last one out because she had to grab her sniper gun and scope. She got closer to the main room, and when Jessa saw Coco and Creeper all set and ready they went to the roof and set up the guns and scopes to see what was going on in the next building. 

    Each of them had walkies around our necks as the soldiers do sometimes, Coco and Jessa use their scopes from the rifles and Creeper is using a small handheld pair of binoculars that has night vision. The three of them looked through and saw the warehouse and so far it looks all quiet, no movement. Jessa radios Bishop, “Tio, we see no movement all is quiet. What should we do?” Bishop thinks about it and looks at Taza and Hank. They have a silent conversation and Coco says over the comms “Hey need to know now jefe, we’ll never get this opportunity again.” Bishop nods and looks at Angel, “Sorry Hermano, I have to” Angel knows what he means and nods his understanding. Bishop responds “Okay, proceed to move to the other building, stealth and stay in the shadows. Understand?” Jessa responds “copy, 10-4” Then the three of them head to the side of the roof and down the fire escape to proceed to go to the other building as stealthy and in the dark as they can be. 

    Jessa and the boys proceed to the side of the building that has the fire escape and there they climbed up as soon as she reached the edge she saw a lone bodyguard, the same one she saw that morning walking around the roof, she whispers to the mic for the boys to hear as well as the others in the loft. “Hold it, I going to try to sting him,” Coco looked at her weird and was going to ask her how she was going to do it until he sees her pull out this long stick and put something in it and then angles it in front of her mouth to blow it at the guard. Next, you hear is a thud of a body falling down and see her going up the rest of the way up the latter.  

   Coco and Creeper go over the edge and jump onto the roof and see an enclosed living room completely dark and they run across quietly and look into a dome of windows away from the lights and start looking through the warehouse, everything is all quiet, but they see to the far left of the warehouse Kayn and his right-hand man Jerry speaking in hush tones. They can’t make what is being said but they can tell it is not good, because Kayn is getting pissed at him for something and he keeps pointing angrily and you could tell he is because you remember the exact gestures he did to Jerry when you left and Jerry couldn’t track you anywhere. You remembered you had brought along your bag of tricks and took out your mini mics and a mini crossbow from out of your bag and the guys were looking at you like you were crazy. Jessa put her finger to her mouth and shushed them, she slowly cracked open a window in front of her and once it squeaked, she stopped. The open space was just big enough for her to lie on her stomach and fit through the space and aim where Kayn and Jerry are at to hear what they are talking about before they move. Jessa shoots it and it made a silent “thunk noise,” she got up and channels the right frequencies, and the club, the boys, and her can hear the whole conversation that is going on at the moment. 

Kayn: “Finnegan will be here tomorrow night and we can’t screw this up and you're worried about some goddamn girl who might be from the past?”

Jerry: “I’m telling you it's her! It's Jessa the Owl! How can you not see it is her? She could be just undercover with a false name and wanting revenge by turning you into the feds after knowing what we do?”

Kayn: “STOP IT! Alright, old man? She wouldn’t do that, she and I loved each other. We had an understanding, she couldn’t betray me like that. Like I said all those years ago, she probably just went somewhere else to get her mother cared for and kept on going just that. Now let’s get this shipment ready for tomorrow night and we’d be away from this place and never have to see it again.”

     Jerry nodded in agreement and went down to the warehouse portion and made an inventory of all the products and double-checked where each shipment was going to whom it was going. Tomorrow night the investors are coming over to inspect the merchandise and then oversee the shipments go into trucks and off they go to their destinations.

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