Chapter 51 (End of season 3)

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"I would like to see you try."

I ran toward her my flame thundering through the sky. She defused it quickly and shot a trio of blue embers. I rushed to let them hit the ground instead of me, rebelling with a wave of burning ember.

Her eyes gazed me over up and down. Zuko grimaced in pain unnoticed amoung the destruction around us, the fire rushing like hell through the air. It was just me. Just (Y/N). And as the smoke and ash crept up my skin, burrowing in my touch, I fell back to a different time,
"No-no not now anytime but now."

Somewhere I wish I would forget.

"Mom? Mom please get up." I groaned, her body squirming at my touch. I lit a flame against my hand, the shadows only illuminated her paling face. Traces of lines were harsh like walls of ash woven into her cheeks, and the bags under her eyes were stolen by the tears tracing her face. But her light twinged and within the sea of them, she was lost.

"I'm sorry (Y/N)."

"But I'm leaving- Mom please I need to see you one more time. I've been banished with Zuko. It was Azula. It was all Azula. She hates me- I don't know what I did wrong. I'm scared and I don't know if I-please"

"Goodbye- child. I have failed you- yes yes I suppose I have." She reached up and touched my hand "Make something of yourself the way I never could."

"Mom I don't understand please talk to me the guards are on their way," I screamed, "please! Just- just for once be here for me. I'm so scared."

All she left me was a smile, the blank gaze of a women that had been waiting in the

That was the last time I had seen my mother. That was the day everything changed.

My pulse fell still. I was stuck between time, chained by her gaze.

"Why so sad (Y/N)? You should be happy to see your closest friend," she shot a flame at me which I sloppily dodged, my grip slipping. The dirt caked my legs as I struggled to pick myself back up,
"I thought you were strong now. It's nice to see the real you again. Weak."

A chill thrust down my spine, whispers and words I had heard for far too long chained up my skull burning my mind. Sweat beat down my skin. Everything was a blur,
"Do something- you can beat her. Zuko needs you. You-you aren't weak anymore."

My thoughts ate me. The acid in my stomach churned with a putrid sting echoing the burns.

I lifted my hand. The light I conseived was a mere flicker, a speck in the eyes of Azula's blue death,
"No... no why? I should be better than this. Why isn't it working?"

Azula was approaching me now, the red of her lips in a smug grin,
"Oh come on (Y/N), really going to let me finish you that easily?"

Zuko laid like prey on the other side of me, trying to mutter some hope that had already passed. The gore of his wound bleed thru the thin fabric against his chest,

"Shut. Up."

I ran. Like a coward I ran. But her flames chased after me as I circled the courtyard.

Weak. No one. Nothing.

"Now that's more like it! It's just like it should be- just you cowering at me the way you always should have." Azula's eyes tracked me down.

I felt like a ghost- watching my body the moment before being burned alive. And Azula looked happy at the decay rushing down my skin.

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