Chapter 47

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Remember when I said the next chapter gonna be pt 1 of the finale??? So uhhh yeah that was a lie. Sorry I haven't been updating a lot school is a hoe. But here's a short lil present from ur fave (jk) author senpai


I felt the faintest breath of air tremble against my skin. I turned endlessly from side to side trying to find rest. But every time I drifted asleep all I could see, all I could hear was my heart beating beneath my chest twisting and turning my stomach only able to see-

I froze the picture looming in my mind,
"ZUKO! Please Zuko can you hear me?"

A body laid chared on the ground,
"I'm afraid my brother won't be able to respond to that."

Her eyes shifted and stared... driving me mad. How could she be happy when? My skin felt like it was on fire everywhere I looked all ai could see was fire. Smoke covered my vision and breached my lungs.

"Now (Y/N) it's your turn come closer my dear." She held out a hand which I slammed away.

"Get away from me!" I tried bending fire at her but, "why isn't this working?"

"Don't you know? With out Zuzo you're nothing. You're no one."

"That's not true Azula! Now step back."

"He's gone (Y/N) how could you be so blind? You have no future or past without him. You are now nothing."

I got lost in my thoughts again... as the comet neared my worries rotted my mind at night until I had no sanctity left. Every night I developed a habit of getting up to make sure Zuko was fine after my nightmare.

His pale skin bleed against the moonlight. I watch as his eyes awoke,
"(Y/N)? What are you doing here?"

"Checking on you ya dork." I smiled pushing my hand through his hair.

"Another Azula nightmare?"


"Wanna talk about it?"

"I'm okay... you probably have your own stuff going on."

"You sure?" He muttered blushing lightly, "I'm.. I'm always here for you okay?"

"I know.. that's why your my prince."

"Stop calling me that!" He snapped roughly.

"It's not my problem you felt friendzoned whenever I called you turtle duck buddy! I'm just trying to adjust." I placed my head on his shoulder, "welp I should probably go back to my spot, see you in the morning sweetheart."

"(Y/N) wait-" he leaned in, "Can we talk really quick?"

"Of course what's up?" I sat back down next to him.

"I'm... I'm sure you know as well as I do that when we face the firelord... their could be... you know consequences. As much as I hate to say it-"

"-we both don't know if we're going to come back alive."

His smile turned somber,
"Exactly. As each day passes I know more amd more what a risk we're taking. I just want you to know no matter what happens... I love you... okay?"

"Dammit you're gonna make me all sad and stuff now! Good going fire boy." I sighed faking a laugh. When he said love I froze.

Don't cry don't cry you're not weak don't cry.

"Zuko.. can you promise me one thing."

"Of course."

"If.. if one of us doesn't make it out... can-can we agree that no matter what the other will be okay?" My voice shuttered.

"What do you mean?"

"If.. I die.. don't be sad for too long okay? I couldn't bare it if you got sad just because of me. Just know I would want you to still be happy."

"Your acting like you know your going to die! We don't know anything.. God you gonna make me start crying aren't you? You can't just say stuff like that. How many times do I have to tell you I love you?" Zuko spat back, "tell me what's really bothering you!"

"I'm sorry I just.. I'm so scared for you... I keep having dreams where you ya know and I can't take it! I-I don't know who I'd be without you! You're a prince I'm just some girl history isn't going to care about me. I'm nobody Zuko.. and I don't know why the hell you love me!"

I froze why am I such an idiot? Why did I say that out loud?

"(Y/N), is-is that really how you feel?" His voice was stiff and lifeless. I felt like a ghost in my own body just from the pain in his eyes.

"Yes.. no.. I don't know. I don't feel like that all the time but when I do... it gets me... I can't take it. My nightmares have been getting worse... I just want to be happy but sometimes... sometimes..."

"It seems impossible." He finished placing his hand on mine, "I get where you're coming from... not all the way I'm sure but I know we could talk about it."

"Thank you." I embraced him gripping tightly like he was the only thing in the world.

We talked and talked about everything. We talked about Azula, and our parents. We talked about regrets, hopes, and fears. For hours all we did was talk. And for hours I finally felt free, like a fire was burning within me again. I felt alive again.

It was almost morning, I laid still in Zuko's arms,
"Remember when I threw you down that stairwell?"

"Yeah... my back still hurts ya know." he smirked turning towards me.

"Welp it's not my fault you dared me to do it!"

"I didn't think you actually would." Zuko awkwardly stated crossing his arms trying to defend himself, "it's not my fault my girlfriend is crazy!"

"In my defense you have a very throwable body."

"What does that even mean?" He laughed putting his arm around me. Ahh he looks so adorable when he's confused!

"It's almost morning.." I sighed sitting up.

"Don't remind me..."

"Welp Zuko it's time to get up the world needs you we've only got 4 days left."

"No" he stood up, "the world needs us."

Hope y'all enjoyed sorry if it was cheesy!!

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