Chapter 11

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"Hmmm perhaps that move would work?" I thought carefully observing the pai sho board. The game was getting intense and I wasn't going to let Iroh win for millionth time. Zuko and one of the higher ups on the ship were busy discussing where the Avatar could be.

"We haven't been able to pick up the Avatar's trail sense the storm, but if we continue heading Northeast..."

Suddenly the firebenders words were cut off by the loud sound of another ship passing right next to us. I turned my head away from the game before Zuko said,
"What do they want?"

"Perhaps a sporting game of pai sho!" Iroh exclaimed grinning. I simply shook my head.

Soon, some of Admiral Zhao's soldiers boarded our ship much to Zuko's chagrin. One of them held open a wanted poster with a drawing of the Avatar toward Zuko
"The hunt for the Avatar has been given prime importance" one of the soldiers said, "all information regarding the Avatar must be reported directly to Admiral Zhao"

"Zhao has been promoted? Well good for him!" Iroh said absolutely destroying me in our game of Pai Sho
"Every time I swear..." I muttered before drawing my attention back to Zuko

"I've got nothing to report to Zhao now get off my ship and let us pass" Zuko comanded intensifying his already callused expression.

"Admiral Zhao is not allowing ships in or out of this area"

"Off my ship!" Zuko yelled teaming with anger nearly ready to start a fight in the middle of his own ship
The soildiers left and Zuko stood loomingly watching them go. I frowned quietly.

"Excellent! I take the pot... but you're all improving I'm certain you will win if we play again.." Iroh said winning yet another round of pai sho against us. The others started a new round but I walked over to Zuko who was looking out the window with bitter, cold eyes. I laid my hand on his shoulder.

"Don't let that coward's words get to you... you will capture the Avatar I know you will.."

" Zuko what the hell are you doing?"

"I'm getting the Avatar back (Y/N)..."
I stood in the middle of Zuko's room, he had but on a blue mask and held his duel broad swords.

"i'm-im going with you" I stuttered out nervously.

"No you're not why must you make things so difficult...? Do you want to get hurt?"

"I'm not letting you go out there on your own... call me stupid I don't care I'm not letting you risk yourself like this!"

"Then why let me go at all?"

"Because I'm not letting Zhao get the Avatar...  you've worked too hard on this to let someone else get all the reward" I pause then smileing whilst staring into his eyes "turtle duck buddies stick together remember?"

His eyes soften,
"Why do you have to be so convincing..." he handed me a dagger and found a mask of my own "come on let's get the Avatar back."

I nodded putting on my mask.

It was dark and quiet, the shadows were thick in the bushes we hid in. We used the darkness of the sky as our cover. We nodded at eachother waiting for our moment to strike. We heard a cart passing by and we rushed to it hiding on the underside. I could feel the cold stone of the road as we moved toward the entrance of where the Avatar was being held. I was nervous sure, but at least Zuko was right next to me. At the entrance, a couple Firenation soildiers survayed out the cart for intruders  we moved hiding behind some crates before they could see us.

"All clear go on in"

The cart stopped outside in the dreary courtyard and we quickly rushed to the nearest empty passageway into the interior of the building. As we rushed down the halls I could hear Zhao's voice speaking towards swarms of Firebenders
"We are the sons and daughters of fire... the superior element until today only one thing stood in our path to victory...the Avatar! I am here to tell you that he is now my prisoner!"

The Firenation soildiers cheered so loud I shuttered. But still, I continued searching for the Avatar.

"This is the year Sozin's comet returns to grant us it's power! This is the year the Fire nation breaks through the walls of Ba Sing Se and burns the city to the ground!" Zhao finshed to the thunderous ovation of the soldiers.

We soon reached a wall as lifeless and dreary as the rest of this place. We scaled it quickly knowing we only had so much time. Then breaking through the sewers to reach the Avatar. The halls of the chamber were glowing with a familiar red hue. We then came across a guard which Zuko quickly defeated causing his helmet to clang harshly on the metal floor. More guards followed, which we passed by hiding on the celling and attacking them by surprise. One guard remained and before he could blow his horn to signal the others I threw my dagger knocking it out of his hand. Zuko then kicked him off his feet and there we were... just one door away from the last Airbender on Earth. I picked the lock and we walked in. The Avatar was chained by his hands and feet and was as scared as anything... not that I could blame him. We neared the boy, Zuko flashed his swords causing the Avatar to scream. Zuko then cut the boy's chains as I signaled to the doorway.

"Who are you? What's going on? Are you here to rescue me?" the boy questioned.

We stayed silent, opening the door hoping he would follow.

"I'll take that as a yes..."

We began to walk down the hallway when the boy got distracted about some frogs

"Wait my frogs! Stop thawing out"

Zuko grabbed him by the collar dragging him away, I smiled behind my mask "My friends need to suck on those frogs!"

We stuck are way past the sewers then lifting ourselves out when the cost was clear. Right as we were  scaling the wall we heard the bells go off... so they know we're here... great.
"They're on the wall!" A firebender screamed

We got off the wall as Zuko cut the scaling rope and took out our weapons. I looked around deciding what to do next

"The Avatar has escaped! Close all the gates immediately!"

We ran to the nearest gate which was covered by guards

"Stay close to me" the Avatar ordered airbending the guards away.

All 3 of us soon were attacked by firebenders every direction. I took out my dager lighting it on fire and thrusting it through the air to defend myself. But, it was too late the Airender took Zuko to higher ground and was about to come back for me when I was surrounded. Sweat dripped down my face as I realized I couldn't stop them all. I tried as best as I could but it wasn't enough. The firebenders took me hands and forced them behind my back.

"We got one!"

Zuko and the Avatar tried to chase the guards away. They soon were cornered and my panic grew. The firebenders blew a flame at the pair before Zhou ordered them to stop.

"Hold your fire the Avatar must be captured Alive"

Zuko held his sword to the Airbender's throat.

"Open the gate..."

"Admiral what are you doing?"

"Let them out now we have the one.... that's all we need for them to come back"

Zuko looked me and stopped... I nodded my head trying to reassure him. I would find my way out somehow.
Zuko backed away with the Avatar out of my sight.

"How can you let them go?" A bender questioned.

"A situation like this requires.... precision." Zhao grinned widely
He turned toward me "bring this theif to the chain room... find out everything"

The guards took me I tried to move but I couldn't... I should have stayed back on the ship  like Zuko told me. No... I was going to escape I just needed to know how. I couldn't see Zuko anymore... did they capture him too? No... no I hope not. I was shaken but not defeated. They brought me to the same room the Avatar was being held.  The smell of smoke burning through my head.


"Where have you been Prince Zuko you missed music night? And where is your dear friend (Y/N) she promised me another round in pai sho! Lutenient G sang a stirring love song you two could have enjoyed it together..."

"She's gone Uncle... she's gone... I'm going to bed no disturbances"

~Author's note ahhh plot twist!! Leave thoughts below P.S hope you're enjoying the story I'm having a lot if fun writing it!!

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