Chapter 38

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Author's note- thanks to Lady_Saki01 for the song suggestion that inspired parts of this chapter!

Moonlight fell thick onto the ground. We hadn't slept in 2 days. We had to keep looking for the Avatar... no matter the cost. I grew more desperate by the second.

"WHERE IN THE WORLD ARE THEY?" I screamed kicking a nearby rock into the rolling waves of water nearby.

"Calm it (Y/N), we  will find the Avatar and his friends... eventually." Fai said trying to reassure me.

"Eventually isn't good enough Fai! For all we know they could all be dead or something. I didn't leave Zuko just to hopelessly wander around the Firenation, I came to fight."

"Don't freak out okay. We will find them-ummm is that the Avatar and his friends chilling right over there?"

"I do believe that is the Avatar and his friends chilling right over there."

"How convenient..." Fai chuckled, "So... do we just walk up to them?"

"I don't know man I have no social skills! But I guess."

We watched from the distance, slowly growing nearer.

Suddenly I saw the Earthbender Toph,
"Wake up you idiots I can hear footsteps."

"5 move minutes..." Sokka complained groaning.

Katara slapped her brother awake while the Avatar Aang looked around,
"I don't see anyone..."

"Umm hi there." I stammered stepping out of the darkness.

"Hello..." Fai added.

"OH NO IT'S ZUKO'S GIRLFRIEND! And....some other guy!" Sokka screamed.

"Okay first off I'm not Zuko's girlfriend anymore, my name is (Y/N), this is Fai, and we're not here to hurt you. We want to help you against the Firenation. "

"I guess you did help Aang and I escape from Azula in the crystal catacombs." Katara reminisced, "but what made you decide to come all the way here to help us?"

"I'm tired of how the Firenation runs... Azula... Ozai... Zuko. I just want to do the right thing for once. I want to show that I can be my own person... I'm sick of being trapped in Zuko's shadow. "

"She's telling the truth." Toph stated crossing her arms. 

"I want to help my nation too. Make it a better place." Fai promised putting his arm around me.

"But... he's lying."

I turned to Fai,
"Fai... is there something you are not telling me? Why is she saying that you're lying?"

"Dai-(Y/N)... please... maybe she just misread me. I would never lie to you."

"He's still lying I can sense it."

Aang, Katara, Toph, Sokka, and I all circled him.

"Okay Fai dude that I literally just met, you're surrounded. Tell her the truth and we might still let you join us." Sokka threatened pulling out his sword.

"Fine, I don't care what happens to the Firenation! I don't care what happens  to the Earth Kingdom! All I want is for that stupid prince to suffer for taking away the only person I ever loved. Do you know what it's like to be left.. abandoned? See your trust crumbling before your eyes? Having to live every day knowing that she was just a lie? WELL I DID!"  Fair screamed my ears piercing with pain.

"Fai are you crazy? You came all this way just to spite Zuko? Your acting delusional! Come on let's just talk this over."

"I'm not done yet (Y/N), far from it. I was going to end you in front of Zuko when we got to the palace, show him how it feels to have the one you love raken from you. But, here is fine I guess." His smile was transformed into something  wicked. His eyes grew steady and numb. He grabbed a dagger out of his pocket and came rushing at me.

I took his arm and threw him over my shoulder grinning as he crashed on the ground,
"Don't you even try Fai!"

I stood over his body, he was trembling and shaking as I lit my hands aflame,
"What are you going to do (Y/N)... kill me? You need me."

"I don't need anyone Fai, especially you.", I turned to Toph, "Can you please restrain him "

"Gladly" she smiled binding his arms in rock.

"What you can't do this to me!" Fai argued.

"Almost forgot to cover his mouth.." Toph added bending stone until his mouth was concealed.

"So... what do we do with him now?" Katara asked.

"We could just leave him here and bring him with us Tomarrow." Aang suggested.

"Wait what's happening tomorrow?" I questioned gazing around.

"We're invading the Firenation because we found out by that there will be an eclipse and the Firebenders won't be able to bend making them valuable. " Katara explained.

"And this plan is happening tomorrow?"

"Welcome to the gang (Y/N) we move quickly here." Sokka grinned hugging me.

"I'm a firebender! I won't be able to fight! Did I seriously come all this way for nothing?"

"You will be able to bend until the eclipse starts. WAIT... you're a firebender... you could teach me firebending!" Aang exclaimed with a wide grin.

"I'm sorry Aang, but I don't think there's enough time for her to teach you. Plus you need your rest tonight if we're going tomorrow." Katara replied.

"But... I know the Firelord's palace like the back of my hand. I've been going there since I was little. I could help you organize the plan."

"Aang you get your rest. (Y/N) can help me with the strategy. And Toph.. " Sokka announced.

"I do whatever I want Sokka." She retorted.

"Fair enough... Katara you can also sleep."

"Wow.. thanks Sokka, how generous." She sassed back.

I guess this is my destiny now. But why do I still miss those golden eyes so much?

~ Zuko

I could hear the rain fall from out my window. I remembered the night on the ship all those months ago. I remember how beautiful she looked in my arms. The rain soft against her face.

But now everything is different. (Y/N) is gone and I don't know where I'm going. Do I stay here and follow father? Do I go after her? I just wish the answers would come to me already. I'm sick and tired of not knowing where to go. I'm sick of being without her eyes.

Someone.... anyone... just tell me what I'm doing wrong... just tell me what to do.

I miss her more then life itself. Will I ever see her smile again?

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