Chapter 12

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I waited and waited,
It was quiet...far to quiet. I stayed low,  chained and scared. I knew I should have stayed on the ship... I shook my head. I needed to find a way out of here. Hopefully Zuko would come... but I didn't know how long that was going to take. They had taken my mask.. they had taken my cover. I was vulnerable. Suddenly I heard a creak at the doorway a red glean shot through my eyes.

He wasn't alone he had a another man with him... one of the YuYan archers I presume. The archer looked young around Zuko's age probably. His eyes were just as bittered as the banished Prince. Zhou stepped forward
"You know why we're here... tell me everything... who you are... who you were with and what business you have saving the Avatar."

I shook my head
"What the hell do I say...?" I thought... staying silent my eyes clouded by fear.

"I assure you that we have ways of making you talk... I would suggest you tell me everything now...unless" the archer stepped forward our eyes meeting "you want to become target practice..."

I pretended to be scared I mean I was...I was horrified but I pretended like his threat broke the truth out of me. Lies swept forward through my tougue.

"My name is... Daiyu... the only reason I had anything to do with this plot is that blue mask told me he would pay me if I helped him get back the Avatar... I don't know his name... he never told me one... but I know he just wanted to Avatar to sell him back to the Firelord for Thousands... I'm sorry I don't know anything else"

Zhou smirked trying to decide whether he believed me or not. Sweat dripped down my cheek as I prayed he wouldn't recognize me from Zuko's ship. Zhou stepped back.
"You guard her... I won't let another fugitive escape... I need to find out where there is room for a permanent prisoner in the Firenation mainland"

I gulped... it was just me and the archer.  Yet again silence stirred the room. Hours passed... silence lingered. My mind had gotten over the initial shock of being captured. But still my options weighed nim. The archer hadn't moved in hours I'm not entirely convinced he even blinked. He just stared at me... making sure I didn't try to escape. Suddenly I thought of  plan... it wasn't good but I could try. It's not like I had anything to lose...
"My-my name is Daiyu Sung..."

He gazed at me confused... great.... I must look like a crazy person.

"And... look... I know your job is to guard me but... this silence is unbearable...I'm already captured I'm not leaving... so please... can we talk... I just don't like silence"

He looked hesitant
"My name is Fai..." he said barely above a whisper.

A confused glance narrowed my brow.

"My name is Fai" he said louder.

"I'm sure I'm the first prisoner to ask for a polite conversation" I chuckled trying to lighten the tone.

His stonic expression then changed... a soft smile crossed his mouth. The first time in hours I had seen this man exhibit any real emotion
"I guess you are..."

"So Fai... how-how did you become a archer exactly?"

"The YuYan were formed in-"

"No how did you become an archer"

"No one's ever asked me that before...since-" he paused looking away what was he thinking? Our eyes met and I could see pure trauma before me"I've been an archer ever since I was young... It was a way to defend my village from the Firenation... but it didn't work and one day  they-they" he paused clearly emotional.

"You don't have to..The Firenation has taken things from us all..." my glance softened... had I gone to far? I'm taking advantage of someone whose clearly been through something.

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