Chapter 20

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We were in another village, this time at the side of the road begging. I sat by Zuko who was progressively growing more tense. The sun fell hot on my skin even under the brim of my hat. I turned to Zuko who sat beside me

"How are you holding up..?"

"..fine" he muttered crossing his arms.

I sighed turning my eyes back to the road.

"Spare coins for weary travelers?" Iroh asked the man passing, holding up his hat.

The man dropped a single coin in the hat and moved along.

"This is humiliating! We're royalty these people should be giving us whatever we want!" Zuko stammered

"They will If you ask nicely" Iroh promised to his unsatisfied nephew.

I sighed as my eyes turned to his,
"You forget we're not in the Fire Nation anymore... we're not exactly wanted here... we should be grateful for what we have "

"Spare change for hungry old man..." Iroh murmured to the woman passing

"Aw here you go!"

"The coin is appreciated... but not as much as your smile!" Iroh exclaimed before the woman left chuckling.

Another man past us... his eyes were shady and mischievous... I immediately distrusted him.

"How about some entertainment in exchange for.. a gold piece?" The man asked

"We're not performers.." Zuko threatened

"Not professional anyway...! It's a long long way to Ba Sing Se but  the girls in the city they look so pretty!" Iroh sung gleefully.

"Come on we're talking a gold piece here... lets see some action... dance!" The man commanded with his sword to Iroh. Zuko and I grew more disdain for the the man.

"They kiss all sweet like you've really got to meet.... the girls from Ba Sing Se!" Iroh sung while avoiding the man's sword.

My face jeered with anger. Zuko nearly looked like he was going to fight the man then and there.

"Hahaha! Nothing like a fat man dancing for his dinner... here ya go" the man said tossing the gold coin and walking off.

"Such a nice man!" Iroh smiled


"(Y/N)... (Y/N) wake up.."

"Zuko? It's the middle of the night what is it...?" I replied dreamily barely opening my eyes.

"Take this..." he said handing me my sword

"You really want to train this late?"

"..just take my hand... we have some buiness to attend to" he replied sharply gazing into my eyes

"Zuko what the hell did you do?"

"Remember that man who was rude to uncle earlier..?"

"Of course..." I muttered grabbing onto my sword

"We're getting revenge... come on.." he held out his hand which I quickly grasped in mine.

"Fine... I'll grab my mask"


We hid behind some crates and waited for our moment to strike. The moonlight covered the night in a thick haze. The man from earlier walked along the path as we watched in the shadows.

He took out his swords and looked around
"Who's there?"

Zuko looked toward me and nodded. He attacked the man and with little effort overwhelmed him. He threw him to the ground as I retrieved the swords he had dropped on the floor.

I took one and handed Zuko the other.

Revenge is sweet...

Authors note- sorry this chapter is kinda short y'all I just wanted to get a new one out :)

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