The ship was dim and lifeless. It was always hot from the amount of firebenders aboard. Zuko and I had kept quiet and unnoticed. We went off to a side hallway where we had planned to met Iroh.
"How are you doing (Y/N)...?" Zuko asked.
"As good as I can be... I never knew how much I was going to miss Iroh's pai sho games until now..." I smiled lightly.
"Just stay by me... once I capture the Avatar we can go home"
I nodded noticing Iroh was approaching us from the other side of the hall."We'll be landing soon... do you have a plan?"
"I'm working on it Uncle..."
Soon Zuko had come up with a plan. We prepared to get off the ship. Capturing the Avatar was not going to be easy.... but I prayed that this would work. Zuko's eyes had faded from their normal golden hue. I frowned but kept preparing the supplies for the mission.
"Zuko?""What is it (Y/N)?" He said distracted.
"When we get back to the Firenation... please put some medicine on the scars on your face... it's annoying me"
"I could say the same for you (Y/N)... that explosion was brutal..." he looked over to me helplessly, our eyes met"thank you for staying with me..."
"What do you mean?"
"You choose to stay with me this whole time... you and Uncle were there for me when I wasn't even there for myself..." Zuko glaced away.
I laid my hand on his shoulder,
"Turtle duck buddies stick together... always..." I said but I could tell he was still troubled.... "and as for your Uncle... you'll see him again...""What if I don't? What if I'm making a mistake?"
Just then I heard the metal door behind us swing open, I refocused my attention-Iroh.
" you're fishing for an octopus my need a tightly woven net or he will squeeze through the tiniest hole and escape"
"I don't need your wisdom right now Uncle..."
"I'm sorry I just nag you because well..." Iroh's voice weakened "ever since I lost my son-"
"Uncle... you don't have to say it..."
"I think of you as my own.."
Zuko turned around and bowed before the Dragon of the West.
"I know Uncle... we will met again..."
Iroh hugged him immediately. I teared up a bit.
"...after I capture the Avatar"Zuko stepped into the small boat we had been preparing... and I followed
"Remember your breath of fire.. it could save your life out there!" Iroh urged as Zuko and I began lowering the boat.
"I will...""And put your hood up! Keep your ears warm!"
"I'll be fine" Zuko replied as we hit the water. I looked up at Iroh one last time... I was really going to miss him.
"You ready (Y/N)?" Zuko asked as our boat began to drift away from the Fire Nation ship.
"Yep... we will reach the Avatar soon..." I looked up to the vast night sky of the North Pole "I hope..."
Back.... Forth... Back... Forth. We pattled our way through the icy waters. My skin grew pale fron the bitter cold winds. I could see the buildings of the Northern Water tribe come clear into view. Zuko signaled me that it was time to dock. I complied and changed my movement of the pattle until we hit land. The part of Ice we landed on was covered in Turtle-seals.
"Hey little guys..." I said motioning toward them. As soon as I got close they dove in a water hole cracked within the ice."Wow way to show Water tribe hospitality..." I muttered.
"Where are they going?" Zuko questioned "they have to be coming up for air somewhere ..."
"We should follow them... we will get noticed if we stay here" I said looming over towards the Northern water tribe structures.
"You're right... can you swim well?"
"Well grab onto my hand..." Zuko ordered holding out his palm.
"Here goes nothing..." I said as we rushed into the water hole.
The water was freezing and ridged. My swimming skills weren't the best but I was pulling through. My arms felt heavy and lifeless.
"Not that much longer now..." I thought trying to stretch out my strength. I could see light cutting through the harsh dark water. I pulled my body up and fell onto the ice collapsing helplessly. My skin was piercing from the frost. I breathed in deep letting go of air unwillingly. Next to me, Zuko breathed just as I did before then using his Fire breath for warmth. I copied the idea as the Turtle-seals roared with jeers."Be quiet!" Zuko comanded looking for where to go next.
"There!" I whispered spotting another hole we could use.
Zuko nodded and we began to swim up through it. We reached the top and gasped for air before going back below the water. The currents were steady and fierce and my eyesight became darkened. But, we continued swimming through the path. Our escape out of the water was blocked by a thick layer of ice. Zuko and I heated are hands until it melted through.
"We made it..." I panted leaning against the ice of the Northern water tribe building. I looked around
"So this is the water tribe... it's smaller then I thought it would be"
"Be quiet..." Zuko ordered as we started to walk through the village.
We looked everywhere until we found a small door leading to a clearing. In the middle of the grassy clearing there was a pond.... and next to that, I froze, The Avatar. He's really here! Zuko grabbed my hand and we waited in hiding by a bridge next to the grass. The Avatar had that waterbending girl Katara with him... she was talking to some other water tribe girl. Judging by her outfit she had a high social status, I listened in.
"Maybe we should get some help!""No... he's my friend I'm perfectly capable of protecting him..."
Zuko smiled,
"Well aren't you a big girl now?"
Dang it it was my turn for a snarky oneliner!... Pssh.."No...." The Waterbender panicked
"Yes..." Zuko said proudly
"Hand him over and we won't have to hurt you..." I grinned demonstrating with a flame.
Zuko headed towards the girl and began shooting fire at her. While she was detracted by that I prepared to attack from behind.
"I didn't come this far to lose to you..." Zuko said trying to hold his ground.
I waited until she had capsuled Zuko in ice."You little peasant... you've found a master haven't you.." Zuko said singling toward me.
Just then I throw flames at her rapidly
"I'd appreciate it if you laid your hands off my Prince" I sneered knocking her off her feet.As I was battling the waterbender, Zuko took care of getting the Avatar.
"No!" She shouted throwing Zuko back from the Avatar.I could feel the daylight break into the air. I delivered one final blow to the girl hitting her against a tree. It had given Zuko enough time to grab the Avatar.
"You rise with the moon... we rise with the sun... let's go (Y/N) our job is done here"Zuko carried the Avatar on his back through the harsh snowfall. We had managed to get far away from the Waterbender and had found ourselves in a deselect snowy wasteland. Just one more step.... I kept telling myself.... for Zuko just one more step...
Author's note- Hope y'all enjoyed the chapter!! We are almost at the end of season one ^^ please comment any thoughts below ~ Goldenfoxx (your humble Author)

A Second Flame: Zuko x Reader
Fanfiction❝ oh 𝓛𝓸𝓿𝓮.... You make such fools of us all ❞ .✫*゚・゚。.☆.*。・゚✫*. .✫*゚・゚。.☆.*。・゚✫*. .✫*゚・゚。.☆.*。・゚✫*. (Y/N) grew up as an aristocratic noble who attended the Fire Nation Girl's academy. There, she became friends with Azula, Mai, and Ty-lee. She...