So... ummm SURPRISE!!! I originally wasn't going to write a new chapter this soon but then I thought... "wHy NoT??" So here we are I guess XDP.S thanks to serena_s_snape for pointing out how well the song "New" by Daya fits the story!! It's at the top if y'all want to give it a listen ;)))))
She's gone. She's really gone.
Last night wasn't just some nightmare. Last night was real. (Y/N) had left me and left the palace. She wasn't coming back. She could be anywhere in the Firenation by now.
I could barely sleep last night. I could barely get up this morning. Nothing felt like it mattered anymore, without her.
"ZuZu, I'm coming in there." Azula sneered from outside my door.
"What do you want Azula?" I stammered holding back my anger.
"You've been a mess all day, even more pathetic than usual. I didn't even know that was possible. Who cares if she's gone? She was a traitor, just like uncle."
"Don't talk about her like that Azula." I snapped back.
"Face it Zuko, if she really loved you she would have stayed. Now, Mai wanted to speak with you come on.."
"We have to go into a village soon for supplies Fai. I'm sure there's one nearby. "
"I know... but the Firenation is probably looking for us. So we have to be careful. Since we're technically outlaws now." He grinned sharpening his arrows.
"This isn't my first time running from the law." I replied remembering my days in the Earth Kingdom, "just stick with me and we'll be fine."
We continued walking along the path, not really knowing where we were.
It's almost funny how little I've seen of my own homeland. I spent so long with Zuko I barely even left the capital.
Every so often we would see Firenation citizens with carts. But, Fai and I always hid our faces when they passed. But no sign of the Avatar.
Once again, night fell upon us and we settled down for the night in a cave. I lit a small fire in the middle for us to keep warm.
Funny, it's only been a few days without Zuko but it feels like so much longer. Even the stars seem dull without him. Moonlight falls upon my face illustrating the shadows. Fai is well asleep, but my mind is wondering on the promises I couldn't keep.
"(Y/N), when I find the Avatar we will return to the Firenation as heros! We could finally stop running... stop hiding. We would be free."
"Zuko, stop looking you need to rest. It's the middle of the night."
"Why do you always have to be right?"
I sat looking up into the vast sky. But, all I could see was him without me.
You choose this (Y/N), you know it's what's right. But then why do I feel like something's wrong? What if something happened to him? Would I ever be able to forgive myself?
My thoughts were a mess. Every time I tried to sleep, Zuko was the only thing on my mind. His face, his eyes, his rare smile, his voice, it was all coming back. From the day we met by the turtle ducks to the day we almost... well...
"(Y/N)..." Zuko breathed heavily placing his hand on my cheek. His skin felt soft against my touch.
My face turned into a blushing mess. Nevermind that now... he probably hates me.... so it's not like I'm going to get another chance to do.... 'that' with him.
But why should I care? I'm doing the right thing.... I'm doing the right thing. I'm going to find the Avatar and aid him against the Firenation. I'm my own person... I'm making my own choices, and I'm choosing my own destiny no matter the feelings I had for some damn prince.
I picked myself up and went away from our camp. This morning we were able to snag some food from a town nearby. So I at least didn't have that to worry about.
Nothing like some late night bending to distract yourself.
I looked up my eyes glistening,
"Huh full moon...better hope there aren't any waterbenders around."I created a wush of fire and organized the embers. Since it was night my bending was weaker, but still precise.
With every step I took I manipulated the flame before letting it burn out.
I remembered how Zuko and I used to train together. He would always look so proud when I got a perfect blast. Like all that mattered was seeing me succeed.
But, I looked at the faint burn mark on my hand Azula gave me on the day I met Zuko. The discoloration on my skin was a reminder of what Azula did to me.
"(Y/N)! Is your hand okay? Should I get my mom?"
"Zuko... I'm fine! I don't want to bother your mom. Let's go back to the turtle ducks..."
"Stop crying, imagine how weak you'll look if someone sees you." I told myself wiping away a buildup of tears.
Another night, still no sleep. No matter what I did all I could picture was her, her voice, her hair, that little gleam in her eyes. For days Azula's been trying to distract me, mostly with relentless insults and talk of what a "disgrace" (Y/N) was. But that doesn't change the fact that (Y/N)'s gone. Maybe deep down Azula missed her too.
But that would mean that Azula had a heart, which she definitely did not.
I got up and began to wander the palace halls. But everywhere I looked I could see (Y/N) running down the halls excited to show me something... everywhere I looked all I could see was the empty space where she used to be.
"Perhaps I could go talk to Uncle or something..." I thought, "he would just make me more upset."
After an hour of bending, I decided it would be best to head back to camp.
But still I was tormented by the memories.
They wouldn't leave.

A Second Flame: Zuko x Reader
Fanfiction❝ oh 𝓛𝓸𝓿𝓮.... You make such fools of us all ❞ .✫*゚・゚。.☆.*。・゚✫*. .✫*゚・゚。.☆.*。・゚✫*. .✫*゚・゚。.☆.*。・゚✫*. (Y/N) grew up as an aristocratic noble who attended the Fire Nation Girl's academy. There, she became friends with Azula, Mai, and Ty-lee. She...