Chapter 17 (End of Season 1)

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The air felt fridgid and cold against my skin. Every step grew more difficult as we trudged through the wintry terrain. I could barely see with all the snow crashing down fiercely onto the ground below. Zuko had the Avatar on his back a bit ahead of me.
"It shouldn't be much longer now..." I told myself

Suddenly, I heard a noise pierce my ears. Zuko's foot had craked through the ice on the ground.

Crack Crack Crack we ran trying to escape from the growing ice crack. My feet felt numb and exhausted... but what other choice did I have? I had to keep running.

I grunted as the ice tripped my feet and caused me to tumble onto the ground. Zuko and the Avatar fell not to far away from me.

"(Y/N)?" Zuko muttered bitterly
"I'm fine.. let's keep going"
"Shelter..." Zuko replied, I turned to where he was looking, it was a cave. A small smile of relief crossed my face.

We dragged the Avatar into the cave and presided to tie him up.

We sat across from the Avatar and warmed our hands. But I could tell Zuko was troubled... you could see it in his glance.

"I finally have you...but I can't get you home because of this blizzard..." Zuko stood up... I continued listened to him... " there's always something... not that you would understand.... you're like my sister... everything always came easy to her... she's a firebending prodigy and everyone adores her... my father says she was born lucky... he says I was lucky to be born..." at this point I think Zuko completely forgot I was there... he just stared off... his hair blowing in the cold bitter air "I don't need luck though... I don't want it... I've always had to struggle and fight and that's made me strong... it's made me who I am"

Zuko turned around... I stood up
"Do you wanna talk about it? I know its not easy but-"
"No... I'm alright (Y/N)... I got out what I needed to say already..."

My eyes turned to the Avatar... the arrow on his forehead were glowing a bright white shade I've never seen before. His breathing was heavy but steady... my eyes gazed back to Zuko.
"Guess we'll be here a while..."
"Yeah I guess" I layed my head back on the stone of the cave.

A great light flashed upon the Avatar. He's awake...
"Welcome back" Zuko smirked
"Good to be back..." the Avatar shot air at us knocking us away.

Zuko stormed over to the airbender and grabbed him by the collar
"That won't be enough to escape-"
I looked up to see the great beast flying above us. As it landed, the waterbender girl stepped off and faced Zuko.
"Ready for a rematch?"
"Trust me Zuko... it's not going to be much of a match..."

Quickly in to the match, the girl completely surrounded me in water and froze it to ice. I was trapped
"And this time you don't have your little girlfriend as backup..."

Zuko grumbled in response and was about to go over to help me when the girl shot at him. He had no time to worry about me

I tried Firebending my way out but the moon made it difficult. It was melting so slow....

Zuko was crashed to the ground in defeat near me.

The moment I did melt out of my ice i collapsed from weakness. My head was spinning in circles from the cold and I blanked out.

My eyes opened. Why-why was it so dark?

I was on the Avatar's great beast... but I turned my head

"Where's Zuko?" I stammered

My body felt weak and bitter but I got off the animal and began walking

"Where... where am I?'"

"(Y/N)!" A familiar voice said getting up from a nearby pond

"Iroh!! What is happening? Where is Zuko is... is he..." I struggled to finish the sentence "dead?"

"No... he went off to fight Zhao... you need to stay here you can't let Zhao
see you!"

"I won't... don't worry about me" I said running off as Iroh went back to the pond.

My feet were quick... I needed to find him...

"(Y/N)... you going back to your Prince" a harsh force grabbed my arm

"Fai... but how did you know my real name "

"I know now what a traitor you are to the firenation 'Daiyu' I know about Prince Zuko too... and to think I used to care about you? When Yuyan archers were called here to fight..
I knew you'd be here... I know all about your hunt for the Avatar...It's time you got what you deserved" he pulled a small blade out of his bag.

Before he could attack me, I seared his hand and made him let go...
"Not today Fai..."

He grunted and kept slashing at me. I dodged and fired at him in return..

"Miss me much?" He grinned


I kicked fire at his feet knocking him down. He quickly got up and slashed me in the back... this time he didn't miss. I became even more vigorous knocking the dagger out of his hands. Then, I grabbed him by the thoat and held a flame in my hand above him.

"Give me one good reason I shouldn't kill you right now?"

"Daiy-(Y/N) please..." he pleaded

I looked towards the Firenation troops running away
"Your retreating... join your comrades..." I let him go

"Thank you-"

"I said go! Don't make me regret this" I yelled stepping away. He was gone. I continued to look for Zuko.

"Zuko!" I screamed, he stood alone on a watertribe bridge... when he heard me speak his mind softened. I ran up and hugged him

"(Y/N) I'm so sorry... I left you alone... I'm supposed to protect you"

"Zuko..." I put my hand on his cheek "don't worry about it.."

"(Y/N)! Your back... it's bleeding!"

"Let's just say I got in a bit of a fight on my way to you... remember that YuYan Archer guy...don't worry after I put some bandages on it I'll be fine"

"I swear I'll kill him... " Zuko muttered

"I let him go..."

"I let Zhao go too... well I tried l...the Avatar got him"

"I must have missed quite the fight"

A rare grin appeared on his face

"Yes... yes you did" he leaned in and kissed me. I closed my eyes.... I felt like I was back with the turtle ducks


"I'm surprised Prince Zuko... surprised your not making us go back to capture the Avatar" Iroh said

We had made ourselves a makeshift raft from some scrap-material. After the 'bridge incident' we had found Iroh and prepared to get away. We drifted along the watertribe peaceful waves.

"I'm tired... so is (Y/N)"

"And you should rest" Iroh layed a hand on his nephew "a man needs his rest.."

Zuko layed down on the driftwood.

"See (Y/N) he can relax sometimes?"

"Yeah... yeah he can" I smiled laying next to him


"Hey I need to rest too!"

Zuko put his arm around me slyly.
"Just in case you're cold..."

Iroh grinned happily
"Ahh... young love"

End of Season one

Authors note- alright y'all thats the whole first season! Yay! So for next season we got Azula stepping into the picture so watch out!

P.S thank you all so much for your support of this story :) I hope y'all are enjoying reading it as much as I am writing

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