Chapter 43

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The darkness of the night covered the Western air temple. We all sat in a circle while Zuko prepared tea. I lit a fire in the middle of the circle so we could all see.

"No one can make tea like Uncle. Well (Y/N)'s is pretty good too..."

"Damn right it is!" I chipped crossing my arms.

"Umm anyway...hopefully I learned a thing or two. Would you like to hear Uncle's favorite tea joke?" Zuko finished.

"Sure." Katara said.

"I like jokes!" Aang exclaimed.

"Bring it!" Toph added.

"Okay well I can't remember how it starts, but the punchline is- leaf me alone-- I'm bushed!" Zuko reminisced to absolute silence, "well it's funnier when Uncle tells it."

"Right... maybe that's because he remembers the whole thing." Katara sassed while Zuko handed out the tea cups.

We all exchanged polite chuckles as I began sipping on my tea.

"It's nice to get a chance to relax a little. It hardly ever happens." Toph relaxed as I noticed Sokka approaching Zuko.

After some words were exchanged they both stepped away from the rest of the group. I was going to follow them but I'm sure if it's something important Zuko will tell me. At least I think he would right?

"So did I ever tell you guys the story of when I threw Zuko down a stairwell?"


"(Y/N)... wake up."

"Zuko? What is it this time?" I complained as my eyes tried to adjust.

"I need to tell you something important."

"For the last time Zuko... we can't cuddle it's the middle of the night, Toph can sense movement, and I'm not planning on traumatizing a blind child today."

"No- that's... nevermind. I'm going to be gone a few days with Sokka." He muttered trying not to be overheard.

"Dang your leaving me for your side piece Sokka? I'm a little hurt, but have fun I guess."

"Stop joking around (Y/N)! His father was captured in the invasion and we think he's at Boiling rock prison. I'm going to help him. I just wanted you to know before I left."

"I'm coming too." I smirked standing up from my bed.

"What no you can't- it's not a good idea." Zuko argued grabbing my hand.

"You got to have your little adventure with Aang. It's my turn to have a fun mission! Plus I got experience with prisons remember? Plus if you don't let me go I will literally set you on fire." Zuko blushed as I winked extenuating my eyelashes.

"Okay fine. Let's go, we're taking my war balloon, Sokka should already be there."


Cool air swept my hair as we soured through the clouds on the War balloon. Zuko and I took turns keeping the balloons source of fire. Sokka awkwardly muttered,
"Pretty clouds."

"Yeah... fluffy." Zuko replied as Sokka began to whisle, "What?"

"What? Oh, I didn't say anything. You know, a friend of mine actually designed these war balloons." Sokka replied.

"No kidding?" I teased accidentally on purpose putting my arm around Zuko.

"Yep, a balloon ... but for war."

"If there's one thing my dad's good at, it's war." Zuko awkwardly stated bending more fire to keep us a float.

"Yeah it seems to run in your family..." Sokka joked.

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