Chapter 25

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Zuko, Iroh, and I decided it was time to hit the road again. After Zuko's little fit with the lightning I was able to calm him down and all 3 of us set off on the ostrich horse.

We had been riding for a little while when Iroh started to make... "exaggerated" noises expressing his pain.

"Maybe we should make camp..." Zuko suggested

"That might be best" I added

"No please... don't stop just for me~" Iroh pleaded continuing to make noises.

Zuko scoffed and use the reigns to stop the ostrich horse. We all hoped off and I looked around. The farther we traveled the greenery became more and more barren. Sunlight pressed harshly on my cheeks.

Suddenly, the ostrich horse twitched and we knew something was approaching us,
"What now?" Iroh complained sitting on a rock.

Zuko and I assumed a fighting stance while I got out my new weapon. Within moments, we were completely surrounded by men on rhinos holding various weapons.
"Colonel Mongke.... what a pleasant surprise!" Iroh beamed laying his hand on his nephew.

"If your surprised we're here then the dragon of the west has lost a few steps.." Mongke replied looking down harshly upon Iroh.

All the men got ready their weapons,
"You know these guys?" Zuko questioned

"Sure.. Colonel Mongke and the rough rhinos are legendary! Each one is a different kind of weapon specialist. They are also a very capable singing group!" Iroh exclaimed.

"We're not here to give a concert...we're here to apprehend fugitives"

"Would you like some tea first? I'd love some... How about you Katche? I make you as a Jasmine man... am I right?" Iroh grinned looking at one of the rough rhinos. I smirked getting my weapon at the ready.

"Enough stalling! Round em up!"

I set the blade at the end of the pole aflame. Embers flared harshly against the cool of the air. I tightened my grip and charged at one of the rhino's riders. I jumped onto the stead and knocked the rider off while Zuko and Iroh fought with the others.

"New weapon (Y/N)?" Iroh asked while launching a flame at one of the riders.

"You bet" I called back helping Iroh finish off an attacker.

I threw my staff at another rider knocking the weapon out of his grasp. Zuko was then able to bend him out of the way.

Soon, all of the riders were taken down except for one. We all jumped onto the ostrich horse and zoomed down the path. Wind swung through my hair.

Suddenly, smoke struck our eyes. The attacker had thrown some kind of explosive at us. Luckily, the ostrich horse was fast enough to avoid it.

"It's nice to see old friends..."

"To bad you don't have any old friends that don't want to attack you" Zuko retorted

"Hmmm... old friends that don't want to attack me..."


We found ourselves in a small village on the outskirts of a desert.

"Can we get some tea or something? That fight did a number on my back..." I muttered

"Whatever you want (Y/N)... we need to look for someone to help us anyway" Zuko replied looking around.

"Ohh! Let's go in here! I think this one will have the people we're looking for" Iroh exclaimed pointing at one of the buildings.

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