Zuko and I waited for his Uncle to wake up. After the fight, we brought Iroh to an abandoned Earth Kingdom house. The walls were barren and the floor was torn. Daylight flared through open holes that used to be windows. To think that someone used to live here...
I shook my head and turned to Zuko,
"How's the tea coming?""Fine... I just hope Uncle will like it" Zuko replied slightly distracted. He kept staring at Iroh... his usually golden eyes seemed almost dull.
I thought I might as well try to lighten the mood before Iroh wakes up..
"Oh... I'm sure he'll like it... ZuZu"
Zuko cocked his eyebrow up,
"Really (Y/N)? You know only Azula calls me that...""Ehh it suits you..." I teased patting him on the head before locking my eyes upon Iroh. My heart sunk. "You are really worried about him aren't you?"
"Of course I am (Y/N) he's the only family I can trust"
"Well you have me too... turtle duck buddies always stick together"
"You still haven't forgotten about that day?" He smirked lightly.
"How could I? I'm kinda stuck with you..."
Suddenly, Iroh's eyes came to life.
"You were unconscious... Azula did this to you" Zuko said to his Uncle.
I struggled to watch as Iroh got up, Azula's strike had really done a number on the Dragon of the West.
"It was a surprise attack" Zuko continued the scent of tea heavy in the air.
"Somehow that's not so surprising..."
I tilted my head toward Zuko to remind him of the tea he had made for his Uncle.
"I hope I made it the way you like it...(Y/N) helped me do it"
"Mhmm... Good?" Iroh lied trying to reassure his nephew. "That was very... brazing...you two are truly a wonderful team"
Zuko refilled his cup which Iroh quickly poured out the window. I smirked to myself while watching the tea kettle.
"So Uncle I've been thinking it's only a matter of time before I run into Azula again I'm going to need to know more advanced fire bending If I want to stand a chance against her... I know what you're going to say... she's my sister and I should be trying to get along with her..."
Iroh paused setting down his teacup,
"No... she's crazy and she needs to go down"Zuko and I nodded watching Iroh struggle to stand up,
"Ahhh... it's time to resume your training"Zuko sat directly across from Iroh as Iroh got ready to explain his training.
I looked out of the house a sour feeling mounted in my gut.I knew Zuko's next step was to learn lighting bending... but what was my next step?
I was only a year younger then Zuko.... but I always felt he was far better at bending then I could ever be. I just wish that I didn't feel so useless sometimes! We need to defeat Azula... capture the Avatar... go back home together. I want to be able to help! I can't just follow after Zuko forever...
Iroh was explaining lighting to Zuko but I didn't feel like listening. I stepped outside the house,
"I'll be around if you need me""Be careful (Y/N)" Zuko shouted sipping on some tea Iroh had prepared.
"Remember we will be right here!" Iroh added
Iroh and Zuko practiced lighting bending on the hill where the house we were occupying sat. I could tell because of the sudden explosions and lightning strikes coming from the hill.
I stumbled through the Earth Kingdom terrain, trying to find a place I could clear my head perhaps even practice a bit. The land was dry yet bursting with life. It held a vast numbers of trees grouped together in grassy patches. Every step I took, my feet collided with dozens of small rocks.
I eventually settled on the town that the fight with Azula had burned down even more. All the buildings were destroyed and everything was covered in dust.
I settled in one of the buildings on the right side of the town since it was slightly more intact then the others.
It was quaint, most likely a storefront.
What used to be "supplies" were all either burnt up or in shambles. My eyes wondered as I sat on the floor.I attempted to meditate with bending two small flames in each of my palms.
Breath in.... breath out.
Calm air swept through my lungs.
I opened my eyes,
"Huh? What's that?"In the corner of the room, something shiny caught my eye. I neared it, it was covered in dust from the ground. I wiped it off... it was a long wooden pole featuring a curved blade at the end. The blade was dull, I lit my hands on fire sharpening the medal of the blade.
I had to assume it belonged to an Earth Kingdom soildier... as I had seen soldiers with similar weapons.
I picked it up... it was actually in pretty good condition for being in a place like this.
"Hmm... might as well take this as a souvenir..." I muttered swinging it around a bit.
I exited the building, the sky was dark and jaded... a storm was passing through.
I dashed back to the hill where Iroh and Zuko were earlier. But I was only greeted my Iroh,
"Where's Zuko?""He's went off on his own... I tried warning him but he won't listen" Iroh exclaimed.
"I should go after him! I don't want him getting hurt...the storms getting worse...you know how he gets-"
"No (Y/N)!" Iroh stopped me "my nephew must learn from this mistake on his own... that is the only way he can grow"
"I-I suppose..."
Damn you Zuko... you always make my heart beat so fast even when you're not here.

A Second Flame: Zuko x Reader
Fanfiction❝ oh 𝓛𝓸𝓿𝓮.... You make such fools of us all ❞ .✫*゚・゚。.☆.*。・゚✫*. .✫*゚・゚。.☆.*。・゚✫*. .✫*゚・゚。.☆.*。・゚✫*. (Y/N) grew up as an aristocratic noble who attended the Fire Nation Girl's academy. There, she became friends with Azula, Mai, and Ty-lee. She...