Chapter 23

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I waited behind the back of the crumbling town. Zuko and I had tracked the Avatar here. But, so had Azula. We waited as we saw her get near the Avatar who was sitting in the middle of the town.

"(Y/N) are you alright?" Zuko whispersd into my ear.

"I'm okay... just nervous"

My head was spinning off and on. I was still scared of Azula. I had been for years. Zuko had decided to confront her first, but he was still beside me for now.  I was terrified that if Azula hurt Zuko I wouldn't  be able to defend him. That I really was weak. So, I listened in to try to clear my mind... try to distract myself with something... anything. I could hear Azula tracking into town. She was close.... to close.... I began trembling. Zuko held onto me tight as we watched Azula and the Avatar.

"All right you caught up with who are you and what do you want?" The Avatar steamed, I could hear the tension in his tone. In fact, I almost felt bad for him. Having like Zuko and now Azula be hunting him down all the time... must be tiring.

"You mean you haven't guessed? You don't see the family resemblance? Here's a hint.." I could see Azula cover half of her face. "I must find the Avatar to restore my honor.  It's okay you can's funny"

I looked up... Zuko was definitely not happy about Azula's little impression of him. He cleanched his fists

"Zuko... just a little bit longer and then you can go after her" I muttered to him trying to be comforting.

"So what now?" The Avatar asked

"Now... now its over! You're tired and you have no place to go. You can run but I'll catch you" Azula threatened

"I'm not running" the Avatar replied standing up.

"Do you really want to fight me?" Azula sneered.

Zuko sprang from out of the buildings
"Yes... I really do"

"Zuko" the Avatar murmured

"I was wondering when you show up ZuZu... but where's your little girlfriend (Y/N)? Did she finally decide to leave you?" Azula teased

"ZuZu?" The Avatar chuckled

"None of your concern Azula! Now back off he's mine" Zuko comanded getting into a fighting stance.

"I'm not going anywhere" Azula replied.

From the cover of the buildings, I could see that Zuko and Azula had begun dueling.

Azula struck Zuko down with her strike of blue fire.

"ZUKO!" I screamed getting into the middle of the battle... Azula studied me as I ran to Zuko.
"Get away from him" I muttered turning my form into my bending stance.

"Well well well... looks like you didn't leave my brother after all..." Azula stated eyeing me coldly. "But I'll make you wish you did"

I could feel the hot embers swirl in the air as she shot at me. I stumbled back before regaining my composure.

Zuko entered back into the battle as both he and Azula tried to get the Avatar.

Shots of fire and wind collided in the middle of the crumbling village as the Avatar tried to avoid 3 firebenders.

The Avatar ran up into a building which Azula quickly raced into, Zuko
followed after them.

When I got into the building myself I saw Zuko crashed down on the floor of the tall building. Had he really jumped down without noticing that the floor was completely gone?

"Zuko you idiot" I thought while shooting fire at Azula. My flames hit her barely but she kept getting away from me before I could do any real damage.

The fight soon escalated outside of the building. I rushed to Zuko who was lying helplessly on the ground as Azula cornered the Avatar in another building.

The Avatar's crew rushed into town and the waterbender Katara rushed after Azula. I soon noticed her brother Sokka also chase after Azula, along with a girl who could Earthbend that I hadn't seen before.

But, I focused on Zuko who still laid bitterly on the ground.
"..Zuko..." I muttered trying to think of a way to help him. But, my mind was clouded with thoughts and worries.

My call was soon answered as a familiar face rushed up to Zuko
"Iroh" "uncle?" Zuko and I questioned at the same time.

"Get up!" Iroh urged helping up his nephew.

All 3 of us rushed into battle after Azula along with the Avatar's crew. All of us... Zuko... Iroh.... the Avatar... his friends and I focused towards her until she was completely surrounded. She had no way of escape and she knew it.

"Well look at this... enemies and traitors all working together I'm done... I know when I'm beaten you got me... a princess surrenders with honor..." Azula stated eyeing us all up and down. As she looked at me I could feel my heartbeat fastened.

She grinned ever so slightly as she shot Uncle Iroh down... she had deceived us! Zuko and I both looked horrified as Iroh fell to the ground. Iroh had never done anything to deserve this!

All of the Avatar's crew, Zuko, and I shot at Azula all at once until she vanished from under the smoke. I looked but... she was gone.


Zuko immediately returned to his Uncle and panicked. I joined at Zuko's side and the Avatar's crew neared us.

"Get away from us!" Zuko screamed anger brimming in his voice. His eyes were a mess of emotion and hurt.

"Zuko I could help" Katara assured stepping toward us.

"LEAVE!" Zuko comanded bending hot embers of fire at them.

The Avatar and his friends quickly left. The town was in complete ruins... everything was on fire... my skin was hot with pains. Zuko was a reck over his Uncle... everything was Azula's fault. She did all of this!

Seeing Iroh lay so helplessly on the ground.... then seeing Zuko swell up with tears over his Uncle. My heart beat fast and I looked towards the ruins of buildings...wondering where Azula had gone.

"She will pay..." I muttered placing my hand on Zuko's back "I will make her..."

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