Chapter 36

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After hearing the response Taeyeon's face immediately lit up, despite how tired she was. Stopping in front of her apartment door, she pressed the bell.

"Good morning Fany-ahhh." Taeyeon drawled into her phone and gave a quick smile at Sunny who just opened the door for her with a sleepy demeanor.

"Yah! Where did you come from early like this?" Sunny rubbed her eyes and stepped aside before crashing on the sofa. It didn't surprise her that Sunny asked her that. She spend the whole night over at her studio adding the final touches to her very new album and just came home now which is around 7.

"Good morning to you too Taetae." A way too familiar sleepy chuckle came afterwards the reply and Taeyeon giggled too, her heart already feeling with a warm tingly sensation. She was obviously ignoring Sunny's words in the background.

"Umm. I was wondering. Do you want to go on a holiday with me? You know, my manager told me today that I have a week off. He said that since my album finished, he wanted me to have a break and get ready for my debut. My album will drop after I come back from the break and so later on I won't have time. I want to spend this time with you. Plus, I haven't seen you for three days already! Three days Fany-ah. " Taeyeon pouted as she ran on and ran about how much she wanted to see the latter.

"Hahaha. You're being so cute Taeyeon." Tiffany's melodic laugh ran through the line and Taeyeon's heart flutter uncontrollably.

"Sure Taeyeon. I think I can ask my boss for a week off. Where do you want to go?"

"I was planning on going to San Francisco? We could even visit your family!" Taeyeon then found out she must've have been a bit overexcited. She mentally facepalmed herself "I meant...i-if you're not ready to show me to your family-"

"What are you talking about? That's great! I think they'll love you! And I think it's only fair to introduce you to my family."

"Okay....yeah..." Taeyeon suddenly feel nervous about meeting Tiffany's family. It means she'll meet her ex-professor again, which is Tiffany's dad. It's funny because she was the one who brought up the 'family' topic and now she's the one feeling uneasy.

Keep digging that grave of yours Kim Taeyeon. Keep digging. Soon it'll be enough for you to jump in and rest in definite peace.

"Uhh...yeah. I can't wait to meet your family!" Taeyeon lied as she crunched her face up in front of Sunny who was having a raised eyebrow, not knowing what situation Taeyeon was in.

"Hmm. When are we leaving?"

"Tomorrow morning. Manager-oppa will take us to the airport."

"What? Tomorrow?! O-ok...wait...what about the tickets and all?"

"Ahhh. Don't worry. I prepared them already." Taeyeon smirked, silently praising herself for being such a genius preparing everything beforehand. She had actually pleaded her manager for help a few hours ago and was silently hoping that Tiffany would accept the trip offer or else the tickets would be for naught.

"How about the price and all?"

"Don't worry. Just pack your things baby." Taeyeon assured Tiffany with a grin on her face.

"What? You expect me to stay still when you're paying for my trip?!" Tiffany's voice raised a notch and Taeyeon could almost see the massive frown blatantly plastered on her girlfriend's beautiful face. Taeyeon shook her head. She was actually expecting this type of reaction anyway.

"Tiffany. You're my very beautiful, intelligent, charming princess. I want to treat you finely."

"Taeyeon-ah. No...come on. At least let me pay half?" Tiffany's voice was back to the normal husky deep tone, but a faint trace of displeasure was still lingering there.

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