Chapter 23

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8:50 a.m.

Yuri came early, in normal denim jeans and a loose black hoodie. She stood in front of a bench, not feeling like sitting.

The sky was clear, patches of clouds floating around, accompanied with the chirping of birds. Yuri placed a hand on her beating heart and heaved out a sigh. Jessica would be here any minute.

Couples walked past her, going into Namsam Tower, probably doing that lock thingy. Talking about that lock, Yuri now found herself imagining Jessica and her doing a couple. Having their own imaginary lock, and key to seal their love forever...

"Stop imagining Kwon Yuri. That's never going to happen! Jessica would never do cheesy things like that. Rich people don't do that right?" Yuri scolded herself and slapped her cheeks lightly. Eventhough she said that, a moment later, she found herself imagining nonsense again.

She didn't wake from her daydream until a passerby accidently stepped on her foot, sending jolts of pain through her leg.

"Ahhh!" She recoiled her injured foot.

"I'm so so sorry!" The guy quickly said and bowed with manner before walking off. Yuri exhaled and shook her head, trying to move her numb foot.

"What time is it now?" Yuri asked herself and held her wristwatch up.

9:28 a.m.

Her eyes widened as she looked around her trying to spot Jessica. Her eyes scanned everywhere, from person to person, taking in their faces but she didn't see Jessica.

"Shouldn't she be here already? She said to wait in front of Namsam tower right?" Yuri looked over her shoulder and moved a little to the right to make sure she was standing EXACTLY in front of the tall tower.

"What if she doesn't recognize me?" Yuri began making up stupid reasons.

The next 2 hours, Yuri still waited and there was still no sign of Jessica. Beads of sweats were forming on her forehead because of the hot weather above. The sun was roasting her and her already-tanned skin got tanner and red. Yuri haven't moved from her spot, because she's afraid Jessica might not see her.

It was already 11 and it will be noon anytime. Her legs were starting to hurt and Yuri couldn't help but to sit on the bench nearby. It was her fault that she left her phone at home. Now she couldn't call or text Jessica.

"Could she possibly forget?" Yuri muttered under her breath, kicking nothing in particular. She was feeling disappointed and mad, mixed with fatigue. Since a child she was sensitive to heat and now her head was slightly hurting. Suddenly, she felt liquid rushing out of her nose. As a reflex, she raised her hand to touch it and saw blood staining her palm. Yuri cursed under her breath and fished a tissue from her pocket and stuffed a piece into her nose, in hopes of stopping the blood.

"Look what she's doing to me....aish!" Yuri hissed and pouted, trying to keep the tissue in place.

After a long moment, the blood stopped gushing out and Yuri threw the red tissues away into the bin beside her slowly. It was also at that moment that she saw a familiar figure walking towards her, with two men in suits following her from behind like bodyguards, maybe they are. Just like that, she's different from the others. She just stood out among the crowds because of her silky hair, awesome curves and amazing beauty. Yuri squinted her eyes and her brain finally got the message that it's none other than Jessica Jung.

The older girl was holding an iPhone 5 in one hand and a cup of ice coffee from Starbucks in another. Her expression was carefree and oblivious like she's not aware that she had come late for approximately 3 hours. Yuri stood up from the bench and swallowed her saliva to wet her parched throat. She shook her head a few times to shake the headache away and went towards Jessica.

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