Chapter 29

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Yuri dragged her finger across her dry lip for the very third time and stayed motionless in her tent, cross legged. She moved her head side to side, inspecting the tent to see Jessica had woken up before her and even folded all her blanket and pillows.

It's unusual to see Jessica wake up so early. The past nights that Yuri -happily- camped with Jessica, the girl was always the last to get up.

"Where did she go-" Yuri moved onto her knees and fell back in surprise as the tent zipped open and Jessica's head appeared.

"Oh! Y-you're awake." Jessica stuttered, and Yuri could see that the girl was also surprised.

"I just woke up." Yuri flashed a smile and moved aside to let Jessica come in. She silently thanked the creator of the tent though, to invent such small tents that allow Jessica and her to have such proximity.

"We should pack our stuff. Sunny said we'll be leaving soon." Jessica placed her set of clothes into her bag but stopped midway. Yuri raised an eyebrow wondering why.

Jessica tunred her head to Yuri and reached her arm out to gently pull Yuri's injured arm to her.

"How's your hand?" Jessica inspected the wound with such care that just makes Yuri's heart melt, despite the cold weather outside.

"Does it still hurt?" Jessica asked and Yuri shook her head slowly. Her body felt so hot and she can already feel the thing between her lungs pound strongly in her eardrums.

Her hand was hurting a few minutes ago but just as soon as Jessica held onto it, the pain went away. She knows it sounds absurd and cheesy but she hates to admit that it's true. Jessica is a magician to her. A sexy magician that is. Just a tiny bit of Jessica's magic, she'll be ok.

Why do I sound so retarded?

"I should change your bandage though and clean the cut again to make sure it's not infected." Jessica sounded like she was talking to herself more than with Yuri. True, her wound was kind of in an unstabe state. It was peeling off probably because of how Yuri moved in her sleep. Don't underestimate her sleeping habits...they're quite instense. Plus, the original white color was not so white now, instead replaced with a dull shade of red.

Jessica nodded her head, satisfied with her plan and tried to find the first aid kit.

After taking out the kit, she took out the needed supplies and placed them on her lap. While doing all those process, she never let go of Yuri's hand, much to Yuri's confusion. Jessica was doing all the work with her other idle hand, the other clinging firmly to Yuri's hand, making it harder for her to do things.

"Are the others awake?" Yuri made a conversation so that they wouldn't be so silent. Of course, she would be more than happy to watch Jessica clean her cut all day but it's just that it's awkward to be so silent and all.

"Umm. They're packing up right now." Jessica replaced Yuri's soaked bandage.

"Oh. I woke up without seeing you here. It was surprising to see you up so early." Yuri smiled sheepishly.

"I didn't get much sleep last night. I couldn't fall asleep. Didn't know why." Jessica replied and took in a deep breath.

"Oh." Yuri stared at Jessica who was examing the palm of her own hand quietly.

"Are you feeling ok though?" Yuri added.

"Yeh. I'm ok. Don't worry."

"Guys! Are you done packing? We'll be leaving in 15 minutes!" Sunny's voice screamed from outside and Yuri moved onto her knees.

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