Chapter 60 [EXTENDED PART 2]

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The cold breeze hit me flat in the face, my hair flapping crazily into my eyes. I tried my best to keep my cool demeanor as I wiped my loose strands of hair away and spit some out of my mouth. I peeked at the woman beside me and grimaced at how her hair was perfectly obedient and still, not flying everywhere like mine.

The wind is just not on good terms with me, I guess. Another gush of wind came and set my hair into another chaotic frenzy, poking out my eyes and intruding my mouth. A small grunt left my lips as I maintained my hair. I repeated a mantra of regret in my mind. Should've tied my hair, should've tied my hair.

"Gosh." I huffed and I could hear her chuckling. My cheeks instantly turned red from embarrassment.

"All we're doing is standing here waiting for a cab and you're already a mess." She wasn't looking my way but I could see how her lips curved into a smirk, from her side profile.

I tear my eyes away from her face, trying to stop the heat from rushing into my face and neck.

"I...I just have a bad hair day that's all." I coughed. Things were still so awkward. My heart pounded as I lifted my eyes to peek at her again.

"Stop giving me pedophile peeks, Kim Taeyeon." She turned her whole body to me, her perfect eyebrows cocking up.

"What? I wasn't looking at you!" I shot back as a defense as soon as she finished that sentence of hers. Enough embarrassment for today Taeyeon. You can't let Tiffany tease you like this anymore.

A soft chuckled came from her and I began to laugh.

"Seriously!" I tried to lie again but she just shook her head, a beautiful smile painted on her face. Of course she knew I was straight up telling fibs. The atmosphere died down as silence then tumbled over the both of us. The awkwardness came back like tides as I occupied my mind with thousands of thoughts.

Should I hold her hand? Will it be okay or too much? Should I ask her to be my girlfriend again? Should I find out whether she still loves me? Should I ask her how she likes my coat?

"Aish how come there's not one cab at all!" Her eyes shot me a glance of annoyance, trying to say it's my fault there's no cabs. Well it is quite queer, since this is NYC after all.

I jutted my bottom lip out and lifted my shoulders.

"How am I supposed to know?"

"Let's just eat at a place nearby." She began to walk with long elegant strides down the pavement and I watched how her long slender fingers glide their way through her soft fluffy locks and dropped down at her side.

Holy shit she was hot. Hotter than I've ever remembered. My heart beat faster as I trudged behind her, going wherever she's going. I couldn't care less about the place we're going to dine at. I'm not that hungry anyways. I took in her back and my eyes trailed further south to take rest at her perfectly-shaped bottom. Do they have any idea how much I miss touching them? I dream of them almost every single night.

I kept my eyes there as my heart pumps again and again, going faster each time. Hell yeah I'll be going to hell for doing this in public but trust me, I was trying my best to not be that obvious. Just then my heart almost had a stroke when she halted and twirled around all of a sudden. I have never been caught so red-handed ever in my life but I still diverted my eyesight somewhere else although I'm certain she already knew very well I was ogling at her buttocks.

"Why are you walking so far behind?"

"Why was I walking so far behind?" I asked again to buy me some time to come up with a valid excuse.

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