Chapter 5

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Taeyeon Pov:

It was Sunday and I was lounging on the couch reading my science book. Sunny went out awhile ago to who-knows-where. I chewed on my bottom lip as I read the context. Damn. What happened to myself? I'm so into studying! This is insane.

I chuckled lightly and shook my head in disbelief. What is Tiffany doing to me?? Thinking about Tiffany...I glanced at my phone. It was only yesterday that I saw her for the tutoring and I'm itching to hear her voice again.

I grabbed my phone and dialed to her. I waited patiently for her to pick up. Maybe I should ask her to hang out for a drink or something? Yeh...that's a good idea.

"Yoboseyo?" She picked up. I smiled brightly and started to walk around the living room.

"Hello Tiffany!" I screamed into the receiver.

"What do you want?" She asked, obviously in an annoyed tone.

"I was wondering if you have uh...some free time this afternoon? I wanted to meet up with you for a drink." I said and prayed she would agree.

"Give me a good reason why I should go" she said and I could sense the amusement in her voice. She just loves torturing me eh?

I looked around the living room for a good excuse when my eyes landed on the book I was reading.

"Oh! I have some questions about the lesson you taught yesterday. You see...I'm having a very hard time with it and I need your help." I made up the lie quickly, the real reason was I just wanted to see her again. Heck I want to see her everyday!

".....ask me over the phone then." She suggested in her husky voice.

I scratched my neck "it's hard to explain on the phone. It's better if we meet okay pweeeeese Tippany-ah???" I pleaded using the best agyeo I can do.

I heard her sign in defeat and grinned "araso...where?" She replied, tired.

"It's ok! I can pick you up you know?" I offered.

"No there's no need. Where do you want to meet?" She asked again and this time I can tell she was getting impatient.

"okay! The café at the corner of the street I live in. You know that place right?" I asked while jumping around the room with glee.

"Yes. I'll meet you there this evening at 5 o'clock sharp. Anything else?" She asked. I said no and she hung up immediately after muttering a quick bye.

I ran out to the balcony and yelled out a massive "YESSSSSS!!!!! YES! YES! YES!!!!" Then, I just screamed "AHHHHHH!!! IM SO HAP-" I stopped when I was interupped from a sound from below.

"Shut up you idiot! Are you crazy???!!! You're disturbing me!" a lone woman screamed from the streets and I nodded frantically.

"YES WOMAN!!! IM CRAZY! IM GOING CRAZY FOR TIFFANY WOOHOOOO!!!" I screamed and received a shoe that was thrown into my face.

"I SAID SHUT UP YOU CREEP BEFORE I CALL THE POLICE TO LOCK YOU UP IN JAIL!!" The same woman bellowed picking up her shoe back up.

I rubbed my injured cheek and pouted. Geez....don't be so mean. I trudged back onto the sofa and laid down feeling exhausted from the outburst I just made. Unfortunately, the woman just threw her 5 inched heel and the heel just somehow managed to hit me square onto my cheek bone.

I whimpered "stupid lady.." I mumbled and continued to read the science book. Just on cue, the door to my apartment opened and came in Sunny holding three paper bags.

"Taeyeon! I got your favorite ice- cream!" She yelled. Hearing ice-cream, my ears perked but I thought I have to concentrate on studying. The test will be next week. I have to get an A for the bet.

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