Chapter 47

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Taeyeon woke up with a jolt, her body sitting up at the speed of lightning. The room was dark, and the sound she could only hear was her heartbeat racing and her heavy breathing. Hesitantly, she placed her right hand on her chest and felt her heart thumping rapidly through her thin sheet of clothes.

She turned her body and her fingers searched the top of the bed frantically and when she came in contact with a second body laying beside her sleeping soundly, her breathing calmed down and so did her heart. Sweat trickled down her neck, soaking her pajama as she turned on the lamp.

It was just a dream. Just a dream.

She chanted in her mind in relief as her eyes now swept over the asleep appearance of Tiffany again and again to assure Tiffany was still with her. Her fingers snaked up to her nape and scratched it mindlessly as she replayed the nightmare she encountered. It seemed so real. So real that she's doubting if it was a dream or not. But Tiffany was here in front of her and that's enough to settle her brain.

She found it strange, how this was the first time she had this kind of gruesome dream. It never came to her before. Not even once. Honesty, it did cause some fear in her but she pushed it aside and walked out to get a glass of water. When she came back, her feet brought her to the window and she patted the blinds to see the view outside. It was still dark and the streets below only had a few cars riding past.

Gulping the rest of her water, she walked to the nightstand and checked her phone.

1:07 A.M.

Letting out a soft sigh, she felt goosebumps rising on her arms. It was getting quite cold and her head was pounding again and again bugging her to no end. Rubbing her eyes, she went to the bed and covered the duvet fully on Tiffany before slipping beneath the sheets too. Warmth enveloped her and she moved her body close to the asleep girl, wrapping her arms around the slender waist. Tiffany was having her back facing Taeyeon so she just placed a peck between the girl's shoulder blades and nuzzled before retreating to the edge of the bed, far from Tiffany.

She couldn't have Tiffany catching her cold. She just hoped when she wakes up in the morning the cold would go away so she can be able to kiss Tiffany properly. In the dark, she could just make out Tiffany's beautifully shaped back in front of her. She kept staring for a long long time and finally drifted into a dreamless sleep.

Taeyeon absentmindedly wrapped her fingers around the thing that was tickling her face. Still with her eyes closed, her fingers felt what it was and slowly, her eyes fluttered open lazily to see a pair of adorable eyes staring right back at her. Suddenly, they broke out into two small crescents. Taeyeon gave out a small smile in return and noticed that the thing she was wrapping her fingers around was Tiffany's fingers.

Just what did this girl do to me while I was asleep?

Taeyeon was still feeling sleepy though, even if the lights were striking through the curtains already indicating it was morning.

"Good morning." Tiffany greeted in a whisper and Taeyeon's heart swelled in passion.

"Morning." She mumbled.

Her eyelids drooped down again as she guided Tiffany's hand to her lips and kissed it softly before hugging it to her face, not letting go. Tiffany didn't make any move to take back her hand anyway.

"It's 10."

Taeyeon gave out a low hum in response but didn't move a muscle. The headache was gone and her body felt good as new. Looks like sleeping does wonders.

"Yah. Wake up." Tiffany gently shook her but Taeyeon was still as a rock.


Taeyeon groaned and sat up to only straddled Tiffany and pressed her lips against Tiffany's. They both fell back onto the bed, their lips still interlocked. Tiffany's right hand was placed on Taeyeon's back as the other was cupping the girl's cheek. It was a simple sweet innocent kiss. Nothing more. Taeyeon pulled away and dropped her head onto Tiffany's chest, putting all her weight on the younger girl. She wrapped her arms around Tiffany's waist and shut her eyes again to get more sleep.

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