Chapter 4

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It was three in the morning and I was still sitting at my desk reading the textbook. My whole life, I've never studied until three in the morning. NEVER.

Then, without noticing, I somehow fell into a deep slumber.


The next morning, I was woken up by the sound of my phone ringing non-stop. I groaned and cursed whoever called this early.

I looked at the ID and it was Yuri. "What is it Yuri?" I asked feeling tired.

"Hey Taeyeon! Good morning! It's Sunday. Wanna come over?" Yuri's chirpy voice rang through the line.

"I can't Yul. I'm busy."

"Busy? With what?"



"Yul? You there?"


"what's funny?" I asked feeling annoyed.

"OMG are you serious? You're studying? I never saw you study my whole life. If you don't wanna come just say so. Don't create such stupid lies midget!" She replied still recovering from laughter.

"I'm serious Yul. You know what? Forget it. Bye" I hung up.

I threw the phone onto my bed and sat down onto my desk looking at the stack of books. The thought of Tiffany made me smile again.

I quickly grabbed my phone and scrolled through the contacts.

"Aha!" I exclaimed after seeing the contact Tiffany.

My hand hovered over the calling button, still thinking if I should call her to say good morning or not.

I pressed call and my heart hammered as the phone rang.

"Bonjour?" A deep voice answered. What the fuck?

"Uhh this Tiffany?" I asked.

The reply came back in a bundle of words I can not comprehend.

"uhh excuse me? I said is Tiffany there?" I asked again.

Another storm of French came across the line, leaving me in a puzzled daze, my mind functioning what the man could've possible said.

"uhhh sir, I don't speak French, I'm Korean and I'm looking for Tiffany" I tried again. The man replied something in French again and I quit, pressing the end call.

"Boya? Did she give me the wrong number?" I frowned feeling hurt. If she doesn't want to give her number, just say it. She didn't have to go that far, giving me a random phone number.

My morning spirit was all gone and I suddenly had no interest in studying. I grabbed my phone and put on a jacket planning to go on for a walk.


The next day

I walked into my first period of class and sat at the backseat. It was Monday so I couldn't get to meet Tiffany because of my schedule.

I was looking out the window, into the clear blue sky. Thinking about the bet I made with Tiffany. Thinking about it made me smile. I'll just have to get an A to make her mine....well for a week at least. I frowned. I should've changed the bet into one month instead of a week. Stupid me.

After class, I rushed to the library. I walked down the aisle of books to search for anything knowledgable to read when my I looked out of the window seeing Tiffany out at the school gates. I smiled seeing her face but the smile was wiped clean when I saw that same guy who picked her up last weekend walked up to her.

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