Chapter 45

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"You did a fantastic job Taeyeon." That always seem to be what she hears everytime she finishes recording in the studio. Her manager praises her every single time, along with that smile of his, that make the skin around his eyes crinkle gently. The girl set down her headphones and shut the door to the recording room and flasned him a tight smile before giving him a respectful bow.

"Thank you."

"You've finished recording all three tracks and I can't thank you enough for coming back to Korea in such short notice." His eyes twinkled with sincere apology that he didn't seem to quit showing ever since she landed in Korea two days ago.

"Oppa. It's ok. Seriously. It's all in the past. Forget about it." Taeyeon replied and grabbed her thick blue coat to drape it around her thin body figure. She headed for the exit and stood by the door, her hand hovering over the metal knob.

"Taeyeon-ah. You've heard things going around this building right? How all the trainees aren't happy with you because you didn't have to train for years like them?" Her manager asked behind her and she sighed lightly, totally aware of what he was discussing about. It was all true. She bumped into the SM trainees here twice and they greeted her with hospitality, every word stabbing her nerves right on point and to only twist it with every other comments they add. Every single word from their mouth contained venoms and envy that she finds it quite hard to just ignore. But somehow she didn't fight with them. She understands what they were feeling. At least she hoped she did.

The feeling of spending half of your life training very single day, with the hope of one day, the company will let you debut into a star that captures the heart of every netizens. And then, there's this mysterious girl with a vague background coming in, and getting ready to debut right away without any proper training just because Lee Soo Man spotted her singing on a bench. It sucks. It's unfair. Taeyeon knows how all those trainees must feel and she's aware of how much they must despise her. But what is her place to do? She's just a jobless kid who glady expected a contract offered to her to become something she had always wanted to be as a child.

"Oppa. I know. I never really gave it much thought. Don't worry." Taeyeon lied, trying to stop her manager from getting deeper into this story. Honestly, those comments from the trainees did effect her. She sometimes do give it a lot of thoughts. It's even starting to get her worried, and doubt about this career she's stepping into.

"Taeyeon. I know how you must feel. Just..don't listen to them. They're just jealous of you. Ok? Stay strong. Focus on your own projects and when you turn famous, outshine them and prove them how wrong they were to judge you in the first place."

Taeyeon exhaled and gave him a light nod, her eyes situated on the metal door knob in front of her. She was having her back towards her manager so she has no idea what expression he was wearing but she's guessing it would be that apologetic face of his again.

"Oppa. Can we not talk about this?" Taeyeon threw him a glance and flashed a tight bittersmile. Like she guessed, he was having that expression on. She shifted her eyes away from him and cleared her throat. The air in the room seemed to suddenly morph into an awkward one. They were the only two to stay behind since the others, went out right after the recording finished. All Taeyeon wanted to do was to get out of there as soon as possible. She hated spending time with people in an awkward atmosphere. Staying with her manager wasn't usually like this but it was probably because of the subject they were talking about.

"Sure. If it bugs you I won't talk about it again. Sorry."

Taeyeon mentally facepalmed herself. Her manager really needs to stop apologizing too much. "Good bye oppa."

"Good bye ah wait!" Taeyeon heard him desparately yelled and she poked her head back inside the room.

"Merry Christmas." Her manager said and a grin came on his face making her chuckle. It totally slipped off her mind. It was the day she should be spending with Tiffany and the Hwangs. The day she should be giving Tiffany the present she prepared, but she guess it'll have to wait for tomorrow because that's when Tiffany will come back to her. Her stomach did a flip at the thought of meeting Tiffany again after three days.

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