Chapter 1

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Taeyeon's Pov:

A streak of sun ray escaped through the gap of my curtains and landed right on my eye lids. The alarm was blaring, the sound making my ears hurt. My hands went for it so clumsily my phone almost dropped from the bedside table. "Damn it. More reasons to sleep early, Taeyeon." I mumbled to no one in particular as I pushed my heavy body off the bouncy mattress.

"Taeng! You're late for class, again! " Sunny, my housemate, voice rang through the morning air.

"I know!" The scream I managed to get out scratched painfully on my dry throat. Skipping the shower, I went straight to getting all my stuff, not before brushing my teeth of course. I stumbled downstairs and was immediately greeted with Sunny's disapproving look.

"You gotta stop waking up late, I'm not going to be screaming my ass off every morning to get you down here, there's only so much this tiny throat can handle. By the time I graduate, I'm gonna have throat cancer and you'll be the one paying for my treatment you dumbass."

"Good morning to you too." I walked past her and paced to the dining table to jug down a glass of milk and get a piece of toast. I drank everything down and grimaced.

"Are you just gonna ignore-"

"This milk tastes weird." I cut Sunny off and glanced at her waiting for some sort of explanation when my eyes landed on the clock on top of our fridge. My eyes bulged and I forcibly pushed the whole toast into my mouth.

"I'm so late! Shit, I gotta go! See you later shortie!" I tried to mumble with the toast half way in my mouth as I made way for the front door.

"Unnie! Class is about to start." Yoona, a fellow classmate, whispered and beckoned to me desparately to sit next to her. I sighed in relief, partially it was because I made it to class just in time and partially because Yoona chose a seat far back which means I can sleep. As I trudged to her, my stomach squeezed and gave out weird gurgling noises. The sounds of impending doom and a painful trip to the bathroom. Pain blossomed inside my stomach and my eyes widened in horror.

'Could it be the milk this morning? I knew it tasted funky, aish damn it!'

I placed my bag down to the vacant chair and sat down. My stomach gave out a few more sounds and by this time, I was already sweating profusely. My hand went for my tummy and my legs shook nervously. Class was about to start and I'm going to blast my shit all over the damn seat if I stay.

"Unnie are you ok?" Yoona came closer to me and I immediately stood up.

"I-I'm going to be right back." I stuttered and rushed out of the class.

When I said I ran for my life, I wasn't kidding. I ran as if my life depended on it, and technically it kinda did. I dashed to the bathroom but the hallway was swarming with people, God was truly testing me today. The pain was getting worse by the minute causing me squeeze my legs together. I hobbled through the throng of people and when I finally did get passed everyone, I sprinted for the bathroom. My vision narrowed and focused solely on the bathroom door. Maybe that was why I didn't see the figure standing in my way. My shoulder clashed against the person and normally I would apologize but in this situation, it was the least of my concern. I pushed through the door and scrambled into one of the stalls sighing in content all the while praying to all Gods above.

Tiffany's Pov:

I was walking down the hall when a brunette bumped into me making me drop all of my things. My head snapped angrily to her but she had already entered a room. She didn't even stop to help me pick my things up, she didn't even say sorry! With this being the first time I've been to this university, it's not setting a good impression at all. I just hope that girl doesn't represent the social respect the students in this university has. My lips pulled down into a scowl as I quickly shuffled to my father's classroom. He's one of the professors in this university and since I was looking for a part time job, he had offered me to be his assistant.

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