Chapter 46

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Her palms were turning sweaty. Completely ironic because of the weather. She digged into her pockets and searched like crazy, her heart seemed to stop beating since a few seconds ago. Her brain stopped functioning, nothing was able to go across her mind as panic crushed her with no mercy.

Think Kim Taeyeon THINK!

"Taeyeon. What's wrong?" Yuri asked and looked back, seeing how Taeyeon had stopped walking,her face turning paler under th orange street light. The shorter girl didn't hear her though, her head trying to think straight, tracking back every single actions she had made. It was hard to think. It was hard to think when such large amounts of scary possibilities were flashing across her mind. Possibilities of someone getting the ring. Possibilities of her loosing the ring.

"Hey. You okay? You looked like you've seen- Hey! HEY! Where are you going?! Wait! WAIT!" Taeyeon turned around and sprinted back the way she just came from, leaving a confused Yuri running after her. The petite girl rushed through other people, only the sound of her boots clashing on the slick sheet of snow was heard throughout her body.

She was running back. Running back to the bar. That was the only place the ring could be.

She was a few feet until the bar when her feet slipped and she fell onto the cold snow, pain shot through her numb palms that had took most of the fall, now scratched with tiny burning cuts. She regretted not wearing mitts but that was the least to think right now. Gritting her teeth, she stood back onto her feet. In the distance, she could hear Yuri's faint voice calling after her and she knew that she was already attracting attention from the surrounding people because of her fall.

Not wasting another second, she opened the door to the bar and walked in, completely ignoring the loud chatters of people there. She squeezed her way through different people and a few nasty perverts and barged into the bathroom. Her eyes frantically searched through the three sinks for the ring she was more than sure she had forgotten it here. Her chest was heaving as she walked deeper into the bathroom.

The ring was nowhere to be seen and for the second time that night, she felt like her heart would leave the Earth any moment.

She found it hard to breathe as she fell down onto her knees against the tiled walls and let the tears that were threatening to fall collapse freely down her cold pale cheeks. Her sobs echoed through the four corners of the room as she cried into her hands, not caring if it was still hurting.

Why? Why is this happening?

She gasped for large gulps of oxygen and gritted her teeth in anger. It was her fault. She curled her hands into fists and hit herself again and again, at the same time crying out a vast amount of curses.

Among her sobs, she could hear the door bang open and the husky frantic voice of no other than Yuri filled the empty room. A pair of hands landed on her shoulders and shook her.

"Yah! Yah! Kim Taeyeon what's wrong? Why are you crying?" Yuri's voice was full of worry and Taeyeon felt bad to make her friend chase her through the cold like this, especially when her plan was to spend some time with her lover. Suddenly, guilt flooded into Taeyeon and she bit her lip to suppress more cries that were on then rink of breaking out.

She felt like a fool. A selfish fool.

"I'm sorry." She breathed out between sobs and that just made Yuri more fustrated.

"WHAT'S THE MATTER!?" Yuri raised her voice but Taeyeon stayed quiet, her body panting from her heavy out burst.

"Kim Taeyeon. If you don't tell me what's wrong I'll call to Tiffany right now." Yuri threatened and pulled out her phone but was stopped by a flustered Taeyeon. The older girl held grabbed Yuri's phone and hugged it tightly.

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