Chapter - Fifty-two.

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[Third Person’s POV]

Anita slowly pulled the curtains of her balcony to get a view of the world, outside. She looked down at the cars in the parking area. Her eyes fell on the police car and she wondered what had happened, why did the police arrive here? “Your friend might lodge a police case against you”. Her heart skipped a beat when Krishna’s voice echoed in her ears.

Closing the drapes, quickly, she called her mother in her room. Her mother reached hurriedly, “What happened?”. “Momma, if… if something—”, Anita stuttered, “If something happens with me; not ‘to me’, then I’m texting you a number, please call him and tell everything, will you?”. “Are you okay? Why are you talking like this? Nothing will happen to you! I won’t let anyone harm my daughter, this time!”, her mother said.

Anita sobbed when she hugged her mother, making her eyes moist, as well. “By the way, who is this he?", asked her mom, breaking their hug. “Uh friend. His name is Krishna”, Anita tried her best to not curl her lips into a smile but failed when she looked down and her mother caught her. “You forgot to say something”, her mother said. “Hm?”, she confusingly asked. “That you like him”, her mom smiled as she swayed leaving her room. Anita found her blood rush to her cheeks and make them burn. She turned a shade red and blushed when she thought about what her mother had just said.

But her happiness was ruined within seconds with the arrival of Aarav. “Baby girl!”, he greeted her softly, shutting the door of her room, careful to not make any noise. “Motherfucker!”, Anita said boldly in a high-pitched voice. “That’s the thing about you! You’re so fierce. You’re so bold, aren’t you little one?”, he said, grabbing her waist with his cold hands. “Yes, daddy”, Anita said with puppy-eyes. “Mmhm, I like the sound of it, little one”, he moaned as Anita traced his face features (his jaw, cheeks).

“You always called me ‘little one’, is it because I’m younger than you?”, she seductively asked. “Something like that,” he replied. Both Anita and Aarav knew that Aarav wouldn’t dare to do anything to Anita in their house. At least, in the presence of all the family members. So they continued to play and fool around. “Oh, I thought it was because my age reminds you of your dick, so small”, the hint of sarcasm was clearly evident in Anita’s voice.

“What made you forget the things that small dick made you do? Remember your screams? Your protests? Your pleas? Remember the blood? The soreness? Remember the fact that you were impregnated by the same dick that gave you so much pleasure that night? Remember, baby girl?”, Aarav reminded Anita of how he attempted her rape, tightening his grip on her waist. And how she was forced to swallow the birth taking pill by him.

Anita opened her mouth to say something but they heard noises so Aarav left her and went to check what had happened. Anita stayed in her room for about nearly a minute then came out. She saw Nishita, Darshan and police officers. And holy shit had her worst fears not came out to be true! “There she is,” said Nishita, pointing at Anita and everyone (Anita’s parents, Aarav and his parents, Darshan, police officers who were talking to him and some neighbors) ‘s heads turned to her direction. “But what did she do?”, asked Aarav, curiously.

“Just as I had thought, she has not told anyone yet,” Darshan told the officer who nodded towards him. Anita’s mother knew just what was wrong. She jumped right in front of her daughter; to protect her child. “No! Please!”, she begged. “Please, it was a mistake! She is sorry for what she has done. She didn’t mean to, it was an accident and unfortunate!”. “You— you both know her well na, beta. She can never do that. She was drunk, it was just a mistake”, her mother requested Nishita and Darshan.

Anita was barely able to function. She only heard her mother’s voice and everyone’s question of what had she done. Oh and if only they knew what she had done…! “Please!” her mother folded her hands and Nishita wanted to hold it but hesitated. “I’m sorry,” Nishita said, “but my parents didn’t deserve this”. “They did not deserve to be killed by her!”, Darshan spat.

“I DID NOT KILL THEM! IT WAS MERELY AN ACCIDENT! I WAS DRUNK. AND OUT OF CONTROL. I DIDN’T SEE THEM. I THOUGHT IT WAS A TREE AND I RAN INTO THEM BEFORE I PASSED OUT!”, Anita yelled, crying. Her mother cried, too. As well as Nishita, but careful not to break down. Darshan held Nishita. Aarav gulped and said, “I don’t think my cousin can do this, officer. There must have been any mistake,” he said.

You are…?”, the officer looked at Aarav and then at Nishita who marched towards Aarav. “Look who’s saying this! A criminal himself saving his criminal cousin. hmm, interesting!”, she said. “You CANNOT talk to our son like that”, warned Aarav’s mother looking at Aarav’s dad and then finally at Aarav who had clenched his fist. “Just like your ‘sister’, you must obviously have not told them what you did to her, all those years ago,” Darshan stepped forward, protective towards Nishita. “And you cannot talk to my wife, like that”.

“ENOUGH! NOW LISTEN TO ME! LAY ONE SINGLE FINGER ON MY DAUGHTER AND SEE WHAT I DO TO YOU ALL!”, Anita’s mother shouted. “YOU! YOUR MOTHER WAS MY CLOSEST FRIEND! MY DAUGHTER CAN’T EVEN DREAM OF KILLING HER! AND DARSHAN, YOU?! YOU DATED MY DAUGHTER AND SUDDENLY DUMPED HER, ONE DAY? BECAUSE OF YOUR MOTHER, NA? WHERE IS SHE NOW?! DEAD?!”.How dare you?! Do you even know what are you saying?!”, Nishita pushed Darshan away. “How can you say this about my mother-in-law?! You barely even knew her!”, she snapped. “Imagine if you had a sister, your mother had  a daughter, would she be okay if someone was trying to frame her daughter like this?! Wouldn’t she react the way I’m doing now?!”, she spoke. Darshan remained silent.

“I know that she would. Believe me, my daughter is innocent. She isn’t criminal. She did nothing! Nothing…” she cried. A lady officer stepped forward when a police officer (who seemed to be the leader to Anita’s family). “What are you doing?”, Anita softly whispered when she was being dragged by the lady and forcefully wear handcuffs. “Where are you taking her? No, no, no, no you can’t!”, her mother said. “Listen madam, now whatever you have to say, say in the court, at your daughter’s hearing. Let us take her in remand for tonight”, said the police officer.

Anita watched everyone’s face before she was forced to go with the officers. She blinked at everyone. She was pushed to sit in the police van with two lady officers and a man who had a huge rifle in his hand. She heard people whisper things about her. She cluelessly wondered what they must be thinking about her. They all hated her before, now they’ll hate her more.

Anita’s chain of thoughts broke when her mother caught her hand and said, “I’ll protect you, at any cost! I promise,”. As the van started, her mother was left behind and their hands were no longer together.

Darshan bit his nail, out of worry. He and Nishita were in their car, heading towards the jail or wherever the police van was going, as they followed them. He noticed tears that trickled down Nishita’s cheek. “Everything will be fine, Nishi. I promise”, he said, taking her hand on his thigh and squeezing it. “I hope”, said Nishita and Darshan nodded in affirmative as he drove off.

[Author’s note: y’all i kinda ship Anita with Aarav 😂😅👉👈]

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