Chapter - Thirty-two.

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I sighed as I pulled off my glasses and shut the file, I was scanning through. It had been two months and a week since our marriage and Bhai’s sudden demise.

Mine and Darshan’s relation hadn’t change, at all. I mean, we are still the same two individuals we were, before our marriage. But one thing that changed after our wedding is — I and Darshan hugged each other, while sleeping.

Sometimes, I would wake up and find myself wrapped in his arms, or close to his chest, or him keeping his nose inches away from my cheek and sometimes, glued to my cheeks. And I found all that cute. Because, why not?

So today, for the first time I was home, and Darshan wasn’t. He was off to a concert out of Mumbai. In the past two months, he performed about ten concerts and three gigs, in Mumbai.

Within these three months, I hadn’t slept without having him close to me. But today was the day. I convinced myself that I will have to stay without him; without him caressing my cheek or massaging my head, stroking my hairs gently.  Because, I couldn’t get used to him.

Honestly, if you asked me, I never in a million years ever, would be able to tell you about what happens after at least seven months of our wedding. I mean, the plan was that I and him will be filing for a divorce because, back then, we didn’t want each other. But now we do. Wait, what?

See how confused I am about him. I got tensed when he was close. I hated it that every time when he was meters away from me, I desperately wanted to grab him and kiss him. I wanted to know more and more about him. I wanted to discover his fears, his obsessions.

And I know, this is really very bad. All I can think of — is him. Everywhere I go, everything I do, I think of him. I knew this was really very bad and wrong as well. But I didn’t what type of feelings is it. But I want to know! I want to know what he was doing it me!

You might wonder, if I told anyone about my confused feelings towards Darshan. Yes, I did. I told two asshole friends of mine; Nabiha and Khushi. Who laughed when I said those things. Bitches!

Whenever I mentioned about me and Darshan they would laugh it off and told me I probably had ‘crush’ on him. SeRiOuSlY?! I somehow agreed with them. I mean, I was pretty much obsessed with him. And I had absolutely no shame in accepting the fact.


I ate lays chips while I used my phone as I lyed on the bed with my legs crisscrossed. I was wearing a black loose tee shirt with grey basketball shorts, which was my usual attire. Before you judge me mind you, Darshan has absolutely zero problems with it.

I scrolled down my Facebook feed casually and suddenly the screen changed as I received a call. ‘Incoming call from Darsh’. I didn’t think twice before answering the phone call on WhatsApp at eleven at night.

“Hey”, he said. “Hi,” I chipped. “You still up?”, He asked. “Mhm, who do you think you’re talking to?”, I joked. He gave a hollow laugh. Was he sad or… angry? “Hey, what’s wrong?”, I asked. “Hm? Nothing”, He replied. “C’mon, don’t be a prat. Tell me”, I pressed on. “It’s nothing, Nishi”, he said. I huffed.

“So…”, his voice trailed off. “So…?”, I said. “So, what are you doing?”, he asked, “How are you, by the way?”. I hadn’t seen him after midnight. “Good, you?”, I said. “I asked you two questions”, he said. “I asked you one, too”, I said, “You get an answer for an answer”. “Fine, I’m, well, um fine. Now answer me”, He said. “I just licking my finger after finishing a whole packet of lays chips”, I said.

“The green one?”, he asked, horrified. “Nah, the blue ones!”, I said. He sighed in relief. He loved the green — sour cream and onion flavoured lays chips. And by ‘love’ I mean ‘practically worshipping it’.

“So…”, this time, it was me who said it. “So…?”, he mimicked me. “So when did you say you were coming back, again?”, I asked. “I didn’t”, he said, his voice cold. Holy fuck! He didn’t? “Although, if you wanna know, i’ll be back tomorrow. Before lunch, I guess”, he said. “Oh, alright”, I said.

“Should I expect you to be home, or do you have a shift planned at hospital…?”, he asked. Honey, I have a day off. “No, they gave me a leave for tomorrow, dunno why”, I said. “Oh,” he said, “Cool”. I opened my mouth to say, ‘yeah’ and then suddenly I heard a familiar womanly voice.

“Darshan! What the hell are you up to? Don’t you wanna come? You said you only wanted to take a drag of cigarette, are you planning to finish the packet before the end of the movie or what?”, She said. She. Anita. With him. Them. Together. Oh god, I wasn’t ready!

“Is that—”, he cut me off, “No one! It’s— it’s no one!”, he yelled and then whispered something to her. Her. Anita. She was calling him. They were watching a movie. Together. I ducked my head down. “I uh I am sorry”, he said. I was surprised he hadn’t cut the call, yet.

“No, it’s alright”, I said. Lies. It wasn’t. I badly wanted to smack the shit out of you. Yeah, call it jealousy, I don’t mind, not at all. “Sure?”, he asked. “Yeah,” I said, “I have some work, I— I need to f—finish it, I’ll see you, tomorrow”. I stuttered with my words. “Oh, um alright, then”, he said. “Yeah, bye”, I quickly said and cut the call on his face. He clearly had a doubt of something ‘s wrong with me.

I fidgeted with my engagement ring on my finger and ran my fingers through my hair. I gripped my hair tightly, before I broke down. I sat on the bed, hugging my knees close to my chest and cried. I was so jealous! And you give me a reason, why I shouldn’t be jealous of her. She was with my husband, would you tolerate it if your husband was with another woman? That too, when they both had a thing?

But the real question was, what the actual fuck was Darshan doing with her? Watching a movie like seriously? I don’t believe, he would perform a concert, be tired and ‘watch a movie’ that too with Anita. It wasn’t even like that, he lied to me to go meet her, no. He did the concert and even posted pictures. And not only him, even his fans did. But,

What was the thing that could be done with Anita, only and not me? Was I not enough for him…? Or wasn’t I the right one for him…?

i’m really very sorry for not posting, had some problems :(
Show some love here, pilish! ♥

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