Chapter - Forty-six.

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On mine and Dii’s way to the ward number 95, on the fifth floor, I asked her uncountable questions. But she kept dodging all of my questions. She remained silent when I asked her about things.

When we reached at the ward, Dii pulled the door and pushed me in. “Ow!”, I said. My eyes widened when I saw Anita and an unfamiliar figure. Their clothes were soaked in blood. “Why have you brought me here, Dii?”, I asked, turning to Dii.

I looked at Anita and then at the other guy. “What happened to you? Are you, okay?”, I gasped. Anita suddenly pulled me in a hug which made my body jerk up in shock. “Ani…”, I said, rubbing her back. “What’s wrong? What happened? Why the hell are you guys not telling me anything? And… who is he?”, I asked.

“I’m so sorry, it’s all my fault. I shouldn’t— I should not have done it, I—”, she hiccuped, “I didn’t mean to— I am sorry!”. I did not understand even a single thing what she was referring to. Was she… was she talking about that night when she and Darshan were together?

But why would Dii come over because of that? I broke the hug and then looked at Ani first and then at Dii. “Is everything okay? Why is no one telling me anything? What is wrong with you all?”, I asked. Dii shut her eyes and tears started to trickle down her face. Anita’s tear strained face looked awful.

Her makeup was ruined, her eyes were puffed and her eye-liner was smeared. I started panicking because no one was answering my questions. And then I watched Dii walk over to the patients’ bed.

I almost forgot that this was the ward room for the unrecognised dead patients. But why the hell would my sister take me here? In this morgue? When Dii reached at the edge of the bed were the patients’ face was covered, she suddenly pulled off the drapes.

“Dii!”, I screamed without looking at the patients’ face instead stared at my sister’s face, “What are you doing? We can’t just—”, and then my eyes landed on the familiar faces. My eyes widened when I recognized them.

My mother. My father. My parents. The two persons who gave birth to me; who brought me up, fed me, fulfilled my needs and did every possible thing for my happiness.

I looked up at Dii and my mouth hung up. “What happened to Maa and Papa, Dii? And why did you take so long to inform me? What the hell is wrong with you?!”, I barked, not giving a damn about my language. Dii just shook her head to her sides and cried.

“I’m sorry to inform you but, they’re no more,” said that guy. “Excuse me? How dare you? How dare you say that about my parents? You don’t even know them!”, I lashed out at him. “Dii, Ani, did you just listen to what this guy said? He said that Maa and Papa are dead, he said they’re no more. How could he say that?”, I broke down into tears and Dii came to hug me.

“When?”, I asked, “How?”.

End of Nishita‘s POV.


Nishita and her sister cried in front of me and Krishna. Guilt hovered over me and before I knew it, I was crying, too. I placed a hand on Nishita’s shoulder whilst she was busy crying with her sister.

“When?”, she asked when she turned to face me, “How?”. I hung my head low and began to receive flashbacks from the last night, as I narrated the whole accident to them.

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