Chapter - Twenty.

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After knowing the date of mine and Nishita’s wedding, my family didn’t take much time to leave her house. Within an hour or so, we left for our respective houses. Luckily, we even reached home earlier than we thought. The second I entered my room, Nishita’s call came.

“Hi”, I said. “Hey. You guys home?”, she asked. “Yeah, just reached home”, I replied. “Oh, I’ll call you later, then”, She said. “No, it’s alright. You say”, I told her. “I called because Maa told me to. And now that she’s gone, so can we just cut the crap? Because, I hate the way we are talking, right now”, She said.

I let out a laugh. She too laughed. “So, what’s up?”, She asked. “Ceiling, perhaps?”, I joked. “Darshan”, She said and laughed. “Can we both just take out a minute and appreciate the fact that we are getting married within a month and half?”, I said. “Hm”, she replied.

“I think we should hangout more, with each other,” She continued. “Yeah, and I’ll stop making music and you stop working at the Hospital as a doctor”, I cut her off. “I didn’t say it in that sense, idiot”, she scolded. “In which sense did you say it, ma’am?”, I asked.

“It’s like, we can hangout when my shift’s over and you are free. We can take Ani, as well, you know?”, She said. “Even though she will deny and make you and me go, only”, I said. “That’s true, though”, She said. “Yeah”, I said.

“You should change your clothes, now”, She said. “How did you know?”, I asked. “Know what?”, She asked, back. “That I hadn’t changed my clothes, yet?”, I said. “I guessed it because when I called you, you said you just reached home, so yeah”, She said.

“I’m so sleepy”, I yawned. “Me too, go get some sleep”, She told me. “Yeah, I think, I’ll just—”, I yawned, again. “Goodnight”, She said. “Night, babe”, I said. “Excuse me?”, She said. “What?”, I asked. “Why did you call me ‘babe’?”, She asked.

“Maybe because you are a baby. Maybe not? Maybe, I called you ‘babe’, because I wanted to. Maybe not?”, I said. “You’re impossible. How am I going to live with you?!”, She exclaimed. “Oh, trust me you’ll have so much fun...”, I flirtatiously said. “Bye!”, She said.

“Brownie”, I said. “What?”, She asked, “Say”. “Nothing, just like that”, I said, smilingly. “As I stated, earlier — you are impossible to live with”, She said. I laughed. “Okay, bye now”, She said. “Yeah, bye”, I said. We cut the call.

Brownie! ♥

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