Chapter - Thirty-nine.

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I dropped off the idea of cooking because Darshan said he would order pizza and we can watch a movie. I could not help but agree with him, because why not? Meanwhile I and Darshan 'talked', my notification feed was blessed with lots and lots of wishes, from his fans and of course, my friends.

Khushi and Nabiha made a stupid video, and uploaded it on their fan page and I cried for hours and hours, smiling ear to ear at that video. I took a cold shower and wore decent clothes and snuggled close to Darshan on our bed.

Darshan was extremely busy with his phone and stuffing slice after slice of pizza, into him mouth. I laughed at him and he asked me what was wrong. I laughed and shook my head and he frowned.

He took a slice of pizza and shoved it in my mouth, I nearly choked at that. I rolled my eyes at him and he quickly took a photo. I smacked his arm and he faked a whimper. He laughed at me and continued to mock me until we decided we were going to watch a movie.

"Nishita, please! You do this every time!", he scolded. "So? It's my birthday, Darshan! Can't you do just watch a movie of my choice, for once?", I asked. "I can, but you do this every goddamn time! This is absolutely unfair! You never give me the chance to pick up movies! What do I want, huh? I just want to watch some other movie except for your Harry Potter series but no! You just don't want to watch any other movie but that damned series!", he added.

"Please, Darshan", I told him, innocently acting sad. "No, no, absolutely nO! Don't you dare do the those 'puppy dog eyes', it's so not going to work with me!", he warned. I leaned in closer. "Really?", I seductively said. "L-look you can't, ok? Just- step back!", he said.

I smiled innocently and stepped back. "Fine, if it's that what you want, you choose a movie. And it better be nice!", I frowned, crossing my arms on my chest and pushing a slice of pizza in my mouth.

He cheekily smiled and picked up some random movie, I had no interest in. Honestly, I didn't even pay attention to the movie, until Darshan dropped his head in my lap. "What?", I asked. "Can I?", he asked me if he could place his head on my lap and I nervously nodded.

He slowly dragged himself closer and lowered his head. He made himself cosy while he kept his head on my right thigh. Although, I felt it a bit heavy but I was enjoying it.

Currently, I and my husband are celebrating my birthday, in a darkened room, with the air-conditioner on sixteen degree Celsius and we both are covered a huge blanket with the lights turned off.

I had no idea when and how but Darshan had fallen asleep. Apparently because the movie was too soft and boring. And also because he chose it. Heh. I threw my head back on the wooden platform of the bed and pillows pressed against my back.

I ran my fingers through Darshan's hair and he loved it! Darshan wasn't someone who snored loudly. But he only snored softly when he was peacefully sleeping. He felt my presence peaceful. He liked being with me. He liked me doing all this.

But the real question was: Did he like me?

I pressed my eyes tight when Darshan moved. "Hm", he made a sound. He took my hand and pressed it on the right side of his forehead. He wanted a massage. I tapped my fingers gently on the directed side. "Just like that", he said and I softly chuckled. Suddenly, his body jerked up and he shifted close to me.

"Uh, sorry. I fell asleep. It's birthday, I forgot. It felt so relaxing being like that so, I just...", he rubbed the back of his neck. "I understand, no big deal", I smiled. He smiled back in response.

"What do you want for dinner?", I asked him and he swung his arm around my shoulder. "Hm? Oh, I think we should order some Chinese food, I'm craving for it", he said. "You're always craving for food, Darshan", I said. "Not the only thing that I crave for", he winked and I pressed my lips together to hide my smile, I knew what he meant. Sex. Of course.

And then, "Wait, did the movie just ended?", he spoke in disbelief. "Haha, really?", I asked and saw the ending credits. I opened the bottle of chilled Pepsi and took a sip. He hummed and did something with the remote. "What movie were we watching again, it was pretty boring!", I said.

"The Fault Is In Our Stars", he flatly said and I choked. "WHAT?!", I exclaimed in disbelief, "I thought Hazel Grace and Augustus Waters are boring?! Oh god!". "Why are you making a big deal of it, it's just a movie", he said. "It might be 'just a movie' to you, but it's amazing to me!", I said.

"And I thought you were devoted to Harry Potter, only. Huh", he said, flipping channels. "I am, but that doesn't mean I don't read other books or watch other movies!", I said, angrily. "Calm your tits, woman! We gonna watch Harry Potter, now", he said, stopping at HBO HD.

"Yay!", I smiled. "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, what happens in this one?", he asked. "If I tell you, it'll ruin the suspense, JKR's, the director's and the whole cast's efforts!", I said. "Jeez woman, just say you don't wanna tell, already!", he said and I laughed.

When Dudley and Harry were attacked by the Dementors, Darshan ordered Chinese food for us. And by the time Umbridge started her inquiry on teachers, the food was here. We finished eating when Neville found the Room of Requirement. And Darshan was too interested to see what happens next.

He was loving the idea of raising 'D. A.' or 'Dumbledore's Army'. He clearly was fond of Neville. I mean, I have thought about this many times. Neville Longbottom could have been 'The Chosen One' if Voldemort had not chose to go after Harry because like Voldemort, Harry too was a Half-Blood. And Neville was a Pureblood wizard.

Now we're watching the scene when Harry was saying goodbye to everyone for the Christmas break. Everyone left him, even Ron and Hermione alone with Cho Chang. Harry's crush. "He likes her, doesn't he?", Darshan questioned. "Yup", I said.

I knew what was going to happen next. "Mistletoe," Cho said, looking at Harry. "Probably the Nargles are behind it.", Harry replied and Darshan smiled. He also knew what was gonna happen after it. "What's a 'Nargle'?", Cho asked, leaning in. "I don't know", Harry leaned in and sealed her lips with his. And the next showed scene was, the Golden Trio (Ron, Harry, Hermione) in the Gryffindor common room.

We watched the entire movie and Darshan looked deeply moved when Sirius died. I held on my tears. When Bellatrix said, "Avada Kedavra", I lost it and broke down. The reason I cared badly was Harry and Remus' reaction. I remember Remus's lines from the book, "He's gone, he's gone, Harry. Sirius has left us".

"Daniel Radcliffe did a very good job", said Darshan. "Yeah, he did. Did you see David Thewlis' and Gary Oldman's acting? They're simply legends!", I said. "No wonder why Gary Oldman won Oscar", Darshan said.

"And then there is Helena Bonham Carter. That woman! She is just perfect for Bellatrix's character, I swear!", Darshan added. I simply nodded. "Are you turning into a Potterhead, Darshan?", I smirked and Darshan nodded, "See what have you created". I laughed.

It was nearly one am, when the movie was over, I and Darshan cuddled. I kissed his cheek and said, "Thank you, spent a good birthday after long". "Don't I deserve more than the kiss?", he asked, winking at me. "No", I told him. He frowned and hugged me from behind and I slept.

Author's note: There will not be any mention of the global pandemic, 'Covid-19', in this fiction, because it's completely fictional. That means, no lockdown, no Corona Virus outbreak.

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