Chapter - Two.

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Around at 5:11a.m. I brushed my teeth washed my face. Went to my table and started reading. I had a test so preparations were being taken by me. I mistakenly took my diary instead of my copy. I was still in sleep so mistakes were allowed.

Not knowing how I passed 2 good hours, I realized it was 7:32a.m. I went to the kitchen. Poured a pan with water. And put it on the stove. Moments later when it boiled I added milk powder in it. And mixed it with the help of the spoon of steel. I took out the jar of coffee out of the refrigerator and mixed a spoon and half into the mixture of water and milk powder. And then went the sugar.

I sat ont the marbled-platform of the kitchen sipping my coffee. And mostly peeping out from the window. I don't hate my parents, I never did. It's neither I want to rid of them nor I want to just push them away. I don't even want them to maintain a distance.

All I want is their time - their love, affection. That I have been yearning for years. After having a quality time with self I headed back to my room. Leaving the door behind shut. I smile at wall. It was all greyish white. I love the that one colour.

After staring the walls blankly,I got ready. Bathed, wore a brown top,jeans. A thin layer of eyeliner and a maroon coloured lipstick highlighted my look. My backpack hanged on my back. Phone clutched in my hands,tightly. I open the gate without bothering to inform my mother.

I saw Anita sitting on the couch. Anita Pundit - The daughter of my mother's one of closet friend's and my own best friend. "Hi!" She smiled. "Hey, how are you?!" I ask. She nodded in agreement as if she said, 'Good.' People nowadays are so canny that they have lost probably all the morals they had.

"Chalein?", She asked. I nodded and we began to walk. "Wait! Where are you going?"Mom said. "University, Maa." I reply. "Why are you here at this early morning? I thought we would meet at the Coffee Booth, after oure lectures" I ask her. "Early? I thought I was late. Had some work with Aunty." She replied, looking all-around. As if she never saw trees.

"May I know what kind of work?" I question. "Or, is it out of my business?. " I add,while she had a hearty laugh. "Mom wants me to get married. With--" I cut her off saying; "With?". "Aarav." My eyes widened. "A-Aarav?" I hesitate. "The one who rap--,Harass. Harassed you?"I add. "Hmm." She softly chips. "And what connection mom has with all this?"I ask.

"I wanted aunty to talk to my mother."She said. "But, Aarav tarnished your--"she cuts me off saying; "Exactly. In India,when a girl is physically abused, raped, harassed their honor is at stake. In most of the cases either the girl is forced to marry that guy who actually abused her. Or, She is either married to an old man who's elder than her father as well. Or, she harms herself or,her families do so. Or,she stays alone. Till her last breath."She breathes.

"Anita,I cannot even put myself in your shoes. Just imagining how hard it must be. Why did you not tell me about this?!" "I'll tell Maa to talk to aunty." I add.

Her words left me numb. How come she be this much strong after all this? It's pathetic to think about it as well. Just wondering doesn't she die everyday and breathes back again, I asked her; "From where do you get this much of strength?".

"In our respective lives there is someone who is the reason behind us living. We love that person more than anything else in the entire universe. That person and you my bitch, give me strength,energy." She smiled.
"And who is it? May I know?"I ask, quickly. "Okay, Is that person a friend whom I happen not to know?"I add. "You seem to be much interested." She laughs. "Huh?! Um- Maybe because, I am your best friend. But, yeah, I am. A bit." I bite my lower lip. "More than that." She replied. "More than a 'friend'?I ask.

"I do have feelings for Him. And he knows it. So does his family, friends. Like, probably all those who are close to Him know me. So do I. But... " Her voice trailed off. "But, what?", My eyes almost popped out. "He isn't sure. " She said. "About?" I ask.

"About his feelings towards me. Like, He is with me for the entire day. He is having a great time with me. No complaints no nothing. He is just happy. But, Somewhere He feels nothing 'much' for me. He treats me as a friend. But not as a Girlfriend. His mother said to give our relationship time. But, Then this all happened and His family said to back off. His family were like this girl is now disrespected by all so why to even make a bond with her? That's the reason why mom wants me to get married to Aarav." She sighed.

"What does he say? Is he okay with this decision? He doesn't want to get married to you, right?" I say. "He didn't even uttered a word. He just kept on making me feel good, happy. Probably he doesn't want to get married to me but, he wants me as a friend. And I know it. I can feel it as well." She replied.

"Why don't you get married to him? He must be a good guy.", I question. "I can't. Trust me, I can't. Moreover I won't either." She said. "But why not?"I ask. "Until he says I won't." She moved her eyes away.

"Then will you marry Aarav? Do you want to get married to that bloody rapist?" I tell her. "I don't know. If it is destined to be, then I'll have to. I cannot but marry him." She smiled. "I can't handle this anymore.", I hug her, tightly. She pats on my back.

"Why don't you tell me things related to you?", I asked. "Aunty called me yesterday and told about what she and uncle told you. You already have so many problems in your life, how could I just increase your problems?", She explained. "As if you won't increase it now", I said and she chuckled.

While Ani and I had a chat, we had reached the University. And somehow, the entire day had passed real soon. After class, I met her. "So, madam... are you going to bring your boyfriend to Nishthu Di's baby's naming ceremony?", I asked.

"Yes, perhaps. He stays busy and if his family allows, then he will surely come", Anita said. "Have you told him about the ceremony?", I asked. "No, I will", She said. "Oh". "Acha, I will take your leave now. Got to reach home early", I said.

"Yeah, sure. See you t'night", Anita said. "Yeah", I bid her bye and left. It took me over twenty minutes to reach home and soon as I reached home,I saw Nishtha Di and Kartik Jiju with their little munchkin in their hand. I went to them. "Hello, you lovely people", I greeted. "Hello, Maasi", Di said. Jiju flashed a smile at me.

"Have you decided baby's name, yet?", I curiously asked. "Mishti", Jiju said. "Aww", I said. "Mishtu", I said, softly pulling baby's cheeks. "Get ready now", Di told me. I nodded.

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