Chapter - Forty-eight.

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The rickshaw I was riding on, halted suddenly. “Ma’am”, the driver addressed me, “we’ve reached.” “Huh?”, I said, “Uh, how much is the rent?”. “A hundred and thirty rupees”, he pressed his lips. Normally, I would simply sit back and scoul at him. But today, I was no mood to argue with him because he asked much more than the actual price.

I nodded my head to both my sides, pulled a note of two hundred rupees and handed him. The driver stared at my face and gave me back fifty rupees. “Madam, I don’t have change…”, he said. The driver was not too old neither too young. Maybe in his late 40’s. I smiled at him and told him to keep the change. He gave me back a smile and folded his hands. Trust me when I say that, that no feeling can be as close as the one when you help a needy person.

I hopped out of the auto-rickshaw and stared at my building. I lived with my big joined family. I decided to take the stairs so that nobody would see me on the lift. I climbed up to the third floor and rang the bell of my house. I heard my uncle’s voice, “I just hope, it’s her”. “Yes, yes, it is her,” squeaked my aunt as she opened the door.

“Where were you last night? Why didn’t come home? What took you so long? It’s almost two days since we last saw you!”, said my dad. “Are you alright?”, came my mom’s frightened voice. I melted instantly as she pulled me in her embrace. “We were so worried about you,” she said, kissing the top of my head. “I’m alright, mummy”, I told her. “You need something?”, she asked. I feebly smiled at her and said, “I just… need a cold shower and something to eat”. She nodded and guided me to my room.

My mom opened the door of my room and I entered with her. “Beta…”, she said, her voice sounded too low, “I know what happened.” I froze. “Wha— what do you mean?”, I asked. “I know that you accidentally… ran into a car and that car was…” she knew it. “Nishita’s parents’ car”, I completed her sentence. She covered her mouth and looked at me shockingly. “I didn't mean to, mummy… it just happened… I was drunk”, I explained.

“It’s okay, I won’t let anything happen to you. I haven’t told your dad about it. And I won’t tell him anything. I won't let anyone harm my daughter this time, no one!”, she said. I hugged her. “Do you think… Nishita will spare me?”, I asked. “She will have to! I will beg her to spare you. She can’t ignore a mother’s plea. A mother who was her mother’s very close friend”, mummy told me. “I hope so,” I said. Mummy walked over to fetch my towel and handed it to me. “Go, quickly have a bath and I will make something for you”, she told me and disappeared from my vision.

I turned on the shower and beads of water danced onto my skin; all over my body. I rubbed soap over my neck and the upper portion of my body and started getting flashbacks. Flashbacks from last night, flashbacks from the night I was raped. I choked on air, and panted heavily. I stood in the shower as water tumbled down on me.

Basically I was a party animal, a terrible company, that kid of our building or school your parents always forbade you to be friends with. I was given nicknames as  ‘miss-steal-your-man’, ‘slut’ and if course, ‘whore’, but I was too carefree to give a flying fuck. Now, I pretty much regret it all.

I wished nothing had changed after I was raped. I wish people treated me like a normal human being and not a hoe. I wished… I never broke my friendship with Darshan and Nishita. Now I can only wish for these, but can never achieve them.

I faced the mirror on my wall, keeping my hands on the basin. The shower still running. I was someone who had fair skin, short height (about 5'2"), my hair who were jet black and it’s ends were platinum blonde, fell on my back. I wasn't too pretty. But I sure was a slut in my eyes, now.

I moved the knob of the shower and the water stopped flowing. I dried my wet hair with my towel, as well as my body. I pushed the door of the bathroom and came out wrapped in the towel.

My heart skipped a beat when I saw his smirking face… I took steps back and banged my back on the wall and gasped. I hold my towel tightly. “What are you doing here?”, I asked him. He just smirked and came closer. “When did you come from New York?”, I shot another question. “Just last night, why? You missed me?”, he asked, coming more closer. “You wish!”, I spat. “Uff! If this isn’t what I absolutely love in you… your this— this arrogance and sexy looks just make me go crazy! ”, he said. His face was now inches apart from mine. I moved my face, so he couldn’t see me.

“Look at me,” he said, in a commanding tone. I didn't react. “What did I say?”, he slipped his hand on my waist. I gripped my towel more tightly. “I said…”, he pushed my chin with his free hand and dropped it on my waist, “look — at — me”. I stared into his eyes, “What?”. “Where were you, last night?”, he asked me. “N— it’s none of your business!”, I snapped. “Oh yeah?”, he traced his finger on my collarbone.

“Get your filthy hands off me!”, I protested. “I promise you, I will. If you tell me where did you go”, he said. “Was out with my friends,” I told. “Hm, I can still smell beer from your mouth, nasty little girl aren’t you, huh?”, he said. His accent had slightly changed. “Leave me and get the hell out of here, Aarav.” I said. He gave me his signature smirk and left me. “I’ll be back again, now that i’m here, baby girl”, he whispered in my ears.

Chills ran down my spine as he shut the door close behind him. Aarav was here… once again… I hadn’t seen him since the night he raped me because he went to New York. And now we’re going to live together. All hell had to break out today only?

I got dressed and suddenly I received a text from Krishna. ‘Don’t go anywhere, stay at your house. Apparently, your friend is planning to get you arrested and I am taking your case. I hope you’re alright, stay safe.’ his message read.

Nishita was planning to file a case against me? How could she? Oh my god, things aren’t going to go well…!

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