Chapter - Thirteen.

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I unbuttoned the third button of my black shirt, revealing bit of my chain and the purple spots of you know what. And heard footsteps of someone’s. The door clung open and revealed Dad to me.

“Mr. Mehta called”, Dad said. “If they called to ask if I want to marry Nishita, tell them that I will”, I said, setting my hair. “Are you— sure?”, Dad asked while Mom popped out of nowhere. “Hmm”, I nodded in agreement. Mom immediately hugged me. “Finally”, she said as my father smiled.

My parents smiled being unaware of the things that I was upto. “I’ll say yes to them, then”, Dad said and I nodded, again. “I’m going out with friends”, I told to Mom, as Dad walked out of my room. “Yeah, sure, go. Be back soon”, she said, patting on my shoulders.

As I was driving my car, I realized that I saw Nishita. Light flashed from my car’s head lights and fell on her. She covered her eyes with her hand. All that was visible was her lips and fair skin with a bit glimpse of her temple.

She slowly moved her hand from her eyes. Revealing one of the most beautiful pair of eyes I’d ever seen. Those puffed eyes clearly stated she cried. Somewhere, I was a reason. Had my parents not kept a marriage proposal in front of her family, she would probably not cry. She blinked a couple of times at me, snapping me back to reality.

I parked my car near the place she was standing. “Um, hi”, I awkwardly said, as the glass went down. “Hi”, she barely whispered. “Going to meet Anita?”, I asked and she nodded. “You?”, she asked and I nodded. “Shall I drop you?”, I asked and she nodded, again.

She got in my car. We both sat in completing silence. Neither of us uttered a single word. “So, it’s it. Isn’t it?”, I asked, breaking the ice between the two of us. “What?”, she asked, confused. “You know, you and me, our uh— marriage, and um— families”, I said, clearing her confusion. “Oh”, She said, stealing her eyes from looking at mine, as she looked out of the glass.

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