Chapter - Twenty-eight.

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Sharp at 15: 22, everyone sat on the dining table, taking food on their plates. I tried to serve my father-in-law and mother-in-law as much as I could but every time I lent them a hand, my father-in-law refused. Although, mom didn't refuse as much as he did. He was... a big strange. Just like Darshan had told me.

And then there was Darshan, on the other hand. Who was continuously ordering me to pass him the bowl of curry, rice and what not. I never knew he was a foodie. I knew a little about him. Not too much, but just some stuff. Guess, I'll just know it all, soon.

Suddenly, I felt Darshan's hand on my knee. What. The. Hell? My eyes shot up to look at him and he murmured something. Trying to read his lips, I understood what he meant. Turns out, he was encouraging me to spread the topic.

"Mom and dad, I and Nishita have something to let you guys know. Actually, it's Nishita, to speak of precisely. Right, Nishi?", he approached. "Really? Even we were thinking to tell you both something", Mom said. Shit. Did my mother tell her? Does she want to say that I can't continue my job and have to quit it? Holy cow!

"Um, actually, uh... the thing is, that I-", "Make it quick, we don't have all day", I was cut off by his dad's words. "Yeah, right uh so um my mother and I had a small conversation about my job. She wants me to quit my job at Hospital", I said, slowly. Mom's eyes widened. Dad seemed calm and Darshan looked anxious.

"Well-", dad started to speak but mom cut him off, "No way! You're a doctor, beta! And a doctor's duty is to serve their patients. Patients should be a doctor's first priority. You can't. Sorry, but I don't agree with your mom. This seems so pointless! You're an independent girl. So what you are married now? I understand that you have a family now and they need you. And you need them too. But it's not like that they won't be able to survive without you. But your patients surely won't. They need you the most, be it in any situation.", mom said and my heart never felt so full.

Dad didn't look like he was happy. "I was going to say that maybe you should think about this decision. But now after hearing your mother, I think you should not... you know, stop working", he said, but he didn't mean it at all. But somehow it didn't matter to me.

"Well, now that everything is cleared, will you guys talk to her mother? You know she's an elderly lady and it would be rather better if two elderly people talked to her and convince her about this", finally Darshan spoke.

"Yes, sure. Why not?", mom said. And boy, was she not the best mother-in-law ever? I just am in love with her! "Now, it's time we share our news", she added looking at dad. "We are moving out of this apartment. Me and your mom. We are shifting to Ahmedabad", dad flatly said.

Darshan's jaw dropped. "What?", I spoke a little too louder. "Yes, we took the decision after thinking about it a lot. You know, your dad has lived here for long. And we want to give you two some place and privacy. You know, when your father got married he came here and lived in a flat with his wife and then he had you, Darshan. And you grew up. Now that you're married, your father wants you to stay here. With your wife, of course",mom said.

Well, that was one hell of a surprise. "By the way, we're flying to Ahmedabad next week. All the packings are done", mom announced. I and Darshan just stared at each other. Unsure of what we should say, we remained silent. But then I thanked them for thinking that much. And then his parents said it was just their duty.

Darshan's dad may be a little rude but he wasn't bad. He was like coconut, I recalled what Darshan told me.

When everyone was finished, I and mom went to the kitchen to do the dishes. Typical, I know. But, it's alright. "Are you thinking about something, beta?", Mom asked. "Oh, no. Just... nothing", I said and she gave me a nod. "So you are fine with our decision, right?", she asked.

I didn't know what to say. "Mom please don't mind me, but I don't have a lot to say. I'm so happy that you thought that much about it but it's not going to be easy. You know, I have to do night shifts some times, some days I might even not come home. How will Darshan manage...", I trailed off.

"You don't know much about Darshan, don't you?", mom smiled. No. "Not much, I mean... you know how quick the wedding happened", I said, quite awkwardly. "He's an all-rounder. He'll manage. And even he won't be home all the time. Sometimes he would be out for concerts, business meetings, promotions and what not. If anyone can manage, I know it's the two of you", She said. Aw.

I beamed at her. She patted on my cheek. When she left the kitchen, I washed my hands and wiped them. I clutched my phone from the marble platform on the kitchen counter and head to my room. What? It was my room too, now ok?!

Darshan was just lying on the bed, lazily. "Hey", he greeted as I shut the door behind him. I smiled at him. And sat next to him. "Darshan", I called. "You're welcome", he said, absolutely aware of what I was about to say. How on earth did he do that? My smile grew wider, "Thank you", I said.

I was grateful to him. Forever. Because, I knew Ma would be convinced easily, if his mom and dad convinced her. Thank you so much, Darshan.

All of sudden, my phone buzzed and the screen showed, Incoming call from 'Anii'. I battled with myself that should I answer the call or not and as time went by and I couldn't think what should I do, the call eventually ended.

"Who was it?", Darshan questioned. "Oh, um... just the random calls from customer care service", I quickly lied. "Oh" he said and I nodded.

I prayed that Anita will never call me back again or Darshan. But then again on a second thought, I secretly wished that she would call me again and I would confront her. Someday, not today. I've had enough for the week. I needed rest.

I fell on my back on the bed and Darshan did not bother to look at me. Because, I was on leave from work, I started fidgeting with my phone. And then at 17: 09, I locked my phone anr gazed over Darshan who was still busy doing something in his phone.

I shut my eyes and eventually fell asleep, as I was still tired because of all the things that happened in this week, to me and Darshan, of course.

Good morning, lovelies! If you liked the chapter, please do vote and comment down. If you didn't like something, feel free to let me know. Show all the love you have, on this chapter and little to me 😋. Hehehe, love you ♥

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