Chapter - Thirty-six.

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I left my bags somewhere, but I guess I kept them near the sofa, in the hallway and carried Nishita in my arms. I carried her in a bridal way. She began to hit her fist on my chest, “What the hell!”, she said, “You— you put me down right now!”. I rolled my eyes, ignoring her, she tightened the grip of her arms around my neck, causing me to get hurt.

“Nishita, before you strangle me, I swear on my dead mother, I’ll bury you down”, I warned. She pinched my neck and I flinched, hissing. “Nishita! Enough of your tantrums now!”, I started, kicking the door of our bedroom, “What the hell is wrong with you? Who told you to get drunk? And who gave you permission to touch my bottles of beer, might I ask?”.

I made her sit on the bed, straight and she looked at me, staring deeply into my eyes. I realized she had started to cry. “Oh god”, I said, kneeling down. Her eyes dropped to her lap. “Nishita”, I called out. She ignored it. “Nishi”, I said, like a whisper, “look at me, kid”. She forced her eyes to look up at me.

Her dark brown eyes pierced my eyes. Tears bubbled up in her eyes and fell down her from her eyes, going down her cheeks and then stumbling at her fist on her lap. I got up and sat next to her. She slightly shifted to face me. “Tell me what is it”, I asked. She shook her head in disagreement as if to say ‘no’.

“Nishita”, I said, tired. “I’m very tired and exhausted, too. You don’t know what has happened with me throughout the day and then now you’re trying your best to get on my nerves, please don’t do this to me. Your friend has already caused me enough trouble”, I added. “So you agree that you were with Anita?”, she asked.

“Yes”, I replied. No lies. Peace. 😌

“You agree that you weren’t at the concert?”, She asked. I opened my mouth to say ‘Yes’ but I suddenly realised what she had said. “Wait, what?”, I asked, “Could you come again?”. “You didn’t attend the concert today”, she spoke, casually. Although she didn’t seem drunk at all, I doubted if she really was drunk?

“The hell I did! Why wouldn’t I?”, I said, not-so-calmly. “No I mean, you attended the concert and you were with Ani as well, so I guessed you never attended the concert and spent your day with… her”, she said, fidgeting with her fingers. “First of all, stop doing that”, I said, pointing at her who has cracking her knuckles. “Sorry”, she said.

“Yes, I did attend the concert, for heaven’s sake, I get paid for doing that! And I had some reasons to come back Mumbai and spend some of my time with her”, I clarified. “What was it?”, was her immediate question. I rose a brow, “Am I being interrogated?”. “Yes, now reply me”.

“I— uh, why do I need to tell you?”, I questioned her back. “Because, I believe I married you and that makes me your wife and not only does it make me your wife, it even gives me the right to know where do you go, what you do, with whom you are, and all that so in short, I must get to know what you’re up to and when and with whom , as well”, she answered. “Ow, someone is burning?”, I smirked.

She blinked, as she looked taken aback for sometime by me. My smirk grew wider. She opened her mouth to say something but quickly shut it. “Yes, please say”, I offered her an innocent smile. “Don’t you dare cut me off! Answer me first!”, she said, angrily. Okay, um, how does someone tell their wife that they… well… they had sex with her ‘once upon a time’ best friend and now hardly someone she knows?

“I—”, “Yes, please say”, she mimicked me. “Why does it bother you?”, I asked. “Do I have to explain you again?”, she asked, back. “You are drunk, aren’t you? What type of drinker are you, again?”, I asked.

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