Chapter - Forty.

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~ A month later ~


“Darshan! Abbey yaar, Darshan!”, Hardil snapped me out of my thoughts. “What is it? I was thinking of something,” I rolled my eyes. “Never knew you could do that, that too by looking at some photo in your phone”, he smirked. “Shut up”, I told. “If only I shut up, who will give you directions?”, his smirk grew wider.

“Meaning?”, I asked. “You see, Darshan… you and I, we are not just friends or best friends or even, brothers. We are soulmates.”, he joked. I smiled a little then stopped. “I understand you and so do you. I know what you are going through”, he added. “Hardil, I don’t understand what the fuck do you say, just clearly say what you want to”, I said.

“You, my beloved mate, are stuck” he said. “What did I tell you about saying clearly?”, I shut my eyes. “Let me finish first? Okay so where were we? Yeah, you were stuck. No, actually you are stuck now. You are tearing yourself apart.”, he said. “And how am I doing that?”, I said, clutching a glass filled with water.

You love her and you can’t realise that”, he smiled. I choked on the water I gulped and nearly spat it but held myself together. “What rubbish? I don’t love Nishita”, I sternly said. “I think… you didn’t hear me quite clearly, bro. I did not mention your wife. I only said, ‘her’ and that could have been anyone”, he winked.

Well, fuck. I cleared my throat. “I— er, I thought you might have taken her name. Um, I was actually thinking about her, so I just… ugh! My tongue— might have slipped, yeah. That must have happened!”, I said.

“Whatever it is, it’s related to your wife. I can see that. And oh my god, are you smiling to her thoughts?”, he said, I hid my smile. “Shut up, idiot”, I told him. “Aw, just aw. I already ship you guys… Darshan and Nishita. DarShita? Or NishShan? No, no. NiDar? That means fearless, ew not that, either… hm, what can be a suitable name for my favourite couple?”, he continued.

I threw a pillow at him and he quickly caught it. “Is that a pinkish glow on your face? Oh my!”, he teased. I did feel my cheeks burn, but I didn’t know I was… blushing? I licked my lower lip, shyly. “Mr. Hardil Pandya, would you do the honour to get out of my office by yourself, or would you want me to kick your ass, and throw you out?”, I politely asked.

He laughed. “No bro, on a serious note, do you love her?”, he asked. ‘Do I love Nishita?’, I questioned myself. “I… don‘t think so”, I said. “Okay, let’s try again… do you like her?”, he asked. “I like her, a lot”, I bit my upper lip, “She’s just my type”. “Please don’t mind me, I know this is very personal, but have you two… you know…”, I cut him, “No, we haven’t”. I know what he means, and we haven’t had sex yet. Touching and kissing don’t count.

“Ah, I see”, he said, “Does she like you?”. Does Nishita like me? “I think, yes. I mean, she lets me be close to her, hold her, hug her and kiss her, so I guess yes?”, I said. “Hm, that’s cool. But not enough what I want to know”, he said. “What should I do now, mister love guru?”, I asked him. “Take her on dates. I know both of you are very busy but, that’s the only way to figure out the feeling of both of you.”, he said. He had a point.

“Listen bro, I know i’m hot but you don’t have to doubt your sexuality for me. So stop staring at me, sharam aati hai!”, he said and I rolled my eyes. “Ring her up!”, he ordered. I took out my phone from my pocket and dialed her number. I was about to find a corner to talk to her when Hardil stopped me. “Don’t go anywhere. I wanna see what you say to her”, he said and Nishi picked up the call.

“Hello?”, her soft voice went inside my ears. I put the phone on speaker and she spoke again, “Hello?”. “Hi, beautiful”, I said. “What the actual fuck?”, Hardil said. “Useless. Piece of shit. Complete idiot!”, I cursed myself, little too loud. “Hello, Darsh? Are you alright?”, she asked.

“Say, Darsh”, Hardil teased. “Hey, hi”, my voice softened. “Hi”, she sounded low. “What’s up?”, I asked, cracking my knuckles. “Nothing, you say”, she replied, casually. “I’m not too busy myself. Are you free, t’night?”, I said, looking at Hardil. “Yeah, why?”, I noticed the concern in her voice.

“Ah no, nothing to be concerned about. I just thought maybe you and I could go out somewhere. You know, like a date…”, I shuffled my feet. “Like a date?”, she gasped. “Yeah, why?”, I mirrored her. “No, just saying. We haven’t been on dates in the past few months”, she said. Point noted.

Hardil gave me a disgusted look. “So, we are up for a date, tonight. Right?”, I asked. “Hm, yeah”, she said, “I will be home, by six. Shall we go at around eight?”. “Eight-thirty, it is”, I smiled. “Thanks, bye”, she said. “Bye,” I murmured and cut the call.

Hardil had a smirk plastered on his face. “Hardil, meri jaan! I love you, chutiye!”, I jumped on him. “Ew, fuck off, gay!”, he said. And I smacked the back of his head.

Tonight. Eight-thirty pm. I need to reserve a table at some restaurant so I did. I drove off to home and waited for her. She came tired and looked exhausted. But she was ready to go with me.

I like her so much, goodness! Such cutie!

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