Chapter - Twenty-Two.

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The two days went very smoothly after my engagement. Mine and Nishita’s conversations had increased more. We would facetime at least two times a day and text in between.

I sprang on my bed, as I cut the call with Nishita. With me scrolling down through my Instagram feed, “Pagal”, I said as I thought of her while I sat straight.

I bit my lower lip, thinking of her. Slowly, taking off my clothes. I threw the black shirt on my room’s tiled floor. I let myself stay half naked with my jeans on, only. I went to the bathroom to freshen up and to sprinkle a bit water on my face and bare body.

Meanwhile, Nishita had texted me. That mad woman had sent me about eleven texts in a row and had video called me three times. I wiped myself with my towel and threw it on some pillow or something...

I answered her call and she said, “Hullo!”. “We just talked about thirty minutes ago, or something?”, I said. “So what?”, she made a face, “and why the heck are you naked, for Merlin’s sake?”, she said, eyeing my chest.

I looked at my chest, “What?”. “Hm? Uh, nothing”, she shrugged. “Eyeing me, huh?”, I winked, “What? No— no way!”, a smirk stretched on my face as she said that. “C’mon, just say it that you can’t resist me. Just say that I’m all that you can think about”, I played.

“Goodness, Darshan! Stop for once and for all.”, she said. “You really had to ruin my mood?!”, I asked, “fine, say what is it”. “I was wondering something”, she told me. “Good to hear that you can wonder, now say what you’re ‘wondering’?”, I said.

“Why’d you call me ‘babe’, the other night?”, she asked. My lips curled themselves up in a small smile. “Because, you know... I and you are engaged. We are, in one way, dating. Which technically means you and I, are in some way... boyfriend-girlfriend.”, I shrugged.

“Why didn’t I think of it?”, she nodded. “I dunno”, I said, “Is that what you really called me for?”. “Sorta. I was getting bored and you are the only person whom I can ring up anytime and you are so jobless, that you will pick up, no matter what.”, she told.

“Why am I even getting married to you?”, I asked. “I dunno”, she imitated me. “Accha, listen”, I said, giving her a look. “Say”, she permitted. “Are you free, tomorrow at night?”, I raised a brow. “Hm,” was her reply. “You know, I knew you would be. Because you are far more jobless than I am”, I smirked.

“Ahahaha, nice. What a funny joke. Oh god, I died laughing. Kill me”, she acted. She and I just exchanged some weird looks before she said, “Why, though?”. I replied, “Nothing. Just wondering if we could, you know, go out for dinner or something”.

“Whoah! Are you indirectly asking me out? Oh my god!”, she acted. “Are you for real, drama queen?”, I laughed. “Just saying”, she too laughed, “By the way, I don’t mind if you want to take me out, you know what I mean?”. Of course!

“Hm, let’s see then. Plan made. Tomorrow, be ready sharp at nine, I’ll pick you up.”, I told her and she nodded. Right a second before when were done talking and about to cut the call, she said,

“My friends were right, I guess. You are hot, babe”, and hung up. It took me and my two brain cells a whole minute to understand what just happened; what she just told me. And when I finally understood what she had said, I pursed my lips together and smiled.

“Pagal”, I muttered to myself and smiled. I fell on my pillow, smiling. I saw it was almost three in the morning in my phone. The first thought I had after locking my phone was about her — she was waking up. That absolute jobless mad woman!

I decided to shut my eyes and had dozed off soon after doing it.

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