Chapter - Six.

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Hours passed by and neither did I got to know why were mine and Nish's parents giving me and Nishita the 'We-are-proud' looks. And nor did I got to know the reason behind Anita blushing, when Nishita said that I'm the one Anita was talking about.

By this time I, Nishita and Nishtha talked a lot. Like, one cannot even imagine about the things we dug out from our past. From how we looked to how we look now. And Nishita's sudden transformation from the 'One with braces' to the 'Hot one' was absolutely stunning. Nishita and Nish said that I too changed a lot.

Meanwhile, Anita chose to keep her mouth shut, maybe because she had nothing to utter a word about. Nishita made me remember that I started calling her 'Brownie' when she was 15 and called her 'Brownie' until they left Ahmedabad.

She also made me remind that, she was the first one to call me, 'Darsh'. Because, she hated my name. And because I had such a long name, 'Darshan', she named me 'Darsh'. Which was short for 'Darshan'.

Suddenly, Nishtha left and took Anita with her, leaving me and Nishita all alone. I don't know why, I felt a sudden urge to call Nishita. "Brownie", I one kind of breathed close to her neck and she turned her back to face me and answered, "Hm, yes?". "Nothing", I blinked and smiled. "Some people never mend their ways", She sighed.

"Specially people like you!", She pointed out at me and I laughed it off. And then, that was when we realised our parents and Anita were glaring us and giving us looks. We faked coughs and cleared our throats.

We both went to our parents and we were served with our dinners. Our parents were this much into their selves that they even chose a table where they sat and even dined together.

When we were done with eating, apart from the Mehta family, my family interected with other people too. And then again, the Mehta and The Raval family sat to talk to each other. While they talked, I talked with Karthik. He was someone good to talk.

Then, Anita gestured me to come out, and I did the same. She hugged me tightly and I awkwardly hugged her back. "Um sorry, too", I said. "For being that rude, earlier". She nodded. "I can't stop myself from loving you", She said, "You keep attracting me and make me be in love with you, even if I don't want to".

"I don't, why don't you just understand, I-", I huffed. "I know," she said. "I think, it's best for both of us to settle down with someone," she added. "Hm, at least this is what I have been hearing from both mom and dad, off lately", I said, staring at the ground. "I think, I should really get married to someone, otherwise I shall have no other girl to get tied up with", I joked.

"You can always count on me, if you don't find someone to marry", she laughed. Anita - being Anita - made it awkward, again. All of a sudden, my phone buzzed and flashed mom's number. "I think, I should be going now", I said and left to search mom.

Once, I finally saw her she told me that we were leaving, finally! We bid bye to the Mehta family. I and Nishita parted our ways.

But, little did we know about what the Almighty had in store for us, the next day.

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