Chapter - Fifteen.

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Tired of running, we both breathed heavily. We sat on a bench. “You still couldn’t catch me”, I said, struggling to inhale air. “I caught the collar of your shirt, don’t lie”, she said, pointing at my half open shirt. “Hey, I just realized you dug your nails and scratched my chest”, I said. “Button it up”, she casually said. “Will that reduce the pain?”, I asked. “It isn’t even paining, I’m sure”, She said.

“It might not be paining, but it’s burning”, I said. “You just please button up your shirt, otherwise if someone sees us like that, they’ll think wrong about us”, she said. “Wrong as in?”, I rose a brow. “People will think we’re— making out”, she said as she turned tomato red.

And that’s when I decided to beat around the bush. “So what? I mean, c’mon we will be getting married real soon, and can’t we just make out like those horny bunch of adults?”, I said. “You and me? Ew, disgusting!”, she exclaimed. “Excuse me, woman and teenagers die to get laid with me”, I bragged.

“But I do not”, She straightforwardly said. “No wonder why you’re still a virgin”, I said. “How come you know that?”, She asked. “Whoa, I was just bluffing. Are you really? Oh my God!”, I squeaked. “Fuck, you’re not supposed to know it”, she swore as I laughed.

“How old are you? Twenty-four? And still a virgin? Aww”, I mocked. “So what if I’m still a virgin? It just makes me feel good about myself. I feel pure.”, she said. “Don’t tell me now that you believe you’re ‘God’s child’. Come on, man you use swear words. Stop behaving like a kid”, I said. “Who knows, if I am?”, she asked. “Yeah, sure”, I laughed hard as she hit me.

We stayed silent for a moment. “I was wondering that since we’ll be getting married, the topic of going on a ‘honeymoon’ is also a part of marriage. So, I was thinking for our honeymoon, we could go to the Virginia Beach, you know?”, I winked. “Stop it, please”, she begged. “’Kay, fine”, I said.

“Let’s just go back home, it’s getting colder and it’s quite late”, I said, checking my phone. She nodded and we sat in my car. “Hey”, she said, “I just got this idea that, why not make some rules that we both will be following after our marriage?”. “Seems nice”, I said, “There’s a notepad and a pen”. I handover her a pen and notebook.

“Rule no. one — None of us will sit on the sofa. We both will sleep on the bed”, she said. “Agreed”, I said.

“Rule no. two — My parents do not stay at home on Saturdays and Sundays. So, either of us will have to cook or we’ll order food”, I said. “Alright”, she agreed.

“Rule no. three — Neither of us will make any of us uncomfortable. Be it by physical touch or be it verbally”, She said. “Not agreed”, I said, as I drove. “May know I why not, Sir?”, She asked. “Because I know that you’ll say to me to take your v-card, someday”, I joked. “Darshan, I’m serious”, she glared at me. “I’m not kidding, either”, I shrugged.

She wrote something on the pad and handover it to me. “Sign here”, She told me. I stopped the car. ‘I, Nishita Mehta, agree with the rules and regulations given above and therefore sign below for my approval’, she had written. I huffed and took the pen from her.

‘I, Darshan Raval, agree with the first and second rules stated above and disagree with the last one. I, therefore sign below for approving the first two rules, only’, I wrote and signed. I gave the pad back to her. Her eyes widened as she saw what I wrote. I laughed wickedly. “We’ve reached home”, I said, pointing at her building. She was about to get down when I stopped her. “Oh madam, give me your phone number so that we can stay in touch and discuss about these rules”, I said. “Give me your number, then”, she said and I exchanged my with her.

“I’m gonna save your name as, ‘Virgin Brownie’”, I said. She hit me for the last time and got out of the car. “Bye!”, she said. “Bye, virgin brownie”, I teased and waved. She left Poor girl!

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