Chapter - Forty-two.

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W A R N I N G:
Author’s note: If there is someone named ‘Peter’, ‘Tom’, ‘Draco’ or ‘Hermione’ mentioned, please forgive me! I was watching Harry Potter and Avengers while writing this! 😭😅


Darshan smirked wildly when his hand landed on my waist and I almost got up. “Darshan!”, I rolled my eyes. This man is so horny! So freakin’ much, I tell you…! “What?”, he said, shifting me to his right thigh from left. I arched my back.

“It hurts”, I said. “I’m not even sorry”, he joked and I shot him a death stare. “Okay, erm… where does it hurt? Here?”, he said, pressing my lower back. “Ouch, yes kinda”, I almost moaned. “It’s okay, no need to do that, you have caused me enough trouble, thanks,” I said. He chuckled.

Then his eyes landed on mine. And it felt like the world had stopped moving around. I blinked many times hinting him to break the eye contact but he didn’t. Instead, he just went deeper and deeper inside my eyes, watching my pupils grow wide; as if he was… he was searching for something. An answer to some of his question, maybe?

And that was the moment when he tucked away my hairs behind my ears. I looked down at his abs. He had three buttons open. Three. Fucking. Buttons. Revealing the most parts of his chest. “You could have just open all those buttons, you know?”, I joked and he laughed, shaking his head.

“Well, I thought of wearing a tie so I just left the three buttons open”, he said. “What’s the point of wearing the tie, then?”, I asked. “Yeah, right”, he nodded and started to loosen his tie. Shit! Shit! Shit! He had to do that when every movement of his turned me on?!

Once, he had completely loosened it up, he pulled out over his head and kept it on the table. “Is it better now?”, he said, ruffling his hair. “When was the last time you had a shower, Darshan?”, I asked. He looked taken aback. “Well, oh um… I— I think it was… no no, I didn’t shower that day before performing. No that the other day, as well”, he thought, “Ugh, maybe three to five days ago? Maybe?”.

“Disgusting!”, I exclaimed. He just tightened his grip around my waist. I squirmed. “Darshan…”, I said in a low tone, “I think… it’s too late. I am needed at the hospital tomorrow, and I have to do the dishes, too”, I looked everywhere but at him. “Just stay around for a little longer, then I’ll help you with the cleaning”, he said.

“We should hire a maid”, I offered. “Nishita”, he said. Well, fuck! “I do not want a third person in my house. Do you have any problems with cleaning and doing all those household chores? I can help, you know?”, he added. “I know, but it’s like, being a doctor it’s not really very pleasant. Every day, you have to see someone die, sometimes it’s right in front of you. I come home exhausted, every day. I need some rest, too and you’re also not always at home. So I just thought…”, I said.

“I will think about it, then”, he said and I nodded. I got up and he looked at me. Of course he looked disheartened, and his expressions said that he wanted to grab me by my wrists and pull me back. But he did no such thing. Instead, he also got up, and helped me picking up the plates.

“Ah, I didn’t realize that it’s just eleven pm, too early to go to bed”, he said. When I was done doing the dishes, Darshan’s phone buzzed. Friendly reminder that Darshan never left my side, while I did the work. He was in the kitchen with me, watching me work.

“Why is your dad calling me, now?”, he asked. Papa? At this time? “Pick it up”, I told him and so he did. “Hello?”, he said. And then greeted. “Yeah, yeah she is with me, I think… her phone is at home, we are out somewhere, so she might have forgotten her phone. Oh, alright I’ll tell her. Have a safe journey, then”, he said and quickly cut the call.

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