Chapter - Twenty-six.

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My eyes slowly opened up and saw nothing as my room's lights were turned off. I moved to my left from sleeping on my stomach. I was thinking, about how things fell into places. How I and Nishita got married. Speaking of Nishita, I heard muffled cries from her side.

I moved to her side and saw she was sobbing. Who the fuck cries at night? The clock in my room's wall said it was past three in the morning. "Hey, are you crying?", I struggled to get up. Her head shot up. She quickly wiped her tears.

I would say she was a little emotional, but knowing how she is or what her type is, she is not one of those types of girls who cried on the night she got married. "I, er-", she couldn't complete. Her nose had turned three shades redder than the normal shade of her nose.

I sat close to her. "You can tell me, we're- well, married so we will be having each other's back in every ups and downs of our lives, you know?", I assured her. She gave me a soft nod. "Darshan," she said my name, "when you were sleeping, my mother had called me. And told me about something that I and her had discussed earlier".

"Am I aware of that 'thing'?", I asked. She shook her head in disagreement. "Should I know it?", I asked, again. This time, she nodded again as if to say 'yes'. "Okay, tell me", I told her. She shut her eyes, tightly. And finally said those words,

"Maa wants me to quit my job. She thinks now that I'm a married woman, I should stay at home and not go to the hospital to serve other people instead of serving my husband and his family". My jaw fell on the ground. Literally.

"Please tell me Mummy didn't say it", I said. I called her Mummy because I liked it. "She did", Nishita softly replied. "And what did you say to her?", I asked. "I told her that I will. But now that it's about time I do so, I'm nervous. I don't want to do this.", she said. I gulped hard. "I don't want to quit my job, Darshan. I don't want to.", she broke down.

"If you don't want to - then don't do it. Don't quit your job, Nishita", I told her. "What?", she spoke, disbelief clearly evident in her eyes and voice. "You heard me the first time", I said. "Are you- are you sure?", she asked, worried.

"Of course I am! I know what being a doctor means to you. And hell, I even know how it feels like when someone says to quit things we love. Trust me, I know. My own dad told me to stop making music. And now, your mom is saying the same to you. Don't pay heed to anyone. Not at all. Do whatever you want to do. No one will force you not to go to the hospital. You're a doctor. You can't just.", I told her.

"Your dad and my mom are different. My mom, is well, my mom. Too stubborn. She'll somehow get me do things the way she wants them to be done", she said, "how will you convince her?", she asked. "I'll show her logic, perhaps?", I asked and she scoffed.

"If only it was that easy, I wouldn't be here with you, now", she smirked but soon after, she looked down. Ouw ok, now that hurt. "I'll talk to her. I will, well- convince my parents. They will tell and maybe she will stop forcing you?", I said and her eyes shot up.

"Is it, possible?", her voice rose, hopefully. "As far as I know, yes", I smiled. A soft smile smeared all over her face. Truth to be told, she looked cute. Suddenly, she pulled me in a hug. "Thank you", she murmured against my neck. I hugged her, tight and said, "Anytime, wife".

"Now, let's sleep shall we? When I woke up it was three something now it's almost five in the morning.", I said, breaking the hug. She hummed and nodded. Before I pulled the blankets over us she said, "This is going to work, right?". "I hope so", I told her. "I trust you", I heard her say.

"Goodnight or good morning, whatever", I laughed. She beamed at me. Man, wasn't I blessed seeing her smile like that?!

Ever seen a beautiful bride cry on her first-night with her husband? Well, you just did! Lot more is to come, hons *wink wink* ;)

Also, I literally posted a new chapter within two days 'cause of you lovely people. Don't let this chapter flop, ok? Love ya! ♥

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