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Monday 9am

"OMG SHUT UP MAX!" I said while laughing hard. Max was sitting on her bed doing her makeup nearly crying of laughter. " OKAY OKAY FINE! I'm just saying that he definitely has a crush on you". I rolled my eyes at her. Why would hunter like me. Even if he did thats gonna be a no for me. Max continues getting ready as I sat on her hanging chair. There was a soft knock at the door and I saw her brother, Marcus. Marcus always drove me and max to school since he was the only one with a car. "Hurry up im leaving in 12 minutes" he said before leaving and going to his car. "Wow he's cranky this morning " I said to max. "Yeah i don't know whats wrong with him, you go to the car ill be there in a bit" max said. I nodded my head and grabbed my bag. When I got outside I saw Marcus sitting in the front seat of his car. Of course I chose to sit in the passenger seat because why the hell not.

There was something on my mind lately, it involved Marcus. I didn't want to say or think about it ,but he's pretty hot honestly. He is a dick though so its never gonna happen. Marcus mumbled the work "fuck" to himself before he reached over and put his left hand on thigh. He used my thigh as balance to grab something from the back of the car. I sat there in shock until he came back and moved his hand off my thigh. I looked visibly uncomfortable with what happened and marcus saw. "It was nothing, just grabbing this" Marcus said, dangling a bag of weed in front of my face. I rolled my eyes and laid my head on the window. Just in time for things to get awkward, max popped in the car breaking the silence and obvious sexual tension.

Flash forward to 11am, humanities class.

"Okay class I've handed out some assignment sheets on your desk so you know what your doing, read the sheet, pick a partner and get started." Mrs. Stewart said before leaving the room. Me and max already new we were going to be partners so we sat next to each other after the teacher left. Me and max talked about the assignment and came up with a few ideas for it. The teacher came back and noticed I was with max. "You guys are to good of friends so this isn't really a good idea, umm.... hey Marcus come here, okay max go find another partner and you y/n are now partners with marcus." The teacher gave me a quick wink before sitting at her own desk. Of course she was trying to set me up with him but I wasn't going to fall for it.

school project (marcus baker x reader)Where stories live. Discover now